Richard Cooper is president of Sentry Property Management Corp., which has been in operation for 46 years. He and wife Judy have six grandchildren, ages 2 to 13. David L. Kline and his wife, Barbara, live in Brooklyn’s Carroll Gardens. He stays busy writing about the work in Tanach he has been doing since his junior year at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. “Having a great time being 85,” he says. Janet (Hen­toff) Krauss is leading poetry discussions through the public library in Wilton, Connecticut. She and husband Bert also hold a weekly book club with their grandchildren. Deena Metzger shares the poem “A Greater Silence,” from her 2019 collection “The Burden of Light”: “Soon, there will be / a greater silence / than there is now. / I do not want / to be here / alone. / When the last tree falls / may I be under it. / May the last tree / take me down.”
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