Amir Siddiq Abdullah, who recently moved from Brooklyn to Berlin, Germany, has run his own record label, 180 Proof Records, for the past decade and owns the exclusive license rights to the legendary Detroit jazz label Strata Records (go to to check out the music). He also works as a DJ and producer. Contact him at David Alpher is conflict and violence prevention integrator at the U.S. Agency for International Development, building conflict sensitivity across the spectrum of USAID programming. In March, Janice Johnson Dias celebrated the publication of her first book, “Parent Like It Matters: How to Raise Joyful, Change-Making Girls,” by Ballantine Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House. Audrey (Latman) Gruber, P’25, is vice president of news at News 12, a group of linear and OTT news outlets in the New York metropolitan area. She recently earned five Emmys for documentaries she did on gun violence and the opioid crisis. Lisa Goldstein Manheim is heartbroken to report her 10-year-old son Emmet passed away on Sept. 25, 2019, due to complications from a bone marrow transplant. Since then, with the help of many Brandeis friends, she built a playground in Stamford, Connecticut, at Temple Beth El, where she serves as president. Ben Resnick, P’25, is a partner in the life-sciences management consulting practice at Guidehouse, a global provider of consulting services. He and wife Melinda, MA’95, P’25, live in the Chicago area. Francesca Segre, who works at LinkedIn, was elected to the Menlo Park (California) School Board in November 2020. She lives in Menlo Park with her husband, Bernard Chen, and their children, Lilah (13) and Isaac (12). She’s enjoyed monthly pandemic Zoom meetings with Shana Aelony; Jennifer Canel; Rebecca Klein; Rachel Masters; Valerie (Beugen) Simanek; Maxine (Pressler) Teller; and Alison (Siegel) Tothy, P’24. Maya Stein, who moved to midcoast Maine in April 2020 and leads online writing classes, has completed her latest book, “The Poser,” a collection of portrait reenactments, essays and interviews with artists from around the world.
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