An Interdepartmental Program in Linguistics
Last updated: January 28, 2025 at 10:52 AM
Programs of Study
- Minor
- Major (BA)
The major and minor in Linguistics focus on theoretical generative linguistics, which involves the formal description and analysis of language. The core subfields of linguistics--phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics--explore the sound, word, sentence, and meaning structures and patterns in natural languages. As a whole, these areas of study aim to understand the nature of a speaker’s knowledge of their native language, and to place this knowledge in a psychological and biological framework. Flexible elective options for the major and minor allow students to deepen and broaden their study of the traditional areas of linguistics itself, as well as to explore the role of language in various scientific, social, and humanistic disciplines. The latter include cognitive science; computational linguistics, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence; historical philology and epigraphy; literary theory; neuroscience; philosophy of language and logic; psychology; semiotic and linguistic anthropology; and sociolinguistics.
Learning Goals
Introductory Narrative
Linguistics involves the scientific study of human language, which the major approaches from a theoretical, generative perspective. The major's required core courses focus on the description and analysis of structures in the world's languages, in the linguistic subfields of phonology (including morphophonology), which studies linguistic sounds and sound patterns; syntax (including morphosyntax), which studies phrase and sentence structures; and semantics, which studies meaning that arises through our knowledge of words and grammar, or pragmatics, which studies meaning that arises through contextual inference and discourse structure.
The major complements this grounding in the traditional core areas of linguistics with a set of elective courses chosen by each student, according to individual interests and academic goals. These are chosen from a diverse set of course offerings, ranging from electives in linguistics itself to language-related courses in disciplines that include anthropology, philosophy, computer science, near-eastern and Judaic studies, education, psychology, and neuroscience.
Goal I. Students will develop an understanding of the basic components of linguistic knowledge across languages and the modern generative approach to analyzing grammar. This will include knowledge of:
- How sound patterns work
- The structure of words, phrases, and sentences
- How lexical, compositional, and/or contextual meaning arises in language
Goal II. Students will learn to apply their knowledge (as described in Goal I) to analyze data from the languages of the world. Given a set of data from a language or several languages or dialects, this will enable them to:
- Identify and propose a formal analysis of the patterns found in each language’s sounds, word structures, sentence structures, and/or meanings
- Compare and describe the differences in sound patterns, word structures, sentence structures, and/or meanings present in the set of data.
Goal III. Students will develop an understanding of the existence of multiple perspectives on and applications of the study of language. Through the major’s core courses and the elective courses taken in linguistics or other disciplines, students will be able to identify connections and differences between theoretical linguistics and other perspectives on language. These perspectives may include those of anthropology, cognitive science, computational linguistics, computer science, education, historical linguistics, literary theory, neurolinguistics, philosophy, psychology, and/or sociolinguistics.
Core Skills
Students who complete the Linguistics major will emerge with the ability to:
- Transcribe English words and sentences into the International Phonetic Alphabet; identify the sounds present in phonetic transcriptions of data from a given language
- Make linguistic generalizations about the phonology, morphology, syntax, or meaning based on data from a given language or languages
- Formulate a hypothesis about empirical generalizations present in a set of data, identify ways to test the hypothesis, and arrive at conclusions that the data support
- Propose and evaluate linguistic analyses through critical thinking, in terms of both empirical adequacy and theoretical merits.
Social Justice
Language is a core defining trait of humans, and all languages, dialects, and other language varieties are of roughly equal complexity, no matter what social status or way of life their speakers may have. Studying the organizing principles and intricate patterns at work in a wide variety of human languages and language varieties imparts to students a lasting appreciation of and respect for these languages and language varieties, and, by extension, for the speakers of these languages and language varieties. Many linguists are also actively involved in work to document, preserve, or help revitalize endangered and dying languages—a problem that has special urgency given the large number of languages that are currently in danger of dying out by the end of this century.
Upon Graduation
Our students have long gone on to top linguistics PhD programs, and there are prominent linguists at universities within and outside North America who began as Brandeis linguistics undergraduates. The major is also excellent preparation for applied linguistics careers, including speech pathology and therapy, language teaching and translation, and computational linguistics applications — such as information retrieval and extraction, search engines, speech recognition and synthesis, machine translation, computer-assisted language learning, and artificial intelligence. In addition, the strong analytical reasoning skills and understanding of how English and other languages work that our majors develop provides a solid foundation for careers outside linguistics, in areas such as law, editing, publishing, technical writing, advertising, and educational testing.
How to Become a Major or a Minor
The best way to start is to take LING 100a (Introduction to Linguistics), which introduces students to the scientific study of human language and the human language faculty (commonly referred to as "theoretical linguistics"). The course covers the major concepts of the field, what it means for a speaker to know a language, speakers' unconscious knowledge of their language(s), and the shared internal structures that underlie language. Students in the course examine and compare the structural characteristics shared by a broad range of languages and dialects currently spoken around the world.
Students interested in advising related to the major or minor in Linguistics should consult the Linguistics advising webpage for advising information for the current semester.
James Pustejovsky, Chair
(Computer Science; Linguistics)
Lotus Goldberg, Vice Chair
(Computer Science; Linguistics)
Constantine Lignos
(Computer Science; Linguistics)
Sophia A. Malamud
(Anthropology; Computer Science; Linguistics)
Keith Plaster, Undergraduate Advising Head
(Computer Science; Linguistics)
Nianwen Xue
(Computer Science; Linguistics)
Requirements for the Minor
- Five semester courses are required:
- LING 100a, 110a, and 120b.
- LING 130a or LING 140a.
- One other course from the LING courses numbered higher than LING 98, but excluding LING 160b, and/or from the elective course list at the end of this bulletin entry.
- A grade of C or better is necessary for all courses offered toward a minor in linguistics. No course offered toward the fulfillment of the requirements for the minor may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Students may petition the Linguistics faculty committee for changes in the above program.
Requirements for the Major
- Ten courses are required of all candidates:
- LING 100a, 110a, 120b, and either LING 130a or 140a.
- Four additional courses from the LING courses numbered higher than LING 98, but excluding LING 160b, and/or from the elective course list at the end of this bulletin entry. One of the four elective courses must be an advanced course in Linguistics, chosen from among LING 111a, 121b, 131a, 195a, and, by petition, specific offerings of LING 190b.
- One of the following:
- Two foreign language courses at any level, in either the same language or two different languages. Courses taken at the 30-level or below used to satisfy this requirement must be in a language other than the language used to satisfy the general university foreign language requirement.
- LING 125b plus either (i) one foreign language course at any level or (ii) one of the following courses on a core area of Linguistics, so long as the course is not used to satisfy either the core course requirement in 1 above, or the elective course requirement in 2 above: LING 105a, 111a, 115a, 121b, 130a, 140a, or 150a. Language courses taken at the 30-level or below used to satisfy this requirement must be in a language other than the language used to satisfy the general university foreign language requirement.
- Foundational Literacies: As part of completing the Linguistics major, students must also:
- Fulfill the writing intensive requirement by successfully completing: LING 120b.
- Fulfill the oral communication requirement by successfully completing any course approved as counting for the LING OC requirement.
- Fulfill the digital literacy requirement by successfully completing any course approved as counting for the LING DL requirement.
- Honors may be awarded on successful completion of a senior thesis (LING 99d) in addition to the above course requirements. A GPA of 3.750 or higher in linguistics courses is normally required to write a thesis. Students must receive approval of a formal thesis proposal (from a program faculty member in consultation with the undergraduate advising head and the other program faculty) before beginning work on the thesis. Students should contact the undergraduate advising head for further details.
- A grade of C or better is necessary for all courses offered toward a major in linguistics. No courses offered toward the fulfillment of the requirements for the major may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Students may petition the Linguistics faculty committee for changes in the above program.
Courses of Instruction
(1-99) Primarily for Undergraduate Students
Readings in Linguistics
Independent reading and research under the direction of a faculty supervisor. When appropriate, a faculty member may organize a small group of students into a senior seminar. Usually offered every year.
Readings in Linguistics
Yields half-course credit. Usually offered every year.
Senior Thesis Research
Involves the student in an independent thesis research project under the supervision of a staff member. A student whose GPA in linguistics is 3.750 or better may apply at the end of the junior year or start of the senior year for permission to enroll in this course and begin work on a senior thesis. The student's findings are to be presented in writing and defended orally before a committee of faculty members. Interested students should contact the undergraduate advising head for further details. Usually offered every year.
(100-199) For Both Undergraduate and Graduate Students
Introduction to Linguistics
Open to all students.
A general introduction to linguistic theory and the principles of linguistic analysis. Students will construct detailed analyses of data from English and other languages in the areas of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, and examine their implications for a theory of language as it is encoded in the human mind. Usually offered every year.
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
Introduces the production and perception of the sounds of human speech in the world's languages. Covers the transcription of speech, articulatory phonetics (anatomy and physiology of speech), acoustic phonetics (transmission of speech), and auditory phonetics (perception of speech). Usually offered every second year.
Phonology I
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
An introduction to generative phonology, the theory of natural language sound systems. Includes discussion of morphophonology, distinctive feature theory, phonological processes and their representation, the interaction of phonological processes, nonlinear phonological representations, and the basic principles of a constraint-based approach to phonology. Usually offered every year.
Phonology II
Prerequisite: LING 110a.
Builds on the study of phonology begun in LING 110a, focusing on current theoretical approaches to some of the classic problems of phonological theory. Topics to be covered include general issues of markedness, syllable structure, metrical phonology, and phonological phenomena that are sensitive to morphological structure. Additional topics may be covered based on student interests. Usually offered every second year.
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
An exploration of word structure and its analysis. Topics include the lexicon and lexical entries, word-headedness, argument structure and other issues in morphosyntax, derivational and inflectional morphology, compounds, morphophonology, and non-Indo-European processes like infixing, reduplication, and Semitic root-and-pattern morphology. Usually offered every second year.
Syntax I
Prerequisite: LING 100a is recommended but not required.
An introduction to the process of syntactic analysis, to generative syntactic theory, and to many major syntactic phenomena of English and other languages, including the clausal architecture, the lexicon, and various types of syntactic movement. Usually offered every year.
Syntax II
Prerequisite: LING 120b.
Continues the study of modern generative syntactic analysis begun in LING 120b, focusing especially on wh-movement, other types of A-bar movement, and anaphora, and including data from a variety of languages. Usually offered every second year.
Linguistic Typology
Prerequisite: LING 100a. LING 110a, 115a, 120b, or 150a recommended.
Focuses on linguistic typology, in which the languages of the world are classified in terms of their common grammatical features rather than by genetic relationships. Includes study of language universals: traits and implicational relationships which hold in (nearly) every language. Usually offered every year.
Semantics I
Prerequisite: LING 100a. LING 120b recommended.
Explores the semantic structure of language in terms of the current linguistic theory of model-theoretic semantics. Topics include the nature of word meanings, categorization, compositionality, and plurals and mass terms. Usually offered every year.
Semantics II
Prerequisite: LING 130b or COSI 135b, or permission of the instructor.
Continues the study of formal modeling of language meaning begun in LING 130, focusing especially on meaning and use of interrogative and imperative clauses, implicature and speech acts, information packaging, focus, and pragmatics of dialogue. Usually offered every second year.
Discourse and Pragmatics
Prerequisite: LING 100a or enrollment in the Master of Science in Computational Linguistics program.
Assuming a theory of sentence-level linguistic competence, what phenomena are still to be accounted for in the explication of language knowledge? The class explores topics in language use in context, including anaphora, deixis, implicature, speech acts, information packaging, and pragmatics of dialogue. Usually offered every second year.
Historical Linguistics and Language Change
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
Introduces the study of historical linguistics and language change, using data from ancient and modern languages in a variety of language families. Examines types and mechanisms of change, linguistic reconstruction, and current theories about how and why change occurs. Usually offered every second year.
Mathematical Methods for Computational Linguistics
An introduction to the key mathematical concepts which belong to the basic repertoire of computational linguistic methods. Topics covered include combinatorics, discrete probability, linear algebra, and basic differential calculus. Usually offered every year.
An introduction to modern psycholinguistics, with an emphasis on sentence comprehension and production. Questions concerning species-specificity and the neurological organization of language are included for consideration. Usually offered every second year.
Topics in Linguistics
See the schedule of classes for topic and prerequisite(s). Maybe repeated for credit with permission of the instructor.
Advanced topics in linguistics, varying by year. Usually offered every second year.
Introduction to Research in Linguistics or Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing
Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher, and either (a) LING 120b plus one of LING 110a, 130a, or 140a, or (b) COSI 115b and concurrent enrollment in COSI 231a.
Introduction to researching a topic of interest from the primary literature and doing independent research in linguistics or computational linguistics/natural language processing. In short assignments, class presentations, and a final research paper, students gradually complete the initial stages of a research project. In the process, the course explores scholarly and scientific approaches to research in various areas of linguistics and computational linguistics/natural language processing, including the relevant terminology, concepts, and procedures associated with academic writing and research in these areas. Usually offered every year.
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
LING Digital Literacy
Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing I
Prerequisite: COSI 12b or enrollment in the Master of Science in Computational Linguistics program. LING 100a is recommended but not required.
Introduces the computational properties of natural language and the algorithms and machine learning methods used to process it. Students will develop an understanding of natural language processing (NLP) by implementing statistical NLP algorithms and building NLP tools in Python. Topics include statistical properties of natural language, text classification, language modeling, and machine learning and programming techniques for NLP. Usually offered every year.
Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing II
Prerequisites: COSI 114a, plus at least one of LING 160b, MATH 10a, MATH 10b, MATH 15a, MATH 20a, MATH 22a, or equivalent knowledge.
Provides a fundamental understanding of the problems in natural language understanding by computers, and the theory and practice of current computational linguistic systems. Of interest to students of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and the computational processes of comprehension and understanding. Usually offered every year.
Prerequisite: LING 100a.
Introduces the production and perception of the sounds of human speech in the world's languages. Covers the transcription of speech, articulatory phonetics (anatomy and physiology of speech), acoustic phonetics (transmission of speech), and auditory phonetics (perception of speech). Usually offered every second year.
Semantics II
Prerequisite: LING 130b or COSI 135b, or permission of the instructor.
Continues the study of formal modeling of language meaning begun in LING 130, focusing especially on meaning and use of interrogative and imperative clauses, implicature and speech acts, information packaging, focus, and pragmatics of dialogue. Usually offered every second year.
Discourse and Pragmatics
Prerequisite: LING 100a or enrollment in the Master of Science in Computational Linguistics program.
Assuming a theory of sentence-level linguistic competence, what phenomena are still to be accounted for in the explication of language knowledge? The class explores topics in language use in context, including anaphora, deixis, implicature, speech acts, information packaging, and pragmatics of dialogue. Usually offered every second year.
Introduction to Research in Linguistics or Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing
Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher, and either (a) LING 120b plus one of LING 110a, 130a, or 140a, or (b) COSI 115b and concurrent enrollment in COSI 231a.
Introduction to researching a topic of interest from the primary literature and doing independent research in linguistics or computational linguistics/natural language processing. In short assignments, class presentations, and a final research paper, students gradually complete the initial stages of a research project. In the process, the course explores scholarly and scientific approaches to research in various areas of linguistics and computational linguistics/natural language processing, including the relevant terminology, concepts, and procedures associated with academic writing and research in these areas. Usually offered every year.
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
LING Oral Communication
Syntax II
Prerequisite: LING 120b.
Continues the study of modern generative syntactic analysis begun in LING 120b, focusing especially on wh-movement, other types of A-bar movement, and anaphora, and including data from a variety of languages. Usually offered every second year.
Semantics II
Prerequisite: LING 130b or COSI 135b, or permission of the instructor.
Continues the study of formal modeling of language meaning begun in LING 130, focusing especially on meaning and use of interrogative and imperative clauses, implicature and speech acts, information packaging, focus, and pragmatics of dialogue. Usually offered every second year.
Discourse and Pragmatics
Prerequisite: LING 100a or enrollment in the Master of Science in Computational Linguistics program.
Assuming a theory of sentence-level linguistic competence, what phenomena are still to be accounted for in the explication of language knowledge? The class explores topics in language use in context, including anaphora, deixis, implicature, speech acts, information packaging, and pragmatics of dialogue. Usually offered every second year.
Introduction to Research in Linguistics or Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing
Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher, and either (a) LING 120b plus one of LING 110a, 130a, or 140a, or (b) COSI 115b and concurrent enrollment in COSI 231a.
Introduction to researching a topic of interest from the primary literature and doing independent research in linguistics or computational linguistics/natural language processing. In short assignments, class presentations, and a final research paper, students gradually complete the initial stages of a research project. In the process, the course explores scholarly and scientific approaches to research in various areas of linguistics and computational linguistics/natural language processing, including the relevant terminology, concepts, and procedures associated with academic writing and research in these areas. Usually offered every year.
Language Acquisition and Development
Open to all students.
The central problem of first language acquisition is to explain what makes this formidable task possible. Students will learn about the acquisition and development of phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics in child language. Additional topics to be covered include the brain and language development, experimental methods for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of children, second-language acquisition, bilingualism, and heritage language and heritage speakers.The overall goal is to arrive at a coherent picture of the language learning process. Usually offered every second year.
LING Writing Intensive
Syntax I
Prerequisite: LING 100a is recommended but not required.
An introduction to the process of syntactic analysis, to generative syntactic theory, and to many major syntactic phenomena of English and other languages, including the clausal architecture, the lexicon, and various types of syntactic movement. Usually offered every year.
LING Electives
Language in American Life
Examines both language-in-use and ideas about language varieties in the United States from an anthropological perspective. Explores how language-in-use emerges from and builds relationships, social hierarchies, professional authority, religious experience, dimensions of identity such as gender and race, and more. Usually offered every second year.
Language, Ethnicity, and Nationalism
Explores the relationships between communication and community, and the ways language helps to shape social categories such as ethnic group, tribe, race, and nation. What role does language play in producing experiences of belonging and difference? A key component of this course will be exploring the relationship between language and culture. This course will consider a range of global cases, from large-scale projects like language standardization to smaller-scale community practices like code-switching, inflection, and slang to investigate the relationship between how we speak, who we are, and where we feel we belong. Usually offered every third year.
Writing Systems and Scribal Traditions
Explores the ways in which writing has been conceptualized in social anthropology, linguistics and archaeology. A comparative study of various forms of visual communication, both non-glottic and glottic systems, is undertaken to better understand the nature of pristine and contemporary phonetic scripts around the world and to consider alternative models to explain their origin, prestige, and obsolescence. The course pays particular attention to the social functions of early writing systems, the linkage of literacy and political power, and the production of historical memory. Usually offered every second year.
Language and Culture: Linguistic Anthropology
Explores the foundational relationship between language and culture by introducing students to linguistic anthropology. Explores how language both reflects and creates thought, culture, identity, and power relations. Topics include the study of linguistic meaning in context, the construction of social relationships through language, language and politics, language and religion, and our own experiences with language in everyday life. Usually offered every second year.
Literary Translation in Theory and in Practice
Prerequisite: Excellent reading knowledge of any language other than English. Students will be asked to demonstrate proficiency before receiving consent to enroll in the course.
Approaching literary translation from several angles at once, this course combines readings in the history and theory of translation with a practical translation workshop. Students will experience first-hand the challenges of literary translation and, with the help of the theoretical readings, reflect on what the process teaches us about linguistic, literary, and cultural difference. Usually offered every second year.
Modal, Temporal, and Spatial Logic for Language
Prerequisites: COSI 29a, COSI 121b, LING 130a, or PHIL 6a.
Examines the formal and computational properties of logical systems that are used in AI and linguistics. This includes (briefly) propositional logic and first order logic, and then an in-depth study of modal logic, temporal logic, spatial logic, and dynamic logic. Throughout the analyses of these systems, focuses on how they are used in the modeling of linguistic data. Usually offered every second year.
Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing I
Prerequisite: COSI 12b or enrollment in the Master of Science in Computational Linguistics program. LING 100a is recommended but not required.
Introduces the computational properties of natural language and the algorithms and machine learning methods used to process it. Students will develop an understanding of natural language processing (NLP) by implementing statistical NLP algorithms and building NLP tools in Python. Topics include statistical properties of natural language, text classification, language modeling, and machine learning and programming techniques for NLP. Usually offered every year.
Fundamentals of Natural Language Processing II
Prerequisites: COSI 114a, plus at least one of LING 160b, MATH 10a, MATH 10b, MATH 15a, MATH 20a, MATH 22a, or equivalent knowledge.
Provides a fundamental understanding of the problems in natural language understanding by computers, and the theory and practice of current computational linguistic systems. Of interest to students of artificial intelligence, algorithms, and the computational processes of comprehension and understanding. Usually offered every year.
Information Retrieval
Prerequisites: COSI 21a and COSI 114a, LING 131a, or strong Python programming skills.
Explores the theory and practice of textual information retrieval, including text indexing; Boolean, vector space and probabilistic retrieval models; evaluation; interfaces; linguistic issues; web search; QA and text classification. Students will implement algorithms and design and build a search-based application. Usually offered every year.
Computational Semantics
Prerequisites: COSI 10A or COSI 12b or equivalent, and COSI 121b or LING 130a, or permission of the instructor.
A study of the computational treatment of core semantic phenomena in language. After a review of first-order logic and the lambda calculus, the course focuses on three core topics: interrogative structures, including semantics of questions, question-answering systems, dialogue, entailment, commonsense knowledge; meaning update and revision; and computational lexical semantics. Usually offered every second year.
Automatic Speech Recognition
Prerequisite: COSI 114a or permission of the instructor.
Explores speech recognizer core components and their underlying algorithms, surveying real applications. Covers phonetics, HMMs, finite state grammars, statistical language models, and industry standards for implementing applications, like VXML. Students build and analyze simple applications using a variety of toolkits. Usually offered every year.
Topics in Natural Language Processing
Prerequisites vary by topic. The course can be repeated for credit with the approval of the instructor if the student has not previously taken the course covering the same topic.
Reviews recent trends in computational approaches to linguistics, semantics, knowledge representation for language, and issues in parsing and inferences. Topics vary by year. Usually offered every second year.
Natural Language Processing Systems
Prerequisites vary by topic.
This course looks at building coherent systems designed to tackle real applications in computational linguistics. Particular topics will vary from year to year, but each call will consider some of the following: machine (aided) translation, speech interfaces, information retrieval/extraction, natural language question answering systems, dialogue systems, summarization, computer-assisted language learning, language documentation/linguistics hypothesis testing, and handwriting recognition. Usually offered every year.
Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning
Prerequisite: COSI 115b or either LING 131a or COSI 114a with concurrent enrollment in COSI 115b.
Studies corpus linguistics, the computational study of any naturally occurring fragment of language, a key area for data mining, information extraction, and machine learning. Students model, annotate, train, test, evaluate, and revise their own corpus for machine learning. Usually offered every second year.
Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language Processing
Prerequisite: COSI 115b.
An introductory graduate-level course covering fundamental concepts in statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP). Provides an in-depth view of linear and neural machine learning methods used in NLP, including supervised and unsupervised methods used in text classification, sequence labeling, sequence-to-sequence transduction, and parsing of syntactic and semantic structures. Usually offered every year.
Benjamin Wellner or Nianwen Xue
Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language Processing II
Prerequisite: COSI 231a.
An advanced graduate-level core course exploring state-of-the-art techniques and applications in natural language processing. Covers recent NLP advancements, focusing on large language models, pretrained model fine-tuning, transfer learning, and few-shot learning, and their applications in current NLP tasks such as knowledge extraction, text generation, and dialogue systems. Usually offered every year.
Discourse and Dialog
Prerequisite: COSI 231a.
A critical element of interactive systems is managing the dialog between the system and the user. This course will explore multiple approaches to implementing dialog management components, both symbolic and statistical, including what contextual information must be represented in the dialog states and the decision processes to move from one state to another. Students will implement a dialog manager using industry standards. Usually offered every second year.
The Sleeping Beauty: The Revival of Modern Hebrew
Prerequisite: Any 40-level Hebrew course or permission of the instructor.
An advanced course that surveys the origins of the Hebrew language and its development throughout the centuries, focusing on its major stages (biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and modern). Explores the unique phenomenon of its revival as a spoken language and its adaptation to the modern world. Usually offered every second year.
Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
Prerequisite: PSYC 10a or MATH 10a or permission of the instructor.
This course explores how the human brain makes the human mind. It covers neural and behavioral dimensions of attention, memory and learning, perception, motor control, plasticity and planning. Experimental approaches and neuroimaging are emphasized. Usually offered every year.
Human Neuropsychology
Prerequisite: Psych 10a or Math 10a and at least sophomore standing.
Designed as an introduction to human neuropsychology. Topics include cerebral dominance, neuroanatomical mapping, and localization of function, with special reference to language, memory, and related cognitive function. Usually offered every year.
Philosophy of Mind
Covers the central issue in the philosophy of mind: the mind-body problem. This is the ongoing attempt to understand the relation between our minds -- our thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and so on -- and our bodies. Is the mind just a complex configuration of (neural) matter, or is there something about it that's irreducibly different from every physical thing? Topics include intentionality, consciousness, functionalism, reductionism, and the philosophical implications of recent work in neuroscience, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. Usually offered every year.
Mental Content: Mind, World and Meaning
Covers central philosophical themes in the theory of meaning, focusing on the development of theories of reference and representation in 20th-century analytic philosophy. The material covered includes the seminal works of Frege, Russell, and Kripke, which laid the groundwork for the contemporary fields of philosophy of mind and philosophy of language. The class will be taught as an advanced lecture course, with ample time for discussion included; it is designed for students with some background in philosophy. The material covered is essential for students interested in philosophy of mind and philosophy of language, and will also be of interest to students in linguistics. Usually offered every second year.
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