January 2025
Arabs and Israelis: From October 7 to Peacemaking
With Abdel Monem Said Aly and Khalil Shikaki
November 2023
Crown Conversation 18
“After the Israel-Hamas War: Likely Scenarios and Outcomes for Israelis and Palestinians”
With Michal Ben-Josef Hirsch, Yezid Sayigh, and Khalil Shikaki
September 2023
Crown Conversation 17
“On the Third Anniversary of the Abraham Accords”
Co-author with Sanam Vakil
July 2023
Middle East Brief 155
“Iran's Nuclear Threat in the Biden Era: Israel's Response Options”
October 2021
Crown Conversation 10
“The Impact of the May 2021 Hamas-Israel Confrontation”
April 2019
Middle East Brief 126
“Trump’s Peace Plan: Engagement or Swift Rejection?”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
January 2018
Middle East Brief 114
“Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration and 'The Ultimate Deal”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
December 2016
Middle East Brief 104
“Israel and the Palestinians: Sliding toward a One-State Reality”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
November 2015
Middle East Brief 95
“Saving the Middle East”
Co-author with Abdel Monem Said Aly
August 2014
Middle East Brief 83
“Stabilizing Gaza-Israel Relations: What Would It Take?”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
March 2014
Middle East Brief 79
“‘Resetting’ U.S.-Egypt Relations”
Co-author with Abdel Monem Said Aly
February 2012
Middle East Brief 59
“What to do about Nuclearizing Iran? The Israeli Debate”
Co-author with Shlomo Brom and Shimon Stein
August 2011
Middle East Brief 54
“Beyond September: Lessons from Failed Mideast Diplomacy”
December 2010
Middle East Brief 48
“Pressing the ‘Reset Button’ on Arab-Israeli Negotiations”
November 2009
Middle East Brief 39
“The Obama Presidency and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
December 2008
Middle East Brief 32
“Policy Options: The Obama Administration and the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
November 2007
Middle East Brief 21
“Is It Still Fall in Annapolis? Thinking about a Scheduled Meeting”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki
September 2006
Middle East Brief 10
“The Hezbollah-Israel War: A Preliminary Assessment”
December 2005
Middle East Brief 1
“Palestinian and Israeli Policy Options: Implications for U.S. Diplomacy”
Co-author with Khalil Shikaki