Contact Us

Department Chair

Bruce Goode, Biology faculty
Bruce Goode
Professor of Biology
Department Chair, Biology
781-736-2464 Rosenstiel Basic Medical Science Research Center, 532

Cytoskeletal assembly and dynamics

Lab website

Undergraduate Advising Heads

Neil Simister
Neil Simister
Associate Professor of Biology
Director, Professional Science Master's Program in Biotechnology and Head, Biology Undergraduate Advising
781-736-4952 Bassine Science Building 203

Expertise: Molecular immunology, antibody transport.


Rachel Woodruff
Rachel Woodruff
Associate Professor of Biology
Head, Biology Undergraduate Advising
781-736-3189 Bassine Biology Building 202

Expertise: Teaching genetics and genomic and molecular biotechnology



Tre Alexander
Department Coordinator
781-736-4845 Volen National Center for Complex Systems 206
Erin Bailey
Department Administrator
781-736-4873 Volen National Center for Complex Systems 210
Sarah Horwitz
Academic Administrator
781-736-8573 Volen National Center for Complex Systems 206