Class of 1953
Class Correspondent
- Carole Schwartz Kessner, P’80, G’15
Though my Brandeis roommate, Harriet Becker Jedeikin, and I had kept up with each other for many years, somehow — after Harriet moved to Pittsburgh and I moved to Manhattan, and Harriet refused to use email — our contact waned. We had not seen each other for almost 10 years. But in mid-March, Harriet called to tell me her granddaughter was going to be singing with the HaZamir choral group in Lincoln Center, only two blocks from my home. We got together for brunch in my apartment before the concert. It was indeed a wonderful reunion; the nonstop conversation covered the almost 70 years of our friendship. Now that’s something, isn’t it?
Ruth Abrams Goldberg, P’77, G’16, writes that she and Alan are the proud great-grandparents of Elsa Emily, daughter of Grace Goldberg and Bas Koster, of Santa Barbara, California. Elsa is the granddaughter of Michael Goldberg ’77. The family had a reunion in Santa Barbara in March. Ruth is co-president of the Temple Israel Social Club, in Charlotte, North Carolina. On March 15, Adaire Schwartz Klein and husband Manny welcomed their 16th great-grandchild in Jerusalem. Barbara (Koral) Raisner reports she’s still going strong: singing in the Oratorio Society of Queens, attending a chamber music series at Queens College, and enjoying two great-grandchildren in preschool and a third one who arrived in April. Naomi Glazier Sogoloff has moved to Florida’s Palm Beach Shores after living for 30 years in Pittsburgh, where she taught Hebrew and became a certified bridge teacher. She would love to hear from Brandeis alums in the Palm Beach area who might want a fourth for bridge. Al Zadig writes, “The best way to make God laugh is to plan what comes next in your life. When I moved from Massachusetts to Rhode Island last year, my plan was full retirement. The first crack in that wall came when I agreed to serve as spiritual director and confessor for Episcopal priests living in the area. Two months later, the wall disappeared entirely when the bishop of Rhode Island asked me to take on a nearby parish. When I pointed out that I was 86, he just said, ‘So?’ A ‘younger’ priest (age 72) who had been my assistant in a previous parish agreed to share the assignment, and we are happily now in the third month of a new adventure.”