How to Major in Chemistry
Brandeis offers both a standard chemistry major and a chemical biology track for those who are interested in using chemical tools to study biological problems. Each track can be pursued at both the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science levels and for those with excellent preparation as a combined 4-year BA/MA program. There is also minor in chemistry
The most important qualification for becoming a chemistry major is interest in and enjoyment of chemistry.
In chemistry, as in other sciences, courses build on each other; therefore, it is important to begin early. Most students (but not all) take general chemistry and calculus in their first year. The chemistry major requires either PHYS 10a,b, 11a,b, or 15a,b (Physics I,II), which is a prerequisite for physical chemistry and advanced experimental chemistry. Completing physics by the end of the sophomore year (recommended) will allow students to take physical chemistry and advanced experimental chemistry during their junior year.
During the fall term, interested students meet with chemistry faculty and majors at a "meet the majors" gathering called to discuss the major in chemistry. Students should consult with their faculty advisers to develop a program of courses to shape their needs and interests.