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brown social science center

The American Studies Program is temporarily located in the Kutz, Room 2nd Floor. Get directions to the Brandeis campus.

American Studies Program
Brown 302, MS 005
Brandeis University
415 South Street
Waltham, MA 02454


Program Chair and Undergraduate Advising Head

Maura Jane Farrelly
Maura Jane Farrelly
Associate Professor, Chair and Undergraduate Advising Head, American Studies
Director, Journalism Program
Office Hours: By appointment


Leslie Yancich
Leslie Yancich
Academic Administrator

Undergraduate Department Representatives

Daniel Block
Daniel Block
Undergraduate Departmental Representative
Pronouns: he/him

Daniel Block ’25 is pursuing majors in both American and environmental studies. He loves the interdisciplinary focus of the AMST major and how it draws from fields of literature, history, law, cultural studies, journalism and more to understand key questions facing America today. This dynamic approach challenges students' conception of the United States and provides them with an acute awareness of the nation's diverse taboos, habits and identities. Daniel loves how the AMST major prepares students to become critical and informed professionals in fields of law, communications, academia, science business, education, public policy and more

If you are curious about the major or have any questions about the programs, classes, or professors within the department, please feel empowered to reach out to Daniel! He is excited to chat over email, Zoom or in person!

Maya Ungar
Maya Ungar
Undergraduate Departmental Representative

Maya Ungar is a junior from New Jersey, majoring in American studies and education. As a self-proclaimed American history nerd, Maya loves exploring Boston and all of its historic gems. One highlight from her adventures was going to Lexington and Concord on Patriots Day to watch a re-enactment of the first battle of the Revolutionary War and participating in the local celebrations. Maya loves the American studies major because it gives her the opportunity to explore American culture, literature and history from a variety of niche lenses, and allows her to delve deep into important questions about American society.

If anyone is interested in pursuing the major or is interested in hearing about any of the incredible courses, feel free to contact Maya through email.