Research Facilities

A student works in the Brandeis University Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (BrUNMR)
BrUNMR: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
The Brandeis University Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (BrUNMR) is open to all members of the Brandeis research community who require solution state NMR for their work. It is comprised of four well-equipped spectrometers ranging in magnetic fields from 400 to 800 MHz.
Varian Inova 400 is primarily used by the chemistry department as a walk-up instrument for small molecule analysis.
Varian Inova 500 and 600 are heavily used by the chemistry and biochemistry departments for multidimensional structural and dynamic studies of biomolecules.
Bruker Avance 800 (located in the Landsman Research Facility) is a state-of-the-art regional facility instrument available to all NIH-funded researchers.
Brandeis University Mass Spectrometry Facility
The Brandeis University Mass Spectrometry Facility provides proteomic, metabolomic, and structural confirmation analyses using state-of-the-art mass spectrometry instruments and methods. We offer a wide range of analytical methods for internal and external researchers including sample preparation, mass spectrometry, and data analysis. For more details of provided and possible methods and work-flows, pricing, as well as the submission of projects to the facility, please visit our webpage.Other Instrumentation
Other instrumentation available, in the department facility and in individual faculty members’ laboratories, includes ESR, UPLC-MS, MALDI-TOF-MS, solid-state NMR, CD, Fluorescence Spectrometer, mass and GC/mass spectrometers, and computerized UV-visible and a Fourier-Transform IR spectrometers. Controlled atmosphere dry boxes, continuous flow stirred tank reactors, gas and liquid chromatography equipment, and a variety of laser sources are available to students.
Machine Shop
The Machine Shop is available for custom fabrication work. The shop is located in Rosenstiel 204b and is operated by Frank Mello. All projects should be discussed with Frank to decide their feasibility. If it is a project that Frank can accomplish, a Lab Supply requisition needs to be filled out, assigned a chargeline, signed by the PI and turned into the chemistry office for processing.