Public School Outreach

Fall 2007: Ologundê (of Brazil)
About the Program
Each year, hundreds of Waltham public school students participate in MusicUnitesUS programs.
MusicUnitesUS brings public school students to diverse music performances that reflect social studies lessons in the classroom. The programs are carefully shaped to reinforce the content of the related classroom lesson plans. In the context of history and culture, music becomes a powerful teaching tool — an authentic voice revealing cultural values, expressing overarching social themes such as freedom and justice, and exploring issues of identity. Not only do these programs enhance the academic curriculum, they also address issues of multiculturalism and diversity.
- All programs take place during the academic year. Either students from participating public school classrooms are bused to Brandeis University to attend performances or the visiting artists perform at one of the Waltham Public Schools.
- Each program is one hour long. The venues include Slosberg Recital Hall and Spingold Theater, on the Brandeis campus, as well as Waltham High School and John F. Kennedy Middle School. Programs are geared to the appropriate age level, prepared by visiting artists in conjunction with participating schools’ curricula. The aim of these programs is to explore the histories, social perspectives, and traditions of diverse cultures through the unique autobiographical narrative voice of music.
Integration Into Curriculum
Cooperating teachers utilize lesson plans (created by the MusicUnitesUS lesson plan writer in collaboration with classroom teachers) relating to the historical and social aspects of the cultures represented in the music programs. Lesson plans provide the historical and cultural context for exploring such overarching themes as independence, freedom, identity, diversity and justice. These lessons in the classroom precede and link to the concerts. Likewise, the performances address and reinforce these themes through music.
Download a Sample Lesson PlanPlease contact Interim Director Ben Paulding if you would like to use this lesson plan.
Community Partnership
Essential to the spirit of MusicUnitesUS is the partnership between the host institution Brandeis University, the Waltham Public Schools, and the Waltham community.
Download a Letter of Appreciation