Biotechnology Faculty

Brenda Anderson
Senior Lecturer, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis International Business School
Carole Carlson
Senior Lecturer, MBA Program Director, Heller School for Social Policy and Management
Jane Ebert
Associate Professor of Marketing, Brandeis International Business School
Ben Gomes-Casseres
Peter A. Petri Professor of Business and Society, Brandeis International Business School
Lizbeth Hedstrom
Professor of Biology and Chemistry
Michael Marr
Associate Professor of Biology
Debarshi Nandy
Associate Professor of Finance, Brandeis International Business School
Kene Piasta
Assistant Professor of Biology
Vincent Sutera
Associate Research Scientist
Emily Westover
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry
Rachel Woodruff
Assistant Professor of Biology
Grace Zimmerman
Professor of the Practice of Marketing in the Brandeis International Business School