Interdepartmental Programs in Education
Last updated: December 18, 2024 at 1:45 PM
Programs of Study
- Minors
- Major (BA)
- Master in Education
- Advanced Graduate Study
The Education Program pursues goals that neatly fit the mission of the School of Arts & Sciences, Brandeis University, and the Brandeis Framework for the Future, including a “reverence for learning, the exercise of critical thinking, and a commitment to improving the world through one’s talents and actions.” In this spirit, we want our graduates to:
- View educational processes, institutions, and practices in interdisciplinary perspective
- Understand the strengths and challenges of diverse students and the ways that they learn
- Think critically about educational opportunity, equity and achievement in relation to race/ethnicity, social class, gender, sexuality, language and disability
- Be able to recognize the context and potential of schools as places of growth and learning for both students and educators
- Understand how educational institutions (both schools and informal settings) intersect with other social, economic, political, and cultural institutions to shape patterns of opportunity and exclusion in the United States and beyond
- Develop the tools to think in complex ways about schooling’s potential and limits as a tool of social transformation
- And become reflective educators, citizens, and scholars who will work with others to make change
Undergraduate Education Studies Major
The Education Studies major is designed for students interested in the social, historical, and cultural contexts of education and the role of education in shaping policy, practice, learning, and identity. This major encourages students to think critically about such questions as: How do various political, economic, historical, psychological, and social forces shape education and public expectations for school? What does school teach us about society? How do PK-12 schooling and higher education shape individual and communal identities and life opportunities? How can we better understand and guide learning in and out of school? What kinds of learning, schools, and teachers do young people need and deserve?
A Brandeis graduate with an Education Studies major will be prepared to pursue:
- education policy, legislative, or nonprofit work;
- careers in education-related fields such as school psychology, higher education, informal education, museum education;
- graduate study and a career in teaching; and/or
- graduate study and a scholarly career in education or a wide range of other disciplines.
In addition to developing skills and habits of inquiry, critical thinking, and analysis associated with a strong liberal arts education, Education Studies majors will acquire a historical and comparative understanding of schooling, a deeper understanding of teaching and learning, educational research skills, and an understanding of the ethical dimensions of education.
Please note that the Education Studies major alone does not lead to a teaching license. Students interested in becoming teachers need to enroll in the teacher education pathway to licensure (see below).
Undergraduate Education Studies Minor
This minor gives students a chance to explore the impact of political, historical, psychological, economic, and social forces that shape education and public expectations for schools. The minor's interdisciplinary approach is suitable both for students interested in the broad social and cultural contexts of education and for those interested in educational careers.
Please note that the Education Studies minor alone does not lead to a teaching license. Students interested in becoming teachers need to enroll in the teacher education pathway to licensure (see below).
Undergraduate Education Studies Major or Minor + Teaching License
Through the teacher education pathway, students apply what they have learned as Education Studies majors and minors to become licensed educators whose teaching reflects four themes: Teaching for Social Justice, Teaching for Understanding, Teaching All Learners, and Teaching as Inquiry.
Teaching for Social Justice applies an understanding of systemic (macro) issues of in/justice in schools, schooling, and policy to the daily work of teaching (micro). It means forwarding justice in everyday interactions with individuals and groups of students, addressing status inequities in the classroom, and ensuring that each student is challenged and supported.
Teaching for Understanding means moving beyond rote memorization and toward students’ own meaning making and ownership of their learning. Teachers engage students in explorations of rich content and employ a wide variety of instructional approaches, combining high expectations and strong support, to make that content accessible and meaningful.
Teaching ALL Learners means valuing and building upon students’ prior knowledge, experiences, and interests—honoring these as assets in which to ground teaching and learning. Teachers must attend to the diverse intellectual, social, and emotional needs of individual students as well as the broader contexts of teaching and learning.
Teaching as Inquiry or taking an ‘inquiry stance’ refers to the way teachers approach their own and their students’ learning. It means continually and systematically assessing and reflecting one’s teaching in order to improve. Teachers understand particulars of their classrooms in a broader theoretical framework..
Graduate Teacher Leadership Program
This program prepares teachers to partner with administrators and colleagues to address systemic learning challenges and ensure ambitious, equitable and accessible instruction for all students. The Teacher Leadership Program recognizes that the most important change agents in education are our classroom teachers. Teachers change lives day after day, and the influence of many extends beyond their classrooms, schools, and communities. This hybrid program brings together cohorts of experienced and talented teachers to learn skills essential to becoming effective Teacher Leaders. Focusing on both instructional and institutional policy, the program helps teachers improve their teaching and the teaching of others; foster a collaborative culture to support educator development; facilitate teacher learning in the service of student learning; understand the school as an institution and organization.
Students have two options to pursue: Advanced Graduate Studies (AGS) or the Master in Education (EdM). Both options combine formal study and guided practice providing teachers with the opportunity to:
- Strengthen their professional identity
- Become part of a robust professional network
- Acquire specific skills and understandings essential to promoting educator development and improving student learning in their schools.
Graduates of the Teacher Leadership Program will be qualified to assume roles such as mentor, team leader or instructional coach and may be eligible to apply for an endorsement in teacher leadership in states that offer them. If you are interested in becoming a department chair, you may need supplementary courses in your content area.
Learning Goals
Undergraduate Education Studies Major and Minor
Critical Understandings
Students completing the Education Studies major will be able to:
- Understand schools in various contexts (e.g. cultural, historical, economic, and political), and be able to articulate the ethical and civic dimensions of schooling;
- Think critically about educational opportunity, equity, and achievement in relation to race/ethnicity, social class, gender, and disability;
- Analyze teaching and learning, education and schooling, and student growth and development through various disciplinary lenses;
- Use educational research skills to investigate educational issues and challenges.
Core Skills
The Education Studies major emphasizes core skills in analysis, critical thinking, research, and communication. Based on the critical understandings above, Education Studies majors will be prepared to:
- Think critically and write persuasively about the various functions schools perform in a community, with special attention to issues of equality and access in our democracy;
- Use research skills to assess the validity, paradigmatic claims and limits of empirical studies in education;
- Critically evaluate educational research, policy and practice, and develop policy recommendations.
Social Justice
As a liberal arts university with a strong commitment to social justice, Brandeis has a responsibility to contribute to the improvement of education as a key building block of democracy. The Education Studies major examines the various functions schools perform in society, with special attention to the role of public schools in a democracy and the intended and unintended consequences of educational policies and practices on student access and achievement. The Education Studies major enables graduates to acquire and develop the knowledge, skills, and perspectives to examine and act on the ethical and civic dimensions of schooling.
Undergraduate Education Studies Major or Minor + Teaching License
In addition to meeting the learning goals of the Education Studies major or minor, undergraduates following the teacher education pathway meet the goals of Massachusetts teaching licensure. The learning goals for this pathway also link to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) Standards that are required for licensure. Students also use the Learning For Justice | Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards.
Students earning a teaching license will demonstrate the ability to:
Plan, Sequence, and Scaffold Instruction and Assessment in ways that . . .
- emphasize enduring understanding, transferable skills, and authentic experiences.
- meet the needs of a diverse student population.
- engage students’ prior knowledge, experiences, cultures, identities, and stages of development.
- challenge students intellectually and facilitate students’ independence and mastery.
- give students the support they need to meet high expectations.
- demonstrate deep pedagogical content knowledge.
Create a Safe Learning Environment for Intellectual and Emotional Development in ways that ...
- give students ownership over the intellectual work in the classroom.
- maintain rituals, routines, and responses that support learning.
- engage students in the work of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.
- integrate and support students’ identities in classroom experiences.
Engage in Reflective Practice by . . .
- approaching their own and others’ teaching from an inquiry stance.
- integrating theory and practice; linking the macro (big ideas in education) and the micro (small moments in classrooms).
- seeking out, engaging with, and integrating feedback.
- analyzing observation and assessment data to inform teaching practice.
- analyzing the impact of positionality on teaching and learning.
Enter a Professional Culture by . . .
- engaging professionally with others across contexts: in schools, with families, and with the community
- locating themselves and their teaching in the broader culture of schools and schooling
Teacher Leadership Program
The Teacher Leadership Program includes both coursework and a practicum with one-on-one coaching. By the end of the program, Teacher Leaders will be able to:
- Analyze factors that enable and constrain school change (e.g. professional culture, school organization, distribution of authority);
- Refine their vision of good teaching as a basis for teacher learning and assessment;
- Foster a professional culture that supports critical colleagueship;
- Frame worthwhile goals for instructional improvement;
- Design and facilitate productive discussions about teaching and learning with colleagues
- Gather and use data to document inform instructional and school improvement; and
- Express their identity as teacher leaders.
How to Become a Major or Minor
Any undergraduate at Brandeis may begin taking courses in Education Studies and fulfilling requirements of the major or minor at any time, without formal admission. Students typically declare the Education Studies major or minor in the spring of their sophomore year.
Because candidates for the Education Studies major must complete nine courses, including two required courses, as well as (beginning in fall 2023) an Applied Learning Requirement, students should consult with an education studies advisor no later than the spring of their sophomore year about the program requirements.
No course for the major may be taken on a pass/fail basis. Students must receive a grade of C or higher for any course to be counted as part of the Education Studies major.
Please note that the Education Studies major alone does not lead to a teaching license. Students interested in becoming licensed as teachers need to enroll in the teacher education pathway and fulfill specific additional requirements governed by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (see details below).
How to Pursue a Teaching License as a Major or Minor
While completing the Education Studies major or minor, undergraduates also have the option to pursue Massachusetts teacher licensure through the teacher education pathway.
Through the teacher education pathway, education studies majors or minors, can pursue certification at one of three grade levels: early childhood (infant, toddler, or PK); elementary (grades 1-6); or secondary (middle and high school, grades 5-12).
Early childhood and elementary certification/licensure is offered in ‘general education’ meaning that candidates pursuing these licenses will teach all subject areas (i.e. English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies).
Secondary school teachers are licensed in specific subject areas: English, History, Math, or Science. English refers to English language arts, the teaching of writing and reading, literary and informational texts (not the teaching of English as a second language). Science subjects include: biology, chemistry, general science, and physics.
Students who are considering pursuing a teaching license should begin their preparation by taking ED10a Introduction to Teaching and Learning (ED100a/b for graduating classes prior to 2026). They should meet with an Education Program advisor in their first year, if possible, so that they can plan a course of study that will meet state licensure requirements as part of their Education Studies major or minor.
Licensure candidates fulfill all of the same Education Studies major/minor course requirements, but within the major, the choices of elective and cluster courses are determined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education [DESE] and Early Childhood Education [EEC] regulations. Additional requirements, including state tests, performance assessment, and fieldwork, are detailed below and on the program’s website.
No course for the major may be taken on a pass/fail basis. Students must receive a grade of B- or higher for any course to be counted as part of the Education Studies major or minor plus licensure.
Note: Licensure is governed and granted by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education [DESE], not by Brandeis University. The university grants the academic degree not the license. Candidates who successfully fulfill degree program expectations should earn the BA or minor in Education Studies and are also well-positioned to earn an MA Initial Teaching License. Massachusetts Licensure requirements include passing the required Massachusetts Tests of Educator Licensure (MTEL) exams and successfully completing the Candidate Assessment of Performance. Coursework alone does not confer a teaching license.
How to Be Admitted to the Graduate Program in Teacher Leadership
Teacher Leadership Program is for experienced K-12 teachers who are ready to expand their impact beyond their own classrooms. For information about the Teacher Leadership Program and specific requirements, please visit the program’s website.
The general requirements for admission to the Graduate School, given in an earlier section of this Bulletin, apply to candidates for admission to this program. The Teacher Leadership Program welcomes applications from experienced teachers (K-12) coming from traditional public schools, charter, independent, or Jewish day schools who are interested in strengthening their professional identity, developing new capacities for teacher leadership, and becoming part of a robust professional network. Ideal candidates must have demonstrated initiative, earned the respect and trust of their colleagues, and be considered a very good classroom teacher by their supervisor and peers.
Applications should include all relevant transcripts, a resume, and 2 statements of purpose. The first essay should describe a change the applicant has already attempted to make in their classroom or school and the second should describe their leadership skills, experiences and potential. In lieu of traditional recommendation letters, applicants must have one nomination letter from their principal or Head of School as well as one endorsement letter from a teaching colleague.
To learn more about the AGS and EdM Programs, please email
Leah Gordon, Harry S. Levitan Director of Education
Education Studies. History of Education. History of Higher Education. Educational Equality.
Marcie Abramson
Literacy Studies. Classrooms in Context. Jewish Education
Danielle Igra, Director of Teacher Education
Teaching, Learning, Curriculum, and Assessment. Teacher Education.
Jed Lippard
Teacher Leadership.
Desiree Phillips
Special Education.
Rachel Kramer Theodorou
Elementary Education. English as a Second Language and Interdisciplinary Education.
Derron Wallace
Urban Education. Sociology of Education.
Education Studies. Public Policy. Kay Fellow in Racial Justice, Education, and the Carceral State.
Affiliated Faculty (contributing to the curriculum, advising and administration of the department or program)
Susan Eaton
Heller School
Colleen Hitchcock
Environmental Studies
Jonathan Krasner
American Studies
Jon Levisohn
Near Eastern and Judaic Studies
Requirements for the Minor
A. Core course: ED 150b Purpose and Politics of Education (can be taken any time, but often completed in junior or senior year)
B. A second core course to be selected from the following electives:
- AMST 150a History of Childhood and Youth in America
- AMST 180b Topics in the History of American Education
- ECON 59b Economics of Education
- ED 10a Introduction to Teaching and Learning
- ED 75b Waltham Speaks: Multilingualism, Advocacy and Community
- ED 121a Education and Equity in Modern American History
- ED 125a Special Education: Teaching for Inclusion
- ED 104a Pedagogy in the Disciplines
- ED 144a: Look Who’s Talking: Student Voice and Classroom Discourse
- ED 145a: Making the Grade: Equity and Assessment
- ED 155b Education and Social Policy
- ED 159b Philosophy of Education
- ED 165a Reading and Talking Back to Research in Education
- ED 170a Race, Power, and Urban Education
- ED 173b Psychology of Love: Education for Close Relationships
- SOC 104a The Sociology of Education
- THA 138b Creative Pedagogy
C. At least four additional program electives.
Program electives are listed at the end of the education course listings.
Students may substitute successful completion of an essay, thesis, or internship, as described below, for the fourth elective course option:
- Essay: an approved research or honors essay, usually taken in the senior year. Students would receive credit for this essay through their department major, or ED 98a (Individual Readings and Research in Education), or an independent study or research course approved by the director of the education program.
- Honors Thesis: a senior thesis in the student's major that has an emphasis on some aspect of education.
- Internship: ED 89a Internship Seminar with Education Related Internship.
Requirements for the Minor + Teaching License
Students must receive a grade of B- or higher in order for coursework to be counted toward licensure requirements. (A grade of C may be counted toward the major or minor without licensure).
Licensure candidates fulfill all of the same Education Studies major/minor course requirements, but within the major, the choices of elective and cluster courses within are determined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education {DESE] and Early Childhood Education [EEC] regulations. Additional requirements, including state tests, performance assessment, and fieldwork, are detailed below and on the program’s website.
A. Core course: ED 150b Purpose and Politics of Education
B. A second core course: ED 10a Introduction to Teaching and Learning (or either of the previous iterations of ED10a—ED 100a or ED 100b Exploring Teaching may be substituted for ED10a). ED 10a should be taken before additional licensure courses numbered over 100.
C. Four additional program electives; these must include:
For elementary licensure (grades 1-6)
- ED 101a Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (grades PK-6)
- ED 105a Structure, Concepts and Best Practices in Mathematics (grades PK-6)
- ED 175a Teaching Multilingual Learners (2 credits) This course meets the Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) requirement for licensure.
- PSYC 33a Developmental Psychology
For secondary licensure (grades 5-12)
- ED 104a Pedagogy in the Disciplines (English Math, History, Science) The subject area(English, Math, History, Science) rotates each year; take the course for the specific licensure area when it is offered.
- ED 175a Teaching Multilingual Learners (2 credits) This course meets the Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) requirement for licensure.
- PSYC 36b Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
- An additional teaching and learning course for secondary education that includes an ED 60a pre-practicum and is approved by the advisor.
For Early Childhood (infant, toddler, preK)
- ED 101a Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (grades PK-6)
- PSYC 33a Developmental Psychology
- ED 175a Teaching Multilingual Learners (2 credits) This course meets the Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) requirement for licensure.
- An additional teaching and learning course for early childhood education that includes a pre-practicum and is approved by the advisor., (e.g., methods).
D. Additional Fieldwork, Internship, and Coursework in Education
Further details are in the additional requirements section and on the website.
For elementary (grades 1-6) AND secondary (grades 5-12) licensure
- ED 125a Special Education: Teaching for Inclusion (2 credit course)
- ED 60a Supervised Fieldwork in Education (2 credits of classroom fieldwork; to be taken twice—in conjunction with two different specified courses and at two different school sites)
- ED 89a Internship Seminar and Education Internship (100 hours of full responsibility classroom teaching plus 80 hours of seminar coursework)
- ED 110a Classroom Teaching Practicum (≥200 hours of supervised student-teaching and performance assessment)
For elementary licensure (grades 1-6)
- ED 101b Teaching Science and History for Social Change (grades PK-6)
For Early Childhood (infant, toddler, preK)
- Either PSYC 168b Disorders of Childhood OR ED 125a Special Education: Teaching for Inclusion (2 credit course)
- ED 89a Internship Seminar and Education Internship (100 hours classroom teaching that includes 40 hours full responsibility teaching plus 80 hours of seminar coursework)
- ED 110a Classroom Teaching Practicum (≥240 hours of supervised student-teaching)
- Additional supervised fieldwork in conjunction, see details below (e.g., ED 60a)
E. Additional Fieldwork/ Practica, Licensure Tests, Performance Assessment, and Subject Matter Coursework
Requirements are detailed below and on the program website.
Requirements for the Major
Education Studies majors must pass nine courses with a grade of C or higher. Pass/Fail courses will not earn credit for the major.
A. ED 150b Purpose and Politics of Education (or ED 155b Education and Social Policy prior to fall 2020).
All Education Studies majors are required to enroll in this capstone course during their junior or senior year.
B. ED 165a Reading (and Talking Back to) Research on Education
Required research course to be taken in fall of sophomore or junior year.
C. Three elective courses in one of the four clusters:
- Education, Equity, and Social Change
- Teaching and Learning In and Outside of Schools
- Human Creativity and Development
- Jewish Formal and Informal Education
D. Four additional elective courses
Majors enroll in four additional elective courses: one in each of two other clusters, and two additional elective courses from any of the four clusters. See courses listed in clusters below. Courses cannot be double counted to fulfill the three-course requirement in a cluster and the requirement to take a course in each of two other clusters.
E. Applied Learning Requirement
Education Studies majors (beginning with students entering Brandeis in Fall of 2023) are required to complete the Applied Learning Requirement. Please see the Program Website for details.
F. Other ConsiderationsStudents may substitute successful completion of an essay or internship (including one meeting the Applied Learning Requirement), as described below, for one of the seven elective courses. Essay: An approved research or honors essay, usually taken in the senior year. Students would receive credit for this essay, or ED 98a (Individual Readings and Research in Education), or an independent study or research course approved by the director of the education program. Internship: For students who entered Brandeis before Fall of 2023, an internship taken in conjunction with ED 89 that meets the Applied Learning Requirement or an internship taken in conjunction with ED 192 (4 credits). All students who begin at Brandeis after Fall 2023, must take internships to fulfill the Applied Learning Requirement in conjunction with ED 89. If a student takes a second internship, this may be taken with ED 192 (4 credits) or ED 92 (2 credits). No more than two internships may be counted towards the Education Studies Major (unless completing the Teacher Licensure Pathway). Students who are student teaching in the education program will also be eligible to receive internship credit if they are concurrently pursuing an Education Studies major.
G. Foundational Literacies: As part of completing the Education Studies major, students must:- Fulfill the writing intensive requirement by successfully completing one of the following: ED 157b, ED 170a, or any WI-designated ED Studies course.
- Fulfill the oral communication requirement by successfully completing one of the following: ED 165a, ED 170a, LING 197a, or THA 138b, or any OC-designated ED Studies course
- Fulfill the digital literacy requirement by successfully completing: ED 165a or any DL-designated ED Studies course.
Please note that majors who intend to do an honors thesis involving empirical research are required to have completed a research course before their senior year.
Requirements for the Major + Teaching License
Students must receive a grade of B- or higher in order for coursework to be counted toward licensure requirements. (A grade of C may be counted toward the major or minor without licensure).
Licensure candidates fulfill all of the same Education Studies major/minor course requirements, but within the major, the choices of elective and cluster courses are determined by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education {DESE] and Early Childhood Education [EEC] regulations. Additional requirements, including state tests, performance assessment, and fieldwork, are detailed below and on the program’s website.
A. ED 150b Purpose and Politics of Education (ED 155b Education and Social Policy prior to fall 2020).
All Education Studies majors are required to enroll in this capstone course during their junior or senior year.
B. ED 165a Reading (and Talking Back to) Research on Education
Required research course to be taken in fall of sophomore or junior year. Students will review quantitative and qualitative research through disciplinary lenses. Students pursue some topic of inquiry by either reviewing and synthesizing educational research, or conducting some empirical research. Ideally, licensure candidates should take this course while engaged in a classroom teaching (pre-practicum) through ED 60a so that they can integrate research into their fieldwork.
C. Three elective courses in the Teaching and Learning Cluster as specified:
Teaching and Learning In and Outside of Schools is the focus cluster for all licensure candidates. The three elective courses are listed below:
For all licenses at any age/grade level:
- ED 10a Introduction to Teaching and Learning (should be taken before other licensure courses numbered 100+)
ED 100a/b Exploring Teaching (previous iterations of the course) may be substituted for ED10a
For elementary licensure (grades 1-6)
- ED 101a Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (grades PK-6)
- ED 105a Structure, Concepts and Best Practices in Mathematics (grades PK-6)
For secondary licensure (grades 5-12)
- ED 104a Pedagogy in the Disciplines (English Math, History, Science) The subject area rotates each year, (English, Math, History, Science); take the course for the specific licensure area when it is offered.
- An additional teaching and learning course for secondary education that includes an ED 60a pre-practicum and is approved by the advisor.
For Early Childhood (infant, toddler, preK)
- ED 101a Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (grades PK-6)
- An additional teaching and learning course for early childhood education that includes a pre-practicum, (e.g., methods) and is approved by the advisor.
D. Four additional electives courses from four clusters, as specified:
One in each of two other clusters, and two additional elective courses from any of the four clusters. cannot be double counted to fulfill the three-course requirement in a cluster and the requirement to take a course in each of two other clusters.
Education, Equity, and Social Change
- ED 175a Teaching Multilingual Learners (2 credits) This course meets the Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) requirement for licensure.
Teaching and Learning In and Outside of Schools
Only required for Elementary licensure (grades 1-6)
- ED 101b Teaching Science and History for Social Change (grades PK-6)
Secondary licensure requires additional subject matter knowledge courses, and early childhood licensure requires additional fieldwork.
Human Creativity and Development
For all licenses at any age/grade level:
- ED 125a Special Education: Teaching for Inclusion (2 credit course) Early Childhood licensure candidates may substitute PSYC 168b Disorders of Childhood for ED 125a
For Early Childhood and Elementary Licensure
- PSYC 33a Developmental Psychology (for early childhood and elementary grades 1-6 licenses)
For Secondary, grades 5-12, Licensure
- PSYC 36b Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity (for secondary, grades 5-12 license)
E. Applied Learning Requirement
- ED 89a Internship Seminar & Internship
Licensure candidates fulfill this requirement as part of their student teaching internship. 100 hours of their required student teaching hours count toward the ED89a internship requirement. They attend the seminar course alongside other ED Studies majors.
F. Foundational Literacies
As part of completing the Education Studies major, students must:
- Fulfill the writing intensive requirement by successfully completing ED 150b
- Fulfill the oral communication requirement by successfully completing ED 165a, or any OC-designated ED Studies course
- Fulfill the digital literacy requirement by successfully completing: ED 165a
G. Honors
Students who wish to be considered for honors in education studies will be required to complete a senior thesis. Students intending to do an honors thesis must discuss their potential topic with an education studies faculty adviser in their junior year.
Please note that majors who intend to do an honors thesis involving empirical research are required to have completed a research course before their senior year.
Additional Requirements for Teacher Licensure
Fieldwork Requirements
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education governs fieldwork guidelines. More information can be found at
Elementary and Secondary Licensure Fieldwork Requirements
- TWO Pre-Practica at two different school sites.
- These are credited in two different courses that each connects to a 2-credit ED 60a Supervised Fieldwork in Education. See list of courses that include a fieldwork option.
- ONE ‘Full’ Practicum that includes:
- 100 hours of full responsibility for classroom teaching as part of ≥ 300 of student-teaching
- This is credited through:
- a four credit internship ED 110a (≥180 hours of fieldwork), PLUS
- a four credit seminar ED 89a (≥100 hours of fieldwork + 80 hours of coursework)
The full-practicum alongside 89a should be completed in the spring of senior year, after all other coursework has been completed.
Early Childhood Education Certificate (EEC) Fieldwork Requirements for Certification
Teacher & Lead Teacher Certification requires 450 hours of fieldwork at Lemberg Children’s Center including:
- ED 10a - Intro to Teaching and Learning with 48 hours of fieldwork
- 8 additional credits of student teaching credited through:
- a four credit internship ED 110a (≥180 hours of fieldwork), PLUS
- a four credit seminar ED 89a (≥100 hours of fieldwork + 80 hours of coursework)
Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) Requirements for Licensure
At this link, please find a list of content areas needed to demonstrate functional subject matter knowledge at the elementary level and for specific subject area licenses in secondary (middle/high) school teaching. Consult your teacher education pathway advisor for specific guidance in fulfilling functional SMK requirements.
The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) requires prospective teachers to demonstrate a functional level of subject matter knowledge (SMK) in order to pursue a provisional license and a fluent level of SMK to earn an initial license, the license for which the Brandeis Education Program licensure pathway prepares candidates.
According to DESE guidelines, functional knowledge is knowledge of the subject itself (at a university level). A fluent level of subject matter knowledge is not only knowledge of the subject itself, but an ability to teach the subject in a range of contexts; this is also called pedagogical content knowledge.
The Brandeis Education Program, licensure pathway includes coursework to develop fluent, pedagogical content knowledge in their subject areas. However, the program requires students to demonstrate functional knowledge of subject matter prior to beginning the full-responsibility student teaching internship.
The Massachusetts Department Early Education and Care cites 14 Categories of Study and requires prospective Lead Teachers to have completed course work in a minimum of 4 of 10 Categories of Study which are specific for LT certification. To demonstrate a functional level of skills in the 10 Categories of Study specific for Lead Teachers is assessed while you pursue this certification for which Brandeis Teacher Education Program prepares candidates conjointly with the staff of the Lemberg Children’s Center, Inc.
Functional subject matter knowledge must be demonstrated in two ways:
1. Passing the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL)
All teacher candidates must pass the MTEL in the areas under which they will be licensed. At Brandeis, these tests, before beginning the full-year student-teaching internship. For clarification on which MTELs are required for which areas of licensure, please consult the DESE website. All licenses require passing the Communication and Literacy Skills MTEL in addition to the grade level and subject area test/s.
2. Earning a B- or higher in subject matter knowledge coursework
Candidates for initial licensure must have earned a B- or higher in sufficient coursework in the topics covered by the MTEL and Massachusetts frameworks listed below. Teaching at the secondary (grades 5-12) level requires university coursework in functional SMK. To teach at the elementary level, some of the functional SMK may be demonstrated through AP exams.
Special Notes Relating to Education Studies Majors
Elective Courses by Cluster
Education, Equity, and Social Change
AAAS 156a #BlackLivesMatter: The Struggle for Civil Rights from Reconstruction to the PresentAAAS 170a Black Childhoods
AMST 150a The History of Childhood and Youth in America
AMST 180b Topics in the History of American Education
AMST/ED 120a History of Higher Education the US
AMST/ED 121a Education & Equity in Modern American History
AMST/LGLS 141b Juvenile Justice: From Cradle to Custody
EBIO 33b Citizen Science: Bridging Science, Education and Advocacy
ECON 59b The Economics of Education
ED 10a Introduction to Teaching and Learning
ED 75b Waltham Speaks: Multilingualism, Advocacy, and Community
ED 155b Education and Social Policy
ED 159b Philosophy of Education
ED 161b Religious Education in America
ED 170a Race, Power, and Urban Education
ED 172a Critical Race Theory and Education
ED 175a Teaching English Language Learners: Pre-K to 12
ED 203a Teaching Multilingual Learners I (not offered after 2022-23)
ENG 131b Decolonial Pedagogy
HSSP 192b Sociology of Disability
NEJS 171b Tikkun Olam/Repairing the World
SOC 104a Sociology of Education
SOC 113b Sociology of Race and Racism
SOC 138a Sociology of Race, Gender, and Class
SOC 154a Community Structure and Youth Subcultures
WGS 151a The Social Politics of Sexual Education
Teaching and Learning In and Outside of Schools
ANTH 61b Language in American LifeEBIO 33b Citizen Science: Bridging Science, Education and Advocacy
ED 10a Introduction to Teaching and Learning
ED 75b Waltham Speaks: Multilingualism, Advocacy, and Community
ED 100a Exploring Teaching (Elementary and Preschool)
ED 100b Exploring Teaching (Secondary)
ED 101a Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (grades PK-6)
ED 101b Teaching Science and History for Social Change (grades PK-6)
ED 104a Pedagogy in the Disciplines (rotating subject area specialties)
ED 105a Structure, Concepts, and Best Practices in Mathematics (grades PK-6)
ED 107a Teaching & Learning Reading in Elementary and Preschools (not offered after 2020)
ED 125a Special Education Teaching for Inclusion (2 units)
ED 144a Look Who’s Talking: Student Voice and Classroom Discourse
ED 145a Making the Grade: Equity and Assessment
ED 170a Race, Power, and Urban Education
ED 175a Teaching Multilingual Learners (2 units)
ED 203a Teaching Multilingual Learners I (not offered after 2022-23)
ENG 131b Decolonial Pedagogy
LING 110a Phonological Theory
LING 197a Language Acquisition and Development
MATH 3a Explorations in Math: A Course for Educators
NEJS 171a History Lessons: Teaching the Jewish Experience
PSYC 33a Developmental Psychology
PSYC 36b Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
PSYC 169b Disorders of Childhood
Human Creativity and Development
ANTH 109a Children, Parenting, and Education in Cross-Cultural PerspectiveANTH 180b Playing Human: Persons, Objects, Imagination
COML/ENG 140b Children's Literature and Constructions of Childhood
ED 125a Special Education: Teaching for Inclusion (2 units)
ED 173b The Psychology of Love: Education for Close Relationships
HSSP 192b Sociology of Disability
LING 197a Language Acquisition and Development
PSYC 33a Developmental Psychology
PSYC 36b Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
PSYC 169b Disorders of Childhood
THA 138b Creative Pedagogy
Jewish Formal and Informal Education
ED 161b Religious Education in AmericaED/HRN 168a Summer Camp: The American Jewish Experience
ED/NEJS 170b Inside Jewish Education: Language, Literacy and Reading
HRNS 202b Jewish Passages: Developing through the Cycles of Jewish Life
HRNS 206f Informal Jewish Education
NEJS 169a Inside the Religious School Classroom
NEJS 169b From Sunday Schools to Birthright: History of American Jewish Education
NEJS 170a Studying Sacred Texts
NEJS 171b Tikkun Olam/Repairing the World: Service and Social Justice in Theory and Practice
NEJS 171a History Lessons: Teaching the Jewish Experience
NEJS 235b Philosophy of Jewish Education
NEJS 235c Topics in Jewish Education
NEJS 271c Teaching and Learning Modern Jewish History, the Holocaust and Israel
Requirements for the Program in Advanced Graduate Study
The Teacher Leadership Program in Advanced Graduate Study (AGS) is designed for talented and experienced teachers interested in gaining leadership skills that will empower them to influence policy and practice in their own schools and beyond. This 13-month program prepares graduates to create change in their schools by improving pedagogical practices and fostering a collaborative culture that leads to greater student and educator learning.
Program of Study
The AGS program includes two intensive summer semesters of in-residence classes at Brandeis and two semesters of distance learning during the academic year. During the school year, AGS students participate in a practicum which allows them to practice new skills in their own schools with the support of a coach from the Brandeis Education Program. All AGS students design and implement a teacher leadership initiative which contributes to worthwhile instructional or institutional change.
Course Requirements
- Understanding and Improving Classroom Teaching and Learning (ED 253)
- School Culture, Organization and Change (ED 258)
- Core Practices of Teacher Leadership (ED 256)
- Using Data to Drive School Change (ED 259)
- Experiential Teacher Leadership Practicum (ED 294)
- Leadership, Authority and School Change (ED 251)
- Principles and Practices of Professional Development (ED 291)
Requirements for the Degree of Master in Education
Program of Study
The Teacher Leadership EdM Program includes two intensive summer semesters of in-residence classes at Brandeis and two semesters of distance learning as well as two additional semesters of practitioner research for a total time to completion of 2 years.
Teacher Research
In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the AGS program, all EdM students will conduct a self-study of some aspect of their teacher leader practice. They present their findings at an online research conference at the end of the program.
Course Requirements
- Understanding and Improving Classroom Teaching and Learning (ED 253)
- School Culture, Organization and Change (ED 258)
- Core Practices of Teacher Leadership (ED 256)
- Using Data to Drive School Change (ED 259)
- Experiential Teacher Leadership Practicum (ED 294) - taken twice
- Leadership, Authority and School Change (ED 251)
- Principles and Practices of Professional Development (ED 291)
- Action Research for Teacher Leaders (ED 285)
- Inquiry as Professional Development (ED 286)
Summer Registration
Graduate students in the EdM and AGS in Teacher Leadership programs should register for the courses determined by your program through Workday self-service.
Courses of Instruction
(1-99) Primarily for Undergraduate Students
Introduction to Teaching and Learning
Open to all. Instructor permission required to enroll. Priority enrollment given to first year and Education students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure. Cannot be taken for credit by students who have previously taken ED 100a or ED 100b.
Examines classroom teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment in the context of broader questions about the purposes and policies of schools and schooling. Through readings, analysis of video, and guided observations, students investigate classroom culture, student thinking, and curriculum standards. This introductory survey course gives a broad overview that provides a foundation for 100+ level courses in the Education Studies Teaching and Learning cluster. Usually offered every year.
Education Supervised Fieldwork
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, but required for students pursuing teaching licensure.
This fieldwork course must be taken concurrently with an Education Studies course that specifically offers this option. Engaging in supervised fieldwork in a classroom or teaching and learning setting allows students to apply what they are learning in courses and apprentice themselves to experienced educators. This 2-credit course includes 90 hours that is a combination of fieldwork and assignments. Students generally spend 6-8 hours per week in a classroom setting. Usually offered every semester.
Waltham Speaks: Multilingualism, Advocacy and Community
Grounds community-engaged and service learning in Waltham within theoretical frameworks and practical skills from education and the social sciences. Educators (broadly speaking, in and beyond schools) integrate perspectives from history, policy, psychology, and sociology with teaching pedagogy. Through reflective, responsive, and empathetic learning, students will learn how English learner populations have shaped a community's organizations, schools, and identity. Waltham's school system and service organization leaders will teach students about their work in shaping a responsive and inclusive community. Through interviews, reflective essays, weekly discussions, and a semester-long service project, students will grow habits of mind and practical skills for work in education and beyond. Usually offered every year.
Applied Learning Seminar and Internship
Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
Education is a multidisciplinary field that brings together research, policy, and practice. This course offers a structured opportunity to apply classroom learning to self-directed, community based, or experiential learning. The seminar helps students locate their fieldwork in the broader context of other Education Studies coursework. It brings students together to learn from each other’s experiences in the field. Usually offered every year.
Education Internship and Analysis
Usually offered every year.
Individual Readings and Research in Education
Usually offered every year.
Individual Readings and Research in Education
Yields half-course credit. Usually offered every year.
Senior Thesis
Seniors who are candidates for degrees with honors in education studies must register for this course in their final semester and, under the direction of a faculty member, prepare an honors thesis on a suitable topic. Usually offered every semester.
Senior Thesis
Prerequisite: Instructor permission. Students are expected to have completed ED 165a by the end of their junior year and prior to starting a senior thesis.
Seniors who are candidates for degrees with honors in education studies must register for this course in their final semester and, under the direction of a faculty member, prepare an honors thesis on a suitable topic. Usually offered every semester.
(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students
History of Higher Education in the U.S.
Explores the history of higher education in the United States from the nation's formation to the present. Readings outline the competing purposes Americans envisioned for colleges and universities, as well as student life, institutional access, and visions of the relationship between excellence and equity. The course explores patterns of inclusion and exclusion based on race, class, ethnicity, religion, and gender and how universities served as sites where class was produced and contested. Students explore the post-World War II democratization of American higher education, the politics of college admissions, and recent movements to make college more affordable. The course also raises questions about the power universities came to hold as centers of knowledge-making networks and universities as sites of political activism. Usually offered every third year.
Education and Equity in Modern American History
Focusing on educational inequities related to race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, this course examines twentieth century American efforts to make schools more equal, and in the process to make the social, economic, and racial order more just and fair. The course focuses on the ways Americans have addressed three core questions: What is educational equity? What is the relationship between school desegregation and equalization? Can equal schools create an equal society? By exploring how Americans thought about and sought to institutionalize their answers to these questions, the course investigates the promise and pitfalls of treating schooling as an egalitarian tool. Usually offered every third year.
Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (Grades PK-6)
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Focuses on principles and effective procedures for teaching reading strategies, writing process, and social studies in elementary classrooms. Students will study, practice, and reflect upon concepts in: writing development and assessment, reading comprehension strategies to meet needs of diverse learners, unit development via Understanding by Design pedagogy, and practice in teaching social studies in order to promote civic engagement and cultural awareness. Usually offered every year.
Teaching Science and History for Social Change (Grades PK-6)
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Focuses on principles and effective procedures for teaching elementary students inquiry-based science. Examines how art, creative drama, multicultural education, special education, and physical education affect teaching and learning. Usually offered every year.
Pedagogy in the Disciplines: Teaching and Learning
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Each year, this course focuses on the teaching of a specific discipline or subject area: English, History, Math, or Science. Subject area foci rotate every third year. Usually offered every fall semester.
Structure, Concepts, and Best Practices in Mathematics: Elementary
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. MATH 3a is recommended but not required. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Current research, strategies, and philosophies in and about the learning and teaching of mathematics in elementary classrooms. Emphasizes understanding the important math concepts, best practices, and class structures that all help to build a solid and positive learning experience for all students. Usually offered every year.
Classroom Teaching Practicum
Prerequisites: Pre-practicum coursework and fieldwork at two different sites and advisor approval. Required for Massachusetts teaching license. Minimum 300 hours of supervised classroom teaching, assignments, and licensure documentation. Taken concurrently with ED89a, internship course and includes minimum 100 hours of full responsibility for classroom teaching.
Supervised teaching internship designed to help connect theory and practice. Students gradually build proficiency in teaching, adding responsibilities and skills over time. Students have guided opportunities to observe, plan, and teach core subjects, to manage classrooms, to get to know students and families, and to participate fully in the life of the school. Interns receive regular mentoring from school and university personnel. Usually offered every spring.
Family Engagement in Schools
Examines various conceptualizations for family engagement in U.S. schools and how a range of actors, entities, and conditions shape the experiences that families have in schools. This seminar course also analyzes key sociohistorical conditions that shape the reproduction and contestation of inequities for families in U.S. schools. Usually offered every year.
Special Education, Teaching for Inclusion
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 125f in prior years.
Participants in this course will explore characteristics of students with who have moderate disabilities and learn how these students' learning can be supported. Participants will be introduced to the laws, technologies, and school structures that pertain to special education. They will practice analyzing, preparing, implementing, and evaluating Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Usually offered every year.
Look Who’s Talking: Student Voice and Classroom Discourse
Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure.
Teaching is about students, who they are, how they learn, and what they bring to the classroom, that is: their funds of knowledge. While traditional teaching uses a "banking model" in which teachers “deposit” information into students’ empty brains; this course reimagines what that bank would look like if students were the ones with the funds. In this course, participants practice classroom structures in which students, rather than teachers, do the bulk of the intellectual work. The course examines the small interactions in classrooms (micro) to understand big ideas about education (macro).
Equity and Assessment
Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure.
Explores how teachers can create classrooms in which students can feel engaged and empowered by assessment practices that “differentiate” to students’ strengths and build their skills. This course redefines and reimagines assessment, which too often is conflated with ‘testing’ and linked to educational inequity. The course explores how teachers can create collaborative, supportive classroom environments in which students feel emboldened to take academic risks that help them grow as learners.
Purpose and Politics of Education
Focuses on the United States and introduces students to foundational questions in the interdisciplinary field of Education Studies. We explore competing goals Americans have held for K-12 and post-secondary education and ask how these visions have (or have not) influenced school, society, and educational policy. We pay particular attention to educational stratification; localism; segregation; privatization; and the relationship between schooling and equality. Usually offered every year.
Education and Social Policy
Examines the various functions that schools perform in a community, with special attention to the intended and unintended consequences of contemporary policies such as special education, desegregation, charter schools, and the standards/accountability movement. Usually offered every second year.
Religious Education in America
No principle stands more sacred in American public education than separation of Church and state. Public schools pride themselves as neutral playing fields when it comes to matters of religion. But this position belies a more complicated history. American public schools were initially founded by protestant leaders concerned with an influx of non-protestant immigrants during the middle of the 19th century. Indeed, despite lip service to ideas like separation of Church and state, American educational leaders long saw schools as a vehicle for promoting a Protestant inflected American culture. This course begins from the premise that American education and American religion have always existed in relationship. Religious groups have sometimes tried to use the public schools as vehicles to advance their religion, sometimes, they have created supplemental schools, and sometimes they have created whole parallel school systems. But in all cases, education and religion in American are intertwined. This course asks when education is religious and when religion is educational. It examines a series of case studies drawn from different faith communities including Judaism, Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam. Usually offered every second year.
Creativity and Caring
Explores "creativity" and "caring," significant human capacities, and their relationship. Drawing on developmental and social psychology, we ask: How do they develop? What affects our being creative and caring? How can educators promote these? Usually offered every year.
Reading (and Talking Back to) Research on Education
Open to education studies majors only.
In this required capstone course for education studies majors, students will review quantitative and qualitative research through disciplinary lenses. Students pursue some topic of inquiry by either reviewing and synthesizing educational research, or conducting some empirical research. Usually offered every year.
Race, Power, and Urban Education
Examines the nature of urban schools, their links to the social and political context, and the perspectives of the people who inhabit them. Explores the historical development of urban schools; the social, economic, and personal hardships facing urban students; and challenges of urban school reform. Usually offered every year.
Critical Race Theory and Education
Explores racial stratification as it pertains to public education in the United States. Examining Critical Race Theory as a foundation, the readings and activities in this seminar will provide not only a background to the theory but will expose how the theory has and can be applied to educational disparities. The publications of legal scholars will serve as the anchor texts from which we will deepen our understanding of applications in the education field. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the course activities require a synthesis of scholarship beyond critique and toward intellectually creative manifestations. Special one-time offering, fall 2023.
The Psychology of Love: Education for Close Relationships
Students will be selected after the submission of a sample of writing on adult loving relationships.
What is love? How does it develop? How do psychologists study how people think, feel and behave in close relationships? These questions will guide our inquiry and inform our guiding question: how can we educate young people to better care for their friends, lovers and intimates? Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175f in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175a in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Education Internship and Analysis
Usually offered every year.
Summer Camp: The American Jewish Experience
How did American summer camps evolve? How did Jews appropriate this form for their communal needs? How did leadership develop and what are the pressing issues of today? These questions will be examined from historical, educational, and managerial perspectives. Usually offered every second year.
Inside Jewish Education: Language, Literacy, and Reading
Combines autobiography, classroom videotapes, curriculum investigation and fieldwork to explore the purposes, practices and effects of contemporary Jewish education in its many forms and venues. Usually offered every other year.
(200 and above) Primarily for Graduate Students
Power, Privilege, and Position in Schools
Open only to MAT students.
Explores philosophical, sociological, historical, and political contexts of schools in the United States, including legal issues and concerns, teaching concerns, and current issues and trends. Emphasizes curriculum theory and the link between the developing child and instruction. Usually offered every summer.
Learning, Identity, and Development
Open only to MAT students.
How do children learn? Topics in this survey course include models of learning, cognitive and social development, creativity, intelligence, character education, motivation, complex reasoning, and learning disabilities. Course methods include contemporary research analyses, case studies, group projects, short lectures, and class discussions.
Special Education, Teaching for Inclusion II
Yields half-course credit.
Participants learn to design or modify curriculum, instructional materials, and general education classroom environments to facilitate a more successful learning experience for students who have moderate disabilities. They will become increasingly familiar with the range of services provided to these students. They will learn to administer, score and interpret tests, and compile diagnostic reports. This course builds on ED 205a. Usually offered every year.
Classroom Teaching Practicum I
Open only to MAT students.
Supervised teaching internship designed to connect theory and practice. Students gradually build proficiency in teaching, adding responsibilities and skills over time. Students have guided opportunities to observe, plan, and teach core subjects, to manage classrooms, to get to know students and families, and to participate fully in the life of the school. Interns receive regular mentoring from school and university personnel. Topics include skills/content in classroom management, educator professionalization, teaching for social justice, and teaching students with moderate disabilities. Usually offered every fall.
Supplemental Practicum Internship: Alternative Classroom Context
Open only to MAT students.
MAT students complete a five-week, full-time (5 days/week; 150 hour) mentored internship in a K-12 setting that differs from that of their full-year student-teaching internship placement. MATs teach, assist, and observe, per the mentor's direction and complete activities connected to the Massachusetts teaching standards: planning well-structured lessons, adjusting to practice, meeting diverse needs, creating a safe learning environment, supporting high expectations, and engaging in reflective practice. Usually offered every year.
Supplemental Practicum Internship: ESL or Special Education
Yields six semester-hour credits. Open only to MAT students. Additional course fee applies.
Designed for students in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program who are considering applying for an additional teaching license in either 1) teaching students who have moderate disabilities (special education), or 2) teaching students who are English Learners (ESL). To supplement their full year student teaching internship (practicum), MATs complete a five week, full-time (5 days/week; approximately 150 hour) mentored internship in a k-12 classroom, tied to their additional license area. Students also attend workshops and complete assignments tied to the internship. Licensure is granted by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE); see the DESE website for additional requirements including tests. Usually offered every year.
Reflective Teaching Seminar I
Open only to MAT students.
A weekly seminar closely coordinated with the Field Internship ED 211A. Students explore and evaluate approaches to classroom organization and management, instructional planning, and assessment. They form habits of critical colleagueship and develop skills to study their teaching and their students' learning. Students also assemble a teaching portfolio that documents their learning in relation to program standards. Usually offered every fall.
Reflective Teaching Seminar II
Open only to MAT students.
A weekly seminar closely coordinated with the Field Internship ED 212A. Students explore and evaluate approaches to classroom organization and management, instructional planning, and assessment. They form habits of critical colleagueship and develop skills to study their teaching and their students' learning. Students also assemble a teaching portfolio that documents their learning in relation to program standards. Usually offered every spring.
Teacher Research I: Principles, Methods, and Design
Yields half-course credit.
Students design and carry out a systematic investigation addressing a question or problem arising in their practice. Students explore principles and methods of classroom-based research and review examples of published teacher research. They formulate research questions, design a study, review relevant literature, and begin data collection. Usually offered every year.
Teacher Research: Analysis and Publication
Yields half-course credit.
Students design and carry out a systematic investigation addressing a question or problem arising in their practice. Students complete their data collection and analysis and write up their findings to share with the public. At the conclusion of the program, students present their research to peers, colleagues, and the broader education community. Usually offered every year.
Readings in Education
Usually offered every year.
Elementary Teaching & Learning I
Introduces a series of courses focused on the principles and effective procedures for teaching in elementary school. Lays the groundwork for essential theory and practice in elementary teaching. Focuses on literacy development and the foundations of reading. Primarily for students beginning the Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education.
Elementary Teaching & Learning IV
Culmination of a series of courses focused on the principles and effective procedures for teaching in elementary school. Taken in conjunction with a full-time student-teaching internship. Participants will study, practice, and reflect on strategies to support diverse learners, including: integrating the arts and forming interdisciplinary connections. Primarily for students concluding the Master of Arts in Teaching, Elementary Education.
Pedagogy in the Disciplines I
Open only to students in the Master of Arts in Teaching.
Pedagogy in the Disciplines III
Open only to students in the Master of Arts in Teaching.
Pedagogy in the Disciplines III
Open only to students in the Master of Arts in Teaching.
Student Engagement and Equitable Assessment
This course continues the work on student engagement begun in ED 244. It explores how teachers can create classrooms in which students can feel engaged and empowered by assessment practices that “differentiate” to students’ strengths and build their skills. This course redefines and reimagines assessment, which too often is conflated with ‘testing’ and linked to educational inequity. The course explores how teachers can create collaborative, supportive classroom environments in which students feel emboldened to take academic risks that help them grow as learners. Taken in conjunction with ED 211 Classroom Teaching Practicum. Primarily for students pursuing the Massachusetts teaching license in secondary education, either through the MAT program or seniors in the Teacher Education minor.
Leadership, Authority, and School Change
Yields three semester-hour credits.
Focuses on a developmental model of teacher development, instructional and institutional leadership in schools, modeling and building of professional learning communities, and reflections on the challenges and opportunities of teacher leadership. Usually offered every second year.
Understanding and Improving Classroom Teaching and Learning
Yields three semester-hour credits.
Focuses on the theory and practice of becoming an instructional leader. Participants will experience and then practice key leadership skills which can support their work with individual teachers and with groups. Usually offered every year.
Core Practices of Teacher Leadership
Prerequisites: ED 253 and ED 258. Yields three semester-hour credits.
Enables students to learn core practices to support their work as teacher leaders in their schools and to use a collaborative online space to gain feedback on their teacher leadership initiatives. Usually offered every year.
School Organization, Culture, and Change
Yields three semester-hour credits. Enrollment limited to participants in the Teacher Leadership program.
Lays a conceptual and practical foundation for assuming responsibilities related to improving instruction as well as the overall functioning of the school as a learning environment for both teachers and students. Usually offered every year.
Using Data to Drive School Change
Yields three semester-hour credits.
Strengthens students' understandings and skills related to curriculum and assessment and provides a collaborative online space for feedback and problem solving related to their teacher leader initiatives. Usually offered every second year.
Action Research for Teacher Leaders
Yields three semester-hour credits. Enrollment limited to participants in the Teacher Leadership program.
Teacher leaders learn how to be practitioners who bring an inquiry stance to document efforts to strengthen teaching and learning in their schools. Masters students develop a research plan, review relevant literature, and collect and analyze data. Usually offered every year.
Inquiry as Professional Development
Yields three semester-hour credits. Enrollment limited to participants in the Teacher Leadership program.
Enables teacher leaders to develop their inquiry stance so that they can find the best ways to foster teacher learning in service of student learning and asses the effects. Usually offered every year.
Principles and Practices of Professional Development
Prerequisites: ED 253, ED 258 and ED 259. Corequisite: ED 251. Yields three semester-hour credits. Enrollment limited to participants in the Teacher Leadership program.
Examines the central focus of teacher leadership-- working with colleagues to improve the quality of instruction in schools. This course will deepen your skills as an observer of teaching and learning, a mentor to novice teachers, a practitioner of action research and a leader of professional learning. Usually offered every year.
Experiential Teacher Leadership Practicum
Prerequisites: ED 253 and ED 258. Corequisite: ED 256 or ED 259. Yields three semester-hour credits. Enrollment limited to participants in the Teacher Leadership program.
Enables teacher leaders, working with their coaches, to learn key skills and tools to support their teacher leader initiatives and the development of their new professional identity as a teacher leader. Usually offered every semester.
Independent Study
Independent Study
Independent Study
Yields half-course credit.
Independent Study
Half-semester course. Yields half-course credit.
ED Digital Literacy
Reading (and Talking Back to) Research on Education
Open to education studies majors only.
In this required capstone course for education studies majors, students will review quantitative and qualitative research through disciplinary lenses. Students pursue some topic of inquiry by either reviewing and synthesizing educational research, or conducting some empirical research. Usually offered every year.
ED Oral Communication
Language in American Life
Examines both language-in-use and ideas about language varieties in the United States from an anthropological perspective. Explores how language-in-use emerges from and builds relationships, social hierarchies, professional authority, religious experience, dimensions of identity such as gender and race, and more. Usually offered every second year.
Education and Social Policy
Examines the various functions that schools perform in a community, with special attention to the intended and unintended consequences of contemporary policies such as special education, desegregation, charter schools, and the standards/accountability movement. Usually offered every second year.
Religious Education in America
No principle stands more sacred in American public education than separation of Church and state. Public schools pride themselves as neutral playing fields when it comes to matters of religion. But this position belies a more complicated history. American public schools were initially founded by protestant leaders concerned with an influx of non-protestant immigrants during the middle of the 19th century. Indeed, despite lip service to ideas like separation of Church and state, American educational leaders long saw schools as a vehicle for promoting a Protestant inflected American culture. This course begins from the premise that American education and American religion have always existed in relationship. Religious groups have sometimes tried to use the public schools as vehicles to advance their religion, sometimes, they have created supplemental schools, and sometimes they have created whole parallel school systems. But in all cases, education and religion in American are intertwined. This course asks when education is religious and when religion is educational. It examines a series of case studies drawn from different faith communities including Judaism, Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam. Usually offered every second year.
Reading (and Talking Back to) Research on Education
Open to education studies majors only.
In this required capstone course for education studies majors, students will review quantitative and qualitative research through disciplinary lenses. Students pursue some topic of inquiry by either reviewing and synthesizing educational research, or conducting some empirical research. Usually offered every year.
Race, Power, and Urban Education
Examines the nature of urban schools, their links to the social and political context, and the perspectives of the people who inhabit them. Explores the historical development of urban schools; the social, economic, and personal hardships facing urban students; and challenges of urban school reform. Usually offered every year.
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
Examines the core issues (identity, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, etc.) that define development during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood. Heavy emphasis is placed on integrating research and theory in understanding adolescence and young adulthood. Usually offered every year.
Creative Pedagogy
Explores the individual discovery in human creativity and how this journey impacts the quality and inclusivity of teaching and learning both inside and outside of educational spaces. Students will dig into their own educational experiences and their relationship to creativity in this creativity-engaged space. Using the theoretical stages of creativity, students read research, reflect on their own experiences, try new creative endeavors, and engage in creative collaboration with others with the lens towards inspiring and supporting learning. Students are asked in the course to expand their own creative reach and risk-taking capabilities. Usually offered every second year.
ED Writing Intensive
Purpose and Politics of Education
Focuses on the United States and introduces students to foundational questions in the interdisciplinary field of Education Studies. We explore competing goals Americans have held for K-12 and post-secondary education and ask how these visions have (or have not) influenced school, society, and educational policy. We pay particular attention to educational stratification; localism; segregation; privatization; and the relationship between schooling and equality. Usually offered every year.
Race, Power, and Urban Education
Examines the nature of urban schools, their links to the social and political context, and the perspectives of the people who inhabit them. Explores the historical development of urban schools; the social, economic, and personal hardships facing urban students; and challenges of urban school reform. Usually offered every year.
Learning, Identity, and Development
Open only to MAT students.
How do children learn? Topics in this survey course include models of learning, cognitive and social development, creativity, intelligence, character education, motivation, complex reasoning, and learning disabilities. Course methods include contemporary research analyses, case studies, group projects, short lectures, and class discussions.
ED Education, Equality and Social Change
Black Childhoods
Explores historical experiences of growing up black in America. We will examine the role of race in shaping experiences and meanings of childhood from slavery to the present day, including studies of black girlhood and boyhood. Usually offered every second year.
The History of Childhood and Youth in America
Examines history, cultural ideas, and policies about childhood and youth, as well as children's literature, television, and other media for children and youth. Includes an archival-based project on the student movement in the 1960s. Usually offered every second year.
Topics in the History of American Education
Examines major themes in the history of American education, including the development of schools; changing ideas about education; the quest for equity and inclusion; the place of religion; the role of the media, and efforts at reform, privatization, and corporatization. Usually offered every second year.
History of Higher Education in the U.S.
Explores the history of higher education in the United States from the nation's formation to the present. Readings outline the competing purposes Americans envisioned for colleges and universities, as well as student life, institutional access, and visions of the relationship between excellence and equity. The course explores patterns of inclusion and exclusion based on race, class, ethnicity, religion, and gender and how universities served as sites where class was produced and contested. Students explore the post-World War II democratization of American higher education, the politics of college admissions, and recent movements to make college more affordable. The course also raises questions about the power universities came to hold as centers of knowledge-making networks and universities as sites of political activism. Usually offered every third year.
Education and Equity in Modern American History
Focusing on educational inequities related to race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, this course examines twentieth century American efforts to make schools more equal, and in the process to make the social, economic, and racial order more just and fair. The course focuses on the ways Americans have addressed three core questions: What is educational equity? What is the relationship between school desegregation and equalization? Can equal schools create an equal society? By exploring how Americans thought about and sought to institutionalize their answers to these questions, the course investigates the promise and pitfalls of treating schooling as an egalitarian tool. Usually offered every third year.
Juvenile Justice: From Cradle to Custody
After an overview of the basics of juvenile justice in the United States, this course examines the realities and remedies for the cradle-to-prison pipeline, analyzing this pattern from the perspectives of law, society, and economics, tracing the child's experience along that path, and exploring creative public solutions. Usually offered every second year.
Participatory Science: Bridging Science, Education, and Advocacy
Citizen science (the public generation of science knowledge) from both a practical (through direct participation in research) and theoretical application will be explored as the basis for examining how research, scientific literacy, education, and advocacy projects are complementary. Usually offered every second year.
The Economics of Education
Prerequisite: ECON 2a or ECON 10a.
An introduction to economic analysis of the education sector. Topics include the concept of human capital, private and social return on investment in education, cost-benefit analysis of special educational programs, and issues in the financing of education. Usually offered every second year.
Education and Social Policy
Examines the various functions that schools perform in a community, with special attention to the intended and unintended consequences of contemporary policies such as special education, desegregation, charter schools, and the standards/accountability movement. Usually offered every second year.
Religious Education in America
No principle stands more sacred in American public education than separation of Church and state. Public schools pride themselves as neutral playing fields when it comes to matters of religion. But this position belies a more complicated history. American public schools were initially founded by protestant leaders concerned with an influx of non-protestant immigrants during the middle of the 19th century. Indeed, despite lip service to ideas like separation of Church and state, American educational leaders long saw schools as a vehicle for promoting a Protestant inflected American culture. This course begins from the premise that American education and American religion have always existed in relationship. Religious groups have sometimes tried to use the public schools as vehicles to advance their religion, sometimes, they have created supplemental schools, and sometimes they have created whole parallel school systems. But in all cases, education and religion in American are intertwined. This course asks when education is religious and when religion is educational. It examines a series of case studies drawn from different faith communities including Judaism, Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam. Usually offered every second year.
Race, Power, and Urban Education
Examines the nature of urban schools, their links to the social and political context, and the perspectives of the people who inhabit them. Explores the historical development of urban schools; the social, economic, and personal hardships facing urban students; and challenges of urban school reform. Usually offered every year.
Critical Race Theory and Education
Explores racial stratification as it pertains to public education in the United States. Examining Critical Race Theory as a foundation, the readings and activities in this seminar will provide not only a background to the theory but will expose how the theory has and can be applied to educational disparities. The publications of legal scholars will serve as the anchor texts from which we will deepen our understanding of applications in the education field. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the course activities require a synthesis of scholarship beyond critique and toward intellectually creative manifestations. Special one-time offering, fall 2023.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175f in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175a in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Decolonial Pedagogy
Familiarizes students in the humanities, social sciences and public policy with an important strain of pedagogical theory, what Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire called 'education as the practice of freedom.' Topics will include diversity, equity and inclusion; embodied teaching and learning; authority, or the lack thereof; grading and assessment; and teaching reading and writing. Special one-time offering, fall 2020.
Sociology of Disability
In the latter half of the twentieth century, disability has emerged as an important social-political-economic-medical issue, with its own distinct history, characterized as a shift from "good will to civil rights." Traces that history and the way people with disabilities are seen and unseen, and see themselves. Usually offered every year.
Steve Gulley
Knowledge and Punishment
Embarks on a thought-provoking journey to deepen participants’ understanding of how laws and punishments intricately shape our learning processes and define societal acceptability. This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the legal frameworks that influence our educational systems, shedding light on the subtle ways in which consequences, whether doctrine or unintended, mold our perceptions of what is deemed appropriate. Special one-time offering, spring 2025.
Sociology of Education
Examines the role of education in society, including pedagogy, school systems, teacher organizations, parental involvement, community contexts, as well as issues of class, race, and gender. Usually offered every third year.
Sociology of Race and Racism
Provides an introduction to the study of race and racism and focuses on specific socio-historical issues surrounding racial inequality in the United States. A variety of media to examine topics such as the institutionalization of white privilege, the social construction of "otherness", racial formation processes, and racial segregation are used" Usually offered every third year.
The Social Politics of Sexual Education
Covers the history and sociocultural politics of sexual education in the Global North with a strong focus on the U.S. Using queer, feminist, disability, and race theory, it examines what shapes "sex" and "education." Usually offered every third year.
ED Teaching and Learning In and Outside of Schools
Language in American Life
Examines both language-in-use and ideas about language varieties in the United States from an anthropological perspective. Explores how language-in-use emerges from and builds relationships, social hierarchies, professional authority, religious experience, dimensions of identity such as gender and race, and more. Usually offered every second year.
Participatory Science: Bridging Science, Education, and Advocacy
Citizen science (the public generation of science knowledge) from both a practical (through direct participation in research) and theoretical application will be explored as the basis for examining how research, scientific literacy, education, and advocacy projects are complementary. Usually offered every second year.
Introduction to Teaching and Learning
Open to all. Instructor permission required to enroll. Priority enrollment given to first year and Education students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure. Cannot be taken for credit by students who have previously taken ED 100a or ED 100b.
Examines classroom teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment in the context of broader questions about the purposes and policies of schools and schooling. Through readings, analysis of video, and guided observations, students investigate classroom culture, student thinking, and curriculum standards. This introductory survey course gives a broad overview that provides a foundation for 100+ level courses in the Education Studies Teaching and Learning cluster. Usually offered every year.
Waltham Speaks: Multilingualism, Advocacy and Community
Grounds community-engaged and service learning in Waltham within theoretical frameworks and practical skills from education and the social sciences. Educators (broadly speaking, in and beyond schools) integrate perspectives from history, policy, psychology, and sociology with teaching pedagogy. Through reflective, responsive, and empathetic learning, students will learn how English learner populations have shaped a community's organizations, schools, and identity. Waltham's school system and service organization leaders will teach students about their work in shaping a responsive and inclusive community. Through interviews, reflective essays, weekly discussions, and a semester-long service project, students will grow habits of mind and practical skills for work in education and beyond. Usually offered every year.
Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (Grades PK-6)
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Focuses on principles and effective procedures for teaching reading strategies, writing process, and social studies in elementary classrooms. Students will study, practice, and reflect upon concepts in: writing development and assessment, reading comprehension strategies to meet needs of diverse learners, unit development via Understanding by Design pedagogy, and practice in teaching social studies in order to promote civic engagement and cultural awareness. Usually offered every year.
Pedagogy in the Disciplines: Teaching and Learning
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Each year, this course focuses on the teaching of a specific discipline or subject area: English, History, Math, or Science. Subject area foci rotate every third year. Usually offered every fall semester.
Structure, Concepts, and Best Practices in Mathematics: Elementary
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. MATH 3a is recommended but not required. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Current research, strategies, and philosophies in and about the learning and teaching of mathematics in elementary classrooms. Emphasizes understanding the important math concepts, best practices, and class structures that all help to build a solid and positive learning experience for all students. Usually offered every year.
Special Education, Teaching for Inclusion
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 125f in prior years.
Participants in this course will explore characteristics of students with who have moderate disabilities and learn how these students' learning can be supported. Participants will be introduced to the laws, technologies, and school structures that pertain to special education. They will practice analyzing, preparing, implementing, and evaluating Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Usually offered every year.
Look Who’s Talking: Student Voice and Classroom Discourse
Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure.
Teaching is about students, who they are, how they learn, and what they bring to the classroom, that is: their funds of knowledge. While traditional teaching uses a "banking model" in which teachers “deposit” information into students’ empty brains; this course reimagines what that bank would look like if students were the ones with the funds. In this course, participants practice classroom structures in which students, rather than teachers, do the bulk of the intellectual work. The course examines the small interactions in classrooms (micro) to understand big ideas about education (macro).
Creativity and Caring
Explores "creativity" and "caring," significant human capacities, and their relationship. Drawing on developmental and social psychology, we ask: How do they develop? What affects our being creative and caring? How can educators promote these? Usually offered every year.
Race, Power, and Urban Education
Examines the nature of urban schools, their links to the social and political context, and the perspectives of the people who inhabit them. Explores the historical development of urban schools; the social, economic, and personal hardships facing urban students; and challenges of urban school reform. Usually offered every year.
Critical Race Theory and Education
Explores racial stratification as it pertains to public education in the United States. Examining Critical Race Theory as a foundation, the readings and activities in this seminar will provide not only a background to the theory but will expose how the theory has and can be applied to educational disparities. The publications of legal scholars will serve as the anchor texts from which we will deepen our understanding of applications in the education field. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the course activities require a synthesis of scholarship beyond critique and toward intellectually creative manifestations. Special one-time offering, fall 2023.
The Psychology of Love: Education for Close Relationships
Students will be selected after the submission of a sample of writing on adult loving relationships.
What is love? How does it develop? How do psychologists study how people think, feel and behave in close relationships? These questions will guide our inquiry and inform our guiding question: how can we educate young people to better care for their friends, lovers and intimates? Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175f in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175a in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Decolonial Pedagogy
Familiarizes students in the humanities, social sciences and public policy with an important strain of pedagogical theory, what Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire called 'education as the practice of freedom.' Topics will include diversity, equity and inclusion; embodied teaching and learning; authority, or the lack thereof; grading and assessment; and teaching reading and writing. Special one-time offering, fall 2020.
Phonology I
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
An introduction to generative phonology, the theory of natural language sound systems. Includes discussion of morphophonology, distinctive feature theory, phonological processes and their representation, the interaction of phonological processes, nonlinear phonological representations, and the basic principles of a constraint-based approach to phonology. Usually offered every year.
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
Explorations in Math: A Course for Educators
An in-depth exploration of the fundamental ideas underlying the mathematics taught in elementary and middle school. Emphasis is on problem solving, experimenting with mathematical ideas, and articulating mathematical reasoning. Usually offered every spring.
Teaching and Learning Modern Jewish History, the Holocaust, and Israel
Examines why we teach history, how students learn history, the uses of public history, and what history means within a Jewish context. Special emphasis is placed on teaching with primary sources, digital resources, and oral history. Includes an oral history project in cooperation with the Jewish Women's Archive and Keshet (a Jewish LGBTQ organization), and an introduction to Holocaust education with Facing History and Ourselves. Usually offered every third year.
Developmental Psychology
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
An examination of normal child development from conception through adolescence. Course will focus on theoretical issues and processes of development with an emphasis on how biological and environmental influences interact. Usually offered every year.
Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
Examines the core issues (identity, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, etc.) that define development during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood. Heavy emphasis is placed on integrating research and theory in understanding adolescence and young adulthood. Usually offered every year.
Disorders of Childhood
Prerequisites: PSYC 10a and either PSYC 33a or PSYC 36b. Seniors and juniors have priority for admission.
Issues of theory, research, and practice in the areas of child and family psychopathology and treatment are reviewed in the context of normal developmental processes. Usually offered every semester.
ED Human Creativity and Development
Playing Human: Persons, Objects, Imagination
Examines how people interact with material artifacts that are decidedly not human and yet which, paradoxically, deepen and extend experiences of being human. Theories of fetishism; masking and ritual objects across cultures; play and childhood experience; and objects of imagination, memory and trauma. Usually offered every second year.
Children's Literature and Constructions of Childhood
Explores whether children's literature has sought to civilize or to subvert, to moralize or to enchant, forming a bedrock for adult sensibility. Childhood reading reflects the unresolved complexity of the experience of childhood itself as well as larger cultural shifts around the globe in values and beliefs. Usually offered every third year.
Robin Feuer Miller
Creativity and Caring
Explores "creativity" and "caring," significant human capacities, and their relationship. Drawing on developmental and social psychology, we ask: How do they develop? What affects our being creative and caring? How can educators promote these? Usually offered every year.
Sociology of Disability
In the latter half of the twentieth century, disability has emerged as an important social-political-economic-medical issue, with its own distinct history, characterized as a shift from "good will to civil rights." Traces that history and the way people with disabilities are seen and unseen, and see themselves. Usually offered every year.
Steve Gulley
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
Developmental Psychology
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
An examination of normal child development from conception through adolescence. Course will focus on theoretical issues and processes of development with an emphasis on how biological and environmental influences interact. Usually offered every year.
Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
Examines the core issues (identity, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, etc.) that define development during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood. Heavy emphasis is placed on integrating research and theory in understanding adolescence and young adulthood. Usually offered every year.
Disorders of Childhood
Prerequisites: PSYC 10a and either PSYC 33a or PSYC 36b. Seniors and juniors have priority for admission.
Issues of theory, research, and practice in the areas of child and family psychopathology and treatment are reviewed in the context of normal developmental processes. Usually offered every semester.
Creative Pedagogy
Explores the individual discovery in human creativity and how this journey impacts the quality and inclusivity of teaching and learning both inside and outside of educational spaces. Students will dig into their own educational experiences and their relationship to creativity in this creativity-engaged space. Using the theoretical stages of creativity, students read research, reflect on their own experiences, try new creative endeavors, and engage in creative collaboration with others with the lens towards inspiring and supporting learning. Students are asked in the course to expand their own creative reach and risk-taking capabilities. Usually offered every second year.
ED Jewish Formal and Informal Education
Inside Jewish Education: Language, Literacy, and Reading
Combines autobiography, classroom videotapes, curriculum investigation and fieldwork to explore the purposes, practices and effects of contemporary Jewish education in its many forms and venues. Usually offered every other year.
Jewish Passages: Developing through the Cycles of Jewish Life
Thirteen-year-old American Jewish teens celebrating their bnei-mitzvah are engaging with a historic Jewish passage that has changed radically over the past century, as American Jews have continually adapted Jewish life cycle rituals to narrate who they are in the midst of a changing cultural milieu. From naming babies to celebrating a 95th birthday, Jewish passages are also viewed as opportunities for Jewish professionals to help individuals and families locate themselves within cycles of Jewish life. This course helps students understand how Judaism’s life cycle rituals relate to developmental psychologists’ understanding of the course of human development, while also bringing in the ways social scientists describe the evolution of these rituals. Usually offered every fourth year.
From Sunday Schools to Birthright: History of American Jewish Education
Empowers students to articulate a reality-based, transformative vision of Jewish education that is grounded in an appreciation for the history and sociology of American Jewish education. It will familiarize students with and contextualize the present Jewish educational landscape, through the use of historical case studies and current research, encouraging students to view the field from an evolutionary perspective. The seminar will address Jewish education in all its forms, including formal and informal settings (e.g., schools, camps, youth groups, educational tourism). Usually offered every third year.
Teaching and Learning Modern Jewish History, the Holocaust, and Israel
Examines why we teach history, how students learn history, the uses of public history, and what history means within a Jewish context. Special emphasis is placed on teaching with primary sources, digital resources, and oral history. Includes an oral history project in cooperation with the Jewish Women's Archive and Keshet (a Jewish LGBTQ organization), and an introduction to Holocaust education with Facing History and Ourselves. Usually offered every third year.
Philosophy of Jewish Education
What should Jewish education be? What are its legitimate goals? What are the competing visions of an educated Jew, and how do these influence educational practice? How is Jewish education similar to and different from other kinds of religious education? Usually offered every second year.
Jon Levisohn
ED Education Studies Electives
Explores the evolution of the modern African American civil rights movement through historical readings, primary documents, films and social media. Assesses the legacy and consequences of the movement for contemporary struggles for black equality. Usually offered every second year.
Black Childhoods
Explores historical experiences of growing up black in America. We will examine the role of race in shaping experiences and meanings of childhood from slavery to the present day, including studies of black girlhood and boyhood. Usually offered every second year.
The History of Childhood and Youth in America
Examines history, cultural ideas, and policies about childhood and youth, as well as children's literature, television, and other media for children and youth. Includes an archival-based project on the student movement in the 1960s. Usually offered every second year.
Topics in the History of American Education
Examines major themes in the history of American education, including the development of schools; changing ideas about education; the quest for equity and inclusion; the place of religion; the role of the media, and efforts at reform, privatization, and corporatization. Usually offered every second year.
History of Higher Education in the U.S.
Explores the history of higher education in the United States from the nation's formation to the present. Readings outline the competing purposes Americans envisioned for colleges and universities, as well as student life, institutional access, and visions of the relationship between excellence and equity. The course explores patterns of inclusion and exclusion based on race, class, ethnicity, religion, and gender and how universities served as sites where class was produced and contested. Students explore the post-World War II democratization of American higher education, the politics of college admissions, and recent movements to make college more affordable. The course also raises questions about the power universities came to hold as centers of knowledge-making networks and universities as sites of political activism. Usually offered every third year.
Education and Equity in Modern American History
Focusing on educational inequities related to race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, this course examines twentieth century American efforts to make schools more equal, and in the process to make the social, economic, and racial order more just and fair. The course focuses on the ways Americans have addressed three core questions: What is educational equity? What is the relationship between school desegregation and equalization? Can equal schools create an equal society? By exploring how Americans thought about and sought to institutionalize their answers to these questions, the course investigates the promise and pitfalls of treating schooling as an egalitarian tool. Usually offered every third year.
Juvenile Justice: From Cradle to Custody
After an overview of the basics of juvenile justice in the United States, this course examines the realities and remedies for the cradle-to-prison pipeline, analyzing this pattern from the perspectives of law, society, and economics, tracing the child's experience along that path, and exploring creative public solutions. Usually offered every second year.
Language in American Life
Examines both language-in-use and ideas about language varieties in the United States from an anthropological perspective. Explores how language-in-use emerges from and builds relationships, social hierarchies, professional authority, religious experience, dimensions of identity such as gender and race, and more. Usually offered every second year.
Children, Parenting, and Education in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Examines childcare techniques, beliefs about childhood and adolescence, and the objectives of school systems in different areas of the world, in order to illuminate cross-cultural similarities and differences in conceptions of personhood, identity, gender, class, race, nation, and the relationship between the individual and society. Usually offered every third year.
Playing Human: Persons, Objects, Imagination
Examines how people interact with material artifacts that are decidedly not human and yet which, paradoxically, deepen and extend experiences of being human. Theories of fetishism; masking and ritual objects across cultures; play and childhood experience; and objects of imagination, memory and trauma. Usually offered every second year.
Children's Literature and Constructions of Childhood
Explores whether children's literature has sought to civilize or to subvert, to moralize or to enchant, forming a bedrock for adult sensibility. Childhood reading reflects the unresolved complexity of the experience of childhood itself as well as larger cultural shifts around the globe in values and beliefs. Usually offered every third year.
Robin Feuer Miller
Participatory Science: Bridging Science, Education, and Advocacy
Citizen science (the public generation of science knowledge) from both a practical (through direct participation in research) and theoretical application will be explored as the basis for examining how research, scientific literacy, education, and advocacy projects are complementary. Usually offered every second year.
The Economics of Education
Prerequisite: ECON 2a or ECON 10a.
An introduction to economic analysis of the education sector. Topics include the concept of human capital, private and social return on investment in education, cost-benefit analysis of special educational programs, and issues in the financing of education. Usually offered every second year.
Introduction to Teaching and Learning
Open to all. Instructor permission required to enroll. Priority enrollment given to first year and Education students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure. Cannot be taken for credit by students who have previously taken ED 100a or ED 100b.
Examines classroom teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment in the context of broader questions about the purposes and policies of schools and schooling. Through readings, analysis of video, and guided observations, students investigate classroom culture, student thinking, and curriculum standards. This introductory survey course gives a broad overview that provides a foundation for 100+ level courses in the Education Studies Teaching and Learning cluster. Usually offered every year.
Waltham Speaks: Multilingualism, Advocacy and Community
Grounds community-engaged and service learning in Waltham within theoretical frameworks and practical skills from education and the social sciences. Educators (broadly speaking, in and beyond schools) integrate perspectives from history, policy, psychology, and sociology with teaching pedagogy. Through reflective, responsive, and empathetic learning, students will learn how English learner populations have shaped a community's organizations, schools, and identity. Waltham's school system and service organization leaders will teach students about their work in shaping a responsive and inclusive community. Through interviews, reflective essays, weekly discussions, and a semester-long service project, students will grow habits of mind and practical skills for work in education and beyond. Usually offered every year.
Literacy, Literature, and Social Justice (Grades PK-6)
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Focuses on principles and effective procedures for teaching reading strategies, writing process, and social studies in elementary classrooms. Students will study, practice, and reflect upon concepts in: writing development and assessment, reading comprehension strategies to meet needs of diverse learners, unit development via Understanding by Design pedagogy, and practice in teaching social studies in order to promote civic engagement and cultural awareness. Usually offered every year.
Pedagogy in the Disciplines: Teaching and Learning
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Each year, this course focuses on the teaching of a specific discipline or subject area: English, History, Math, or Science. Subject area foci rotate every third year. Usually offered every fall semester.
Structure, Concepts, and Best Practices in Mathematics: Elementary
Prerequisite: ED 10a, ED 100a, or ED 100b. MATH 3a is recommended but not required. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure.
Current research, strategies, and philosophies in and about the learning and teaching of mathematics in elementary classrooms. Emphasizes understanding the important math concepts, best practices, and class structures that all help to build a solid and positive learning experience for all students. Usually offered every year.
Special Education, Teaching for Inclusion
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 125f in prior years.
Participants in this course will explore characteristics of students with who have moderate disabilities and learn how these students' learning can be supported. Participants will be introduced to the laws, technologies, and school structures that pertain to special education. They will practice analyzing, preparing, implementing, and evaluating Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). Usually offered every year.
Look Who’s Talking: Student Voice and Classroom Discourse
Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing teacher licensure.
Teaching is about students, who they are, how they learn, and what they bring to the classroom, that is: their funds of knowledge. While traditional teaching uses a "banking model" in which teachers “deposit” information into students’ empty brains; this course reimagines what that bank would look like if students were the ones with the funds. In this course, participants practice classroom structures in which students, rather than teachers, do the bulk of the intellectual work. The course examines the small interactions in classrooms (micro) to understand big ideas about education (macro).
Religious Education in America
No principle stands more sacred in American public education than separation of Church and state. Public schools pride themselves as neutral playing fields when it comes to matters of religion. But this position belies a more complicated history. American public schools were initially founded by protestant leaders concerned with an influx of non-protestant immigrants during the middle of the 19th century. Indeed, despite lip service to ideas like separation of Church and state, American educational leaders long saw schools as a vehicle for promoting a Protestant inflected American culture. This course begins from the premise that American education and American religion have always existed in relationship. Religious groups have sometimes tried to use the public schools as vehicles to advance their religion, sometimes, they have created supplemental schools, and sometimes they have created whole parallel school systems. But in all cases, education and religion in American are intertwined. This course asks when education is religious and when religion is educational. It examines a series of case studies drawn from different faith communities including Judaism, Evangelical Christianity, Catholicism, and Islam. Usually offered every second year.
Creativity and Caring
Explores "creativity" and "caring," significant human capacities, and their relationship. Drawing on developmental and social psychology, we ask: How do they develop? What affects our being creative and caring? How can educators promote these? Usually offered every year.
Race, Power, and Urban Education
Examines the nature of urban schools, their links to the social and political context, and the perspectives of the people who inhabit them. Explores the historical development of urban schools; the social, economic, and personal hardships facing urban students; and challenges of urban school reform. Usually offered every year.
Critical Race Theory and Education
Explores racial stratification as it pertains to public education in the United States. Examining Critical Race Theory as a foundation, the readings and activities in this seminar will provide not only a background to the theory but will expose how the theory has and can be applied to educational disparities. The publications of legal scholars will serve as the anchor texts from which we will deepen our understanding of applications in the education field. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the course activities require a synthesis of scholarship beyond critique and toward intellectually creative manifestations. Special one-time offering, fall 2023.
The Psychology of Love: Education for Close Relationships
Students will be selected after the submission of a sample of writing on adult loving relationships.
What is love? How does it develop? How do psychologists study how people think, feel and behave in close relationships? These questions will guide our inquiry and inform our guiding question: how can we educate young people to better care for their friends, lovers and intimates? Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175f in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Teaching Multilingual Learners
Yields half-course credit. Open to all, priority for Ed Studies and teacher licensure students. Two credits of accompanying fieldwork are available for all students through ED 60a. This is required for students pursuing licensure. May not be taken for credit by students who took ED 175a in prior years.
Examines the intersection of culture and language and the process of second language acquisition. Participants will discuss specific issues confronting bilingual students, including testing, family involvement, and a variety of challenges facing children who enter the American elementary, middle or high schools. Though the study of cases, classrooms, and children, participants will observe, analyze, and reflect upon the teaching and learning of English Learners. Participants will analyze linguistic and cultural demands of lessons and become familiar with instructional strategies for teaching English Learners. Usually offered every year.
Summer Camp: The American Jewish Experience
How did American summer camps evolve? How did Jews appropriate this form for their communal needs? How did leadership develop and what are the pressing issues of today? These questions will be examined from historical, educational, and managerial perspectives. Usually offered every second year.
Inside Jewish Education: Language, Literacy, and Reading
Combines autobiography, classroom videotapes, curriculum investigation and fieldwork to explore the purposes, practices and effects of contemporary Jewish education in its many forms and venues. Usually offered every other year.
Decolonial Pedagogy
Familiarizes students in the humanities, social sciences and public policy with an important strain of pedagogical theory, what Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire called 'education as the practice of freedom.' Topics will include diversity, equity and inclusion; embodied teaching and learning; authority, or the lack thereof; grading and assessment; and teaching reading and writing. Special one-time offering, fall 2020.
Sociology of Disability
In the latter half of the twentieth century, disability has emerged as an important social-political-economic-medical issue, with its own distinct history, characterized as a shift from "good will to civil rights." Traces that history and the way people with disabilities are seen and unseen, and see themselves. Usually offered every year.
Steve Gulley
Phonology I
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
An introduction to generative phonology, the theory of natural language sound systems. Includes discussion of morphophonology, distinctive feature theory, phonological processes and their representation, the interaction of phonological processes, nonlinear phonological representations, and the basic principles of a constraint-based approach to phonology. Usually offered every year.
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
Explorations in Math: A Course for Educators
An in-depth exploration of the fundamental ideas underlying the mathematics taught in elementary and middle school. Emphasis is on problem solving, experimenting with mathematical ideas, and articulating mathematical reasoning. Usually offered every spring.
From Sunday Schools to Birthright: History of American Jewish Education
Empowers students to articulate a reality-based, transformative vision of Jewish education that is grounded in an appreciation for the history and sociology of American Jewish education. It will familiarize students with and contextualize the present Jewish educational landscape, through the use of historical case studies and current research, encouraging students to view the field from an evolutionary perspective. The seminar will address Jewish education in all its forms, including formal and informal settings (e.g., schools, camps, youth groups, educational tourism). Usually offered every third year.
Teaching and Learning Modern Jewish History, the Holocaust, and Israel
Examines why we teach history, how students learn history, the uses of public history, and what history means within a Jewish context. Special emphasis is placed on teaching with primary sources, digital resources, and oral history. Includes an oral history project in cooperation with the Jewish Women's Archive and Keshet (a Jewish LGBTQ organization), and an introduction to Holocaust education with Facing History and Ourselves. Usually offered every third year.
Tikkun Olam/Repairing the World: Service and Social Justice in Theory and Practice
What does tikkun olam mean? What is a life of service? What should one learn from service-learning? Does "social justice" actually do any good? This is a service-learning course, and includes a service component in the field. Usually offered every third year.
Philosophy of Jewish Education
What should Jewish education be? What are its legitimate goals? What are the competing visions of an educated Jew, and how do these influence educational practice? How is Jewish education similar to and different from other kinds of religious education? Usually offered every second year.
Jon Levisohn
Developmental Psychology
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
An examination of normal child development from conception through adolescence. Course will focus on theoretical issues and processes of development with an emphasis on how biological and environmental influences interact. Usually offered every year.
Adolescence and the Transition to Maturity
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a.
Examines the core issues (identity, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, etc.) that define development during adolescence and the transition to young adulthood. Heavy emphasis is placed on integrating research and theory in understanding adolescence and young adulthood. Usually offered every year.
Disorders of Childhood
Prerequisites: PSYC 10a and either PSYC 33a or PSYC 36b. Seniors and juniors have priority for admission.
Issues of theory, research, and practice in the areas of child and family psychopathology and treatment are reviewed in the context of normal developmental processes. Usually offered every semester.
Sociology of Education
Examines the role of education in society, including pedagogy, school systems, teacher organizations, parental involvement, community contexts, as well as issues of class, race, and gender. Usually offered every third year.
Sociology of Race and Racism
Provides an introduction to the study of race and racism and focuses on specific socio-historical issues surrounding racial inequality in the United States. A variety of media to examine topics such as the institutionalization of white privilege, the social construction of "otherness", racial formation processes, and racial segregation are used" Usually offered every third year.
Creative Pedagogy
Explores the individual discovery in human creativity and how this journey impacts the quality and inclusivity of teaching and learning both inside and outside of educational spaces. Students will dig into their own educational experiences and their relationship to creativity in this creativity-engaged space. Using the theoretical stages of creativity, students read research, reflect on their own experiences, try new creative endeavors, and engage in creative collaboration with others with the lens towards inspiring and supporting learning. Students are asked in the course to expand their own creative reach and risk-taking capabilities. Usually offered every second year.
The Social Politics of Sexual Education
Covers the history and sociocultural politics of sexual education in the Global North with a strong focus on the U.S. Using queer, feminist, disability, and race theory, it examines what shapes "sex" and "education." Usually offered every third year.
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