Thesis Directory

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* Indicates thesis adviser
Title (Advisers) ▾ Author Year

The WB: Chasing the Teen Demo in a Non-Network Era (Doherty*, Farrelly, Auslander)

Abidor, Jennifer 2011

The Dissipation of an American Ideal: Upward Mobility in the Face of Drastic Income Inequality (Whitfield*, Cohen, Rosenberger)

Abramson, Alana 2012

The Reinvention of the Mikveh (Antler*, Farrelly, Sales)

Adland, Naomi 2008

Our Similarities Can Bring Us Together (Davis*, Doherty, Fellman)

Alfred, Erna 1997

Photog Rising: Embeds, Unilaterals and the Rebirth of American War Photography (Socolow*, Doherty, McIntosh)

Agran, Hannah 2004

The Magazine Mystique (Antler*, Buresh, Jones)

Alkon, Cheryl 1992

Cyberspace and American Law: The Emerging Realities and Challenges of a New World (Cohen*, Stookey, Woll)

Amato, Michelle 2002

Integrated High Education / Separated Higher Education: Which Is Better for African Americans? (Cohen*)

Antonio, Benjamin 1993

Television on Trial: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Debate Over Cameras in the Courtroom (Socolow*, Whitfield, Harder)

Asher, Monica 2005

Animal Rights in the American Experience: A Historical Overview (Warner*, Stookey, Jones)

Bacon, Karen 1994

War on Drugs: The Dynamics of Prohibition and Repression in Colombia and the USA (Davis*, Cohen, Mandrell)

Bakalarz, Jonathan 1997

Women in Combat in the Iraq War: A Profile of the American Female Soldier (Doherty*, Farrelly, Schattschneider)

Berger, Jenna A. 2009

Is AIDS Special? A New Paradigm of Public Health and Individual Rights (Antler*, Cohen, Cadge)

Berkenwald, Leah 2007

I Want My Gay TV: The Ups and Downs of Homosexuality on Television and in American Culture (Doherty*, Cohen, Perez)

Berkowsky, Shannon 2001

American Sports in the Jewish Community (Fuchs*, Cohen, Reisman)

Berman, Matthew 1991

Robert Mapplethorpe and the Curse of Obscenity: A Lesson in American Diversity (Fuchs*, Abramson, Whitfield)

Berman, Todd 1991

The Mob Film: Defining and Interpreting an American Genre (Doherty*, Cohen, Burt)

Bernard, Catherine 2001

The Roswell Incident: The Emergence of the UFO Community as a Subculture in American Society (Cohen*, Biel, Saler)

Blann, Richard 1998

Finding Hospice: Florence Schorske Wald (Antler*, Cohen, Hansen)

Block, Dorian E. 2004

Bewitching Memories (Cohen*, Davis, Morant)

Block, Sandra 1996
Native Voice in Massachusetts: The Misrepresentation of Native Americans (Antler*, Biel, Scott) Bogad, Molly 1997

Speech on Campus: A Critique of Speech Codes at American Colleges and Universities (Davis*, Gaskins, Milkis)

Borg, Jonathan 1995
Serbs and Croats Living in the United States: Patterns of Cooperation and Conflict (Fuchs*, Cohen, Burg) Brisette, Elizabeth 1994

Snail Darter, Spotted Owls and the "God Squad": Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (Warner*, Klein)

Carrier, David 1993
We Are Not the Only Racists ... But Only We Play Them on TV (Cohen*, Doherty) Carter, Suzanne 2006

You Can't Print That: Censorship and the Student Press (Davis*, Moeller, Teuber)

Chilnick, Susanna 1999

The Funny Ladies of "Saturday Night Live": How Women Broke Into the Boys' Club (Doherty*, Antler, Mandell)

Chiorazzi, Anne 2011
Taming TB: Obstacles to the United States Public-Health System's Effort to Control Tuberculosis (Stookey*, Cohen, Timmerman) Davidson, Joshua 1997
The American Presidency: From Vision to Television (Whitfield*, Davé, Levin, Kryder) Davis, Raena 2007

Banned By Binford: Film Censorship, Race and the Law in Memphis, 1915-1965 (Doherty*, Gaskins)

Debin, Lisa 2006

The Consequences of a Puritanical Society: Examining Patterns of Teenage Neonaticide in Modern American (Antler*, Davis, Gil)

Dickerman, Gabrielle 1999

The Cocoanut Grove Fire of 1942 (Antler*, Doherty, McNamara)

Dionne, Rachael 2008
Women in the Ordained Methodist Ministry, 1956-1995 (Brooten*, Doherty, Whitfield) Eaton, Mary Jane 1999
The Evolution of Massachusetts Rape Law From Colonial Times to the Present (Davis*, Fuchs, Kamensky) Feldberg, Cara 1999
Baseball Parks and the American City (Warner*, Cohen) Feldman, Joseph 1993
Talking About the Talk: Defining and Defending the Daytime Television Talk Show (Doherty*, Davis, Burt) Finn, Meredith


Unlocking Doors to the Past and Future: An Architectural and Social Exploration of the Irving and Edyth Usen Castle (Antler*, Davis, Bernstein) Finstein, Amy 1998

Forward Movement: Generational Continuity in Work and Education Patterns of American Jewish Women, 1880-1930 (Antler*, Cohen, Fishman)

Fish, Amy 1991
The Acculturation of Japanese Americans as Reflected in Japanese American Literature (Fuchs*, Davis, Harth) Fishman, Nancy 1996
A Broad and Changing Landscape: The Visual Arts and the American Experience (Antler*, Cohen) Freedman, Jody 1990
America Is Just a Word: Post-Hardcore, Emo and American Culture (Doherty*, Cohen, Cunningham) Galil, Leor 2008

The Master's Music: The Dramatic Function of Music in Alfred Hitchcock's Films (Doherty*, Whitfield, Chasalow)

Geller, Steven 1995
Casting a Reflective Light on History (Cohen*, Whitfield, Ravid) Gorman, David 2007
Ending School Violence: The "Zero Tolerance" Debate in United States Schools, 1989-Today (Cohen*, Davé, Levenson) Grossman, Ana L.C. 2009

Pornography and Obscenity Regulation: Past, Present and Future (Davis*, Gaskins, Woll)

Gruda, Jennifer 1998

Foster Children in School Systems (Antler*, Cohen, Levenson)

Guertin, Nicole 2008

Preserving Academic Standards: An Investigation of What Has Been Done to Maintain the Academic Integrity of Universities and Colleges With "Big-Time" Athletic Programs (Cohen*, Jeff Cohen, Davis)

Haimo, Adam 1998
From Boots to Baldo: A Century of American Adolescents and Comic Strips (Antler*, Moeller, Allara) Heine, Sarah 2001
Evolution of Forest Management in New Hampshire, 1900-2000, Toward Ecological and Social Sustainability (Donahue*, Gaskins, A. Klein) Hersey, Charles 2001
Countercultural Sports in America: The History and Meaning of Ultimate Frisbee (Cohen*, Farrelly, Woll) Holtzman-Conston, Jordan 2008
Creating Generation X: Popular Culture and the "Slacker" Generation (Doherty*, Cohen, Allara) Howell, Hillary 2001
The Substance Survives: The Lasting Contributions of Josephine Clara Goldmark (Antler*, Gaskins, Hansen) Jacobs, Ruth 1997
Menarche Butterflies: Young Women and the Cultural (In)Significance of Menstruation (Antler*, Davis, Doress-Worters) Jaffe, JonaRose 1999
Between Reel and Real: Television Sitcoms and Women's Roles in the American Family (Antler*, Socolow, Miller) Jaffe, Marisa 2004
Say Your Last Prayer! Prayer in Public School and American Culture (Davis*, Gaskins, Polonsky) Jagolinzer, Charles 2000
Exploring the New Genre of Women's Films (Antler*, Doherty, Hansen) Jayson, Sherri 1996
Anti-Communist Liberalism: The Realistic Approach to Cold War Politics and Civil Liberties (Doherty*, Abramson, Brown, Cohen); combined with politics department Jeruchimowitz, Howard 1994
Death Is Not the Worst Outcome (Antler*, Conrad, Stookey) Joseph, Bethany 1991
Warning: Cigarettes Are Also Hazardous to the Health of Nonsmokers (Davis*, Doherty, Parmentier) Kahn, Melissa 1999
Newsreels to Real News: The Birth of Moving-Image Journalism in the 1930s (Doherty*, Socolow, Miller) Kamine, Elida 2003
Reshaping the Rabbinate: An Exploration of Female Rabbis' Experiences Balancing Religious Lives With Family and Personal Lives (Antler*, Cohen, Freeze) Kander, Beth 2003
The Wolf and the Lamb: Exploring the Relationship Between Evangelicals and Popular Culture in America (Farrelly*, Whitfield, Cadge) Kaplan, Cindy 2008
Three Hankies and a Bucket of Soggy Popcorn: The Women's Weepie Film and Its Social Implications in the 1930s (Doherty*, Antler, Jones) Karnell, Erika 1996
Diaspora Adaptations: South African and American Jews (Fuchs*, Cohen, Sarna) Kassar, Ami 1991
The Barbie Chronicles: Her Life and Times as a Perpetual Catalyst and Manifestation of the Paradox Facing the Modern American Woman (Antler*, Cohen, Dibble) Kassner, Robin 1998
Shooting the Truth: An Exploration of the Meaning of Photographs in Postwar Films (Whitfield*, Doherty, Teuber) Kates, Thomas 1991
Attracting Women: The Representation of Woman in Contemporary French and American Magazine Advertising (Socolow*, Whitfield, Harder) Katz, Rachel 2005
Peter Singer and the Conscience of America (Cohen*, Gaskins, Wong) Keusch, David 2000
Analyzing the Failure of Integration in Education Through the Lens of Boston and Atlanta (Farrelly*, Antler, Levenson) Klein, Rebecca 2012
Blacklisted: Race and Racism in Hip-Hop Criticism (Doherty* Cohen, Cunningham) Kleinman, Charles 2001
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil: The Priest-Penitent Privilege in Evidentiary Law, With an Analysis of the Child Sexual-Abuse Scandal in the Catholic Church (Cohen*, Davis, Woll) Klugman, Ashley H. 2003
Identity, Politics and the Post-Civil Rights Black Novel (Cohen*, Antler, Burt) Klugman, Nadav 2004
The 1978 Government Deregulation of the U.S. Airways Was Detrimental to the Efficient Operation of Our Airlines (Davis*, Melnick, Stookey) Kobin, Kristopher 1994
Evolution of College Culture: Brandeis University, A Case Study (Antler*, Cohen, K.Klein) Kolko, Valerie 2001

When Main Street Was Wall Street: The Securitization of Commercial Real Estate in the United States (Davis*, Gaskins, Ross)

Korn, Tyler 1997
Pretty, Provocative, Progressive in Pink:  Pink and Its Representation of Femininity (Antler*, Davé, Hansen) Kuehnlenz, Sri 2010

Bright "Young Things With a Splendid Talent for Life": F. Scott Fitzgerald's Flappers and New Women (Whitfield*, Dave, Morrison)

Lamey, Miriam 2005

Transfer Taken Too Far: The Juvenile Justice System and Its Adjudication of American Children Who Murder (Davis*, Cohen, Hayim)

Lang, Robert 1999

Rotten Blood: Vampire Films as a Metaphor for AIDS (Doherty*, Conrad, Cohen)

Latman, Audrey 1994

HIV in the Criminal Courts: An American Response to Disease (Gaskins*, Davis, Conrad)

Lederer, Caryn 2000

Making the Past the Future: The Cape Cod National Seashore (Davis*, Biel, Teuber)

Lema, Lisette 1998

Labor Pains: Searching for Peace in a Feminist Movement Divided Over the Virtues of Motherhood and Family (Cohen*, Lamb, Fuchs)

Levine, Beth Seidel 1997

Advertising: American Dreams and American Nightmares (Cohen*, Farrelly, Miller)

Libo, Jennifer 2007

The Validity of Flag Desecration as a Form of Political Dissent (Touster*, Abramson, Teuber)

Lichtman, Steven 1990

Sesame Street: A Quality Program in a Blasted Medium (Doherty*, Moeller, Allara)

Lightman, Jessica 1999

The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth: The Rise of Geekdom in American Culture (Doherty*, Farrelly, Holmberg)

Lichtenstein, Robin 2011

Rebels Who Found Their Cause: The Cinematic Progression of Youth Rebellion From the 1950s to the 1960s (Whitfield*, Doherty, McIntosh)

Lupatkin, Judith 2005

The Invention of Free Agency and Its Effects on Baseball (Socolow*, Cohen, Jaffe)

Margolin, Brett 1994

Counterculture Journalism: The Legacy of the Berkeley Barb (Socolow*, Cohen, Miller)

Marguilies, Elana 2004

When in the Course of Human Events: How the American Renaissance Changed the Meaning of the Declaration of Independence (Davis*, Fuchs, Milkis)

Markowitz, Jeremy 1996

The U.S. Mortgage Market: A Complex Quest for the American Dream (Gaskins*, Cohen, Bayone)

Marshak, Stephanie 2010

Family Entertainment: Walt Disney and the 1950s (Doherty*, Whitfield, Mandrell)

May, Sarah 1995

Fact or Fiction? An Analysis of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (Cohen*, Gaskins, Schrecker)

McDonough, Christopher 2008

Safe Sex: How America Normalizes Discourse About Sexual Behavior (Doherty*, Antler, Mandrell)

McWilliams, Helen 2001

Equity in Education in South Carolina: A Promise Unfulfilled Yet Unrelentingly Pursued (Antler*, Gaskins, Cohen)

Miller, Dawn 2006

Bowers v. Hardwick: An Interdisciplinary Critique (Davis*, Gaskins, King)

Morrison, Brian 1996
The Politics of Medicine: The Office of the Surgeon General in American Politics (Cohen*, Stookey, Woll) Newman, Staci 1999

What a Waste! Solid Waste and Consumption in the 21st Century (Donahue*, Goldin, Miller)

Nussbaum, Lisa 2007
Black Inheritance: An Analysis of African-American Reparations (Cohen*, Stookey, Bryant) Pauleon, Margery 1999

A Survey of Literature Surrounding Progressive Education in America (Cohen*, Doherty, Witt)

Paulle, Bowen 1992
Freedom and Security: A Survey of the Civil-Liberties Debate in Post-9/11 America (Cohen*, Gaskins, Woll) Pearlman, David A. 2004

The Rise of the Newsjester: The Evolution of 20th Century Political Satire and Its Effects on the American Political Process (Doherty*, Farrelly, McNamara)

Pepose, David 2008

Deconstructing Camelot: The Myths of the Kennedy Presidency (Doherty*, Cohen, Fischer)

Petterson, Sean 2011
Reconsidering the Presidency of a Great Leader and Civil Rights Reformer: Lyndon Johnson (Gaskins*, Cohen, Milkis, Nelson) Pildis, Sara 1998
The Slasher Film: Influences and Reflections on American Culture (Doherty*, Donahue, Quinney) Politano, Seth 2000

Registration and Community Notification: An Analysis of the Legal and Practical Implications Associated With Their Application (Davis*, Gaskins, Teuber)

Posner, Amy 2001

The Model Minority Stereotype: The Cost of the American Dream for Asian Americans (Davis*, Fuchs, Lamb)

Poy, Karen 2000

Gender Equity: The Controversy Over Single-Sex Education (Davis*, Antler, Giele)

Prager, Hillary 1997
Social, Personal and Political Commentary in American Art During the Depression (Davis*, Moeller, Scott) Prisand, A. Amanda 1997
Framed? Considering the Alleged Liberal Bias of American Journalists (Whitfield*, Fuchs, Abramson) Rabin, Steven 2000
The Community History Forgot: The Jews of Boston's North End, 1890-1915 (Fuchs*, Sarna, Jones, Warner, Keller) Rappaport, Ellen 1992
Freedom of Choice? The Dual Victimization of Certain Rape Survivors Seeking Abortions (Davis*, Stookey, Reinharz) Rausch, Rebecca


Staggerlee's Revenge: A History and Critical Investigation of the Ideas in Rap Music (Cohen*, Klein, Woll) Richman, Eric 1994

The Greatest Show on Earth: The Simpsons and America in the '90s (Doherty*, Donahue, Allara)

Riss, Alexander 2000
Jury Justice? A Look at the Scottsboro Case and the Leo Frank Trial (Gaskins*, Cohen, Woll) Rosenbaum, Nancy 1995
Sexual Privacy and Intrusive News-Gathering: Does the Public Have the Right to Know What Happens in the Bedroom? (Gaskins*, Cohen, Timmerman) Rosenfeld, Jeffrey 2001
An American Family Album: Evolving Changes of the Family in 20th-Century Theater (Fuchs*, Dimock) Schechter, Elissa 1994

When "Reasonable Doubt" Becomes Unreasonable: A Legal Guide to the Modern-Day Juror (Cohen*, Teuber, Gaskins)

Schneider, Jesse 1995
Opening the "Screen Door," Closing the Pay Gap: Overcoming Barriers of Discrimination to Working Women (Antler*, Gaskins, Carter) Schwartz, Nina 2005
Cheating in Baseball: Reflections on American Culture (Cohen*, Donhaue, Terris) Sedransk, Eli 2010

Free Louise: How One Trial Influenced Public Opinion Through the Media (Cohen*, Moeller, Woll)

Sheehan, Erin 2001

The Contemporary Significance of American Grandparenthood (Fuchs*, Cohen, Conrad)

Shapiro, Deborah 1992

The Four-Legged Stool (Fuchs*, Antler, Hollifield)

Shapiro, Jonathan 1991
Medicare: Insuring Its Longevity (Cohen*, Stookey, Woll) Sherman, Melissa 2000
The Burdens of Hate and Free Speech on the Internet (Davis*, Stookey, Jacobson) Silverstone, Scott 2000
Nixon Go Home: A Study of Inter-American Perspectives on Richard Nixon's 1958 Goodwill Tour of Latin America (Doherty*, Whitfield, Mandrell) Singer, Marni 2010
The Journalist as a Thinker: A Comprehensive Study of the Work of Thomas L. Friedman (Whitfield*, Socolow, Brown) Slater, Samantha 2005
Greening Hollywood: The Ecological Social Problem Film (Doherty*, Donahue, Engerman) Snoyer, Manisha 2003
Affirmative Action in Universities (Cohen*, Antler, Traver) Soubousky, Sarah 2000
Family Violence in the United States: Commonalities in Cause, Treatment and Prevention (Antler*, Gil, Stookey) Starr, Aviva 1991
Every Cinderella Has Her Midnight: Deception in the Screwball Comedies of the Great Depression (Doherty*, Whitfield, Siomopoulos) Steinman, Claire 2010
A Time For Change (Antler*, Reihnart, Stookey) Stone, David 1992
The Erie Railroad and Its Effect on a Small Town in America (Warner*, Cohen, Woll) Stracuzzi, Francine 1992
American Independent Cinema: From Low-Budget Roots to Big Hollywood Shoots (Doherty*, Whitfield, Auslander) Strassfeld, Ben 2009
Henrietta Szold: Portrayal Through a Gendered Lens (Antler*, Cohen, Lanser) Sussman, Shayna 2004
An Open Door? A Survey of Paradoxes and Tensions in Post-9/11 U.S. Immigration Law and Policy (Gaskins*, Dave, Kryder) Tannenwald, Alan 2005
Orson Welles: Hollywood Maverick (Whitfield*, Allara, Doherty) Teitler, Andrea 1993
One Sweet Dream: The Beatles and America, 1964-1967 (Cohen*, Whitfield) Tennebaum, Sara 2006
Conspiracies and Cover-ups: The Portrayal of American Government by Hollywood's Political Thrillers in the 1980s (Moeller*, Allara, Davis) Tolksdorf, Paul 1994
The Female Body Image in North American Literature (Antler*, Allara, Doherty) Tonguch, Inci 1992
I'll Be There For You: Friends as Surrogate Families in Television of the 1990s (Antler*, Davis, Irr) Toth, Gabriela 2001
Rehabilitation: Is America Effecting Positive Change? (Gaskins*, Davis, Fellman) Vasquez, Alicia Joy 1997
Media Crisis: A Study of Health-Care Coverage in the 1960s and the 1990s (Moeller*, Stookey) Weber, Harry 1994
The Representation of American Identity in Institutions of Jewish Education in the United States (Antler*, Fuchs, Reimer) Wechsler, Deborah 1991
On the Brink: American Policy in Vietnam From November 1963 to March 1965 (Cohen*, Doherty, Schrecker) Weiss, Mark 1995
Youth Gang Violence, 1980-1995: Focus on Broward County, Florida (Davis*, Cohen, Fellman) Weitz, Bradley 1995
The Electoral College Method of Electing the President and Vice President, and Proposals for Reform (Fuchs*, Woll, Melnick, Cohen) Weitzer, David 1994
The Dead Live On: New Meaning for Family, Community and Religion in American Culture, 1965-1995 (Cohen*, Doherty, Stein) Wilgoren, Rachel 1995
The Mediation Alternative: American Law and Conflict Resolution (Cohen*, Davé, Terris) Zack, Maayan 1997
An Examination of Massachusetts Landlord-Tenant Law (Biel*, Cohen, Woll) Zak, David 1998