2011-2020 Recipients
Kaitlin Chan '17
Wesleyan University
Creation of a graphic novel about a queer woman's coming of age in Taipei, Taiwan, through research of Taipei's queer liberation movement and additional travel to South Korea, Singapore and Japan.
Sarah McCarty '16
Brandeis University
Research on supremacy ideology in Germany and the creation of a collection of video works, writing and social gatherings to be shared in Berlin and other German locations.
Brian Orozco '18
Yale University
Creation of a body of fine art photographs of and with the families of Mexican migrants in Mexico City, Hidalgo, Guanajuato, and Oaxaca; and the creation of a digital archive of these families’ snapshots.
Ruier Ma '17
Yale University
Exploration of the traditional craft of Whistling Banyao, the oldest of the four major Chinese kite traditions, and creation of a series of "flying paintings" based on this craft.
Symba Nuruddin '16
Yale University
Ethnographic study of Sino-African communities in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Lagos, Johannesburg and Nairobi.
Margareta Viznerova '18
Columbia University
Photographs of people in the villages between Banska Bystrica and Brezno who experienced the Slovakian National Uprising.
Anneliese Mesa-Jonassen '17
Columbia University
Creation of a body of ceramic work that incorporates traditional Colombian ceramic processes practiced in the towns of Raquira and La Chamba and addresses issues of violence and loss in Colombia.
Yunseo Alexis Moh '15
Wesleyan University
Production of a narrative film about a circus, based on ethnographic research conducted in Mexico with circus artists.
Edward Wang '16
Yale University
Documentary project employing video and quasi-architectural installation that examines two landscapes that bound the ends of Canadian national identity: the arctic territories and the Canadian-U.S. border.
Juan Flores '16
Connecticut College
Study in Mexico of experimental electronic music and local and indigenous sounds.
Katherine McMillan '16
Yale University
Research on traditional boat building in Norway and production of an artist book of detail drawings.
Dat Vu '15
Wesleyan University
Documentary photographs of trauma sites in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Steven A. Chalmers '14
City College of New York/City University of New York
Documentary photographs of the Tweed Valley in Scotland.
Delande Justinvil '13
Brandeis University
Study of funerary art from Tel Kabri in Israel.
Camille Labarre '15
Yale University
Research and practice of French wickerwork techniques.
Allison Greenwald '14
Wesleyan University
Study of the effects of globalization on contexts, meanings and visual forms of traditional geometric murals in Ghana and Burkina Faso.
Lucas Habte '11
Harvard University
Documentary film investigating the experiences of four characters affected by the Ethiopian diaspora.
Shiva Yahaghi '12
Columbia University
Organization of a photography exhibition in Madang, Papua New Guinea.
Widline Cadet '13
City College of New York/CUNY
Photographic study of economic and social changes in Haiti since the January 2010 earthquake.
Diane Choi '10
Harvard University
Documentary film about the possibilities of subsistence living in Beijing and Fuyuanmen, China.
Anna Shimshak '13
Wesleyan University
Photographic study investigating the sociological and psychological implications of Catholicism in Italy, Costa Rica, Guatemala and Peru.
Daeun (Clara) Euam '12
Connecticut College
Created an installation and artistic exploration of South Korea's traditional house, "Hanok," and their current preservation.
Abigail L. Walworth '12
Columbia University
Worked in Lima, Peru with Elliot Túpac, a chicha sign artist. Cicha signs — silkscreened posters that use an ultra-graphic style and clashing neon colors — are a unique art form developed in the slums of Lima.
Victoria C. Jeffay '12
Yale University
Documentary film about conflict and coexistence of Americans and Japanese on Okinawa told through two intertwined narratives: anti-base activists and American women organizing roller derby leagues for military spouses.
Mariama R. Diallo '10
Yale University
Film essay of the role of myths and fantasies in the interaction between race and national identity, as examined through the filmmaker's personal journey to Veracruz, Mexico.
Jeanna R. Poindexter '11
Columbia University
Exploration of Ghanaian death rituals and funeral practices, specifically centered on communities that engage in the construction of fantasy coffins.
Mich’ael Zupraner '11
Harvard University
Experimental documentary project on the Israeli-controlled "H2" sector of Hebron, West Bank. in the form of an internet-based television channel — a collaborative platform involving residents as both film subjects and filmmakers.
Alexander J. Berman '10
Harvard University
Documentary film about the effort to reclaim volcanoes as a tool of cultural development in the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia.
Ana C. Egas '10
City College of New York/CUNY
Photographic project documenting the social affects that the new Constitution of Ecuador strives to have on the 3.5 million indigenous Ecuadorians.
Linda Jandejskova '09
City College of New York/CUNY
Created a website capturing the work and lives of three agents of social transformation — Sr. Cyril Mooney (India), Mrs. Shanti Adhikari (Nepal) and Ms. Maria Alici de Campos (Brazil).