Virtual SemDial 24 (WatchDial)
Please register here for WeSSLLI, WatchDial, or both.
The registration fee is $10. We will send you information for joining the event(s) shortly before the start of WeSSLLI on Saturday July 11.
The 24th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (Virtual)
18-19 July 2020
Hosted online from Brandeis University, Waltham (Watch City), MA
WatchDial will be the 24th edition of the SemDial workshop series, which aims to bring together researchers working on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue in fields such as formal semantics and pragmatics, computational linguistics, artificial intelligence, philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. In 2020 the workshop will be hosted virtually by the programs in Linguistics and in Computational Linguistics, in collaboration with the departments of Computer Science and Philosophy at Brandeis University, and will be collocated with the first ever Web Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (WeSSLLI).
Invited speakers
- Claire Bonial, Stephanie Lukin, Clare Voss [title and abstract] (U.S. Army Research Laboratory)
- Craige Roberts [title and abstract] (Ohio State University and Rutgers University)
- Bonnie Webber [title and abstract] (University of Edinburgh)
New Call For Papers for the virtual WatchDial
We invite papers on all topics related to the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, including, but not limited to:
- the dynamics of agents' information states in dialogue
- common ground/mutual belief
- goals, intentions and commitments in communication
- turn-taking and interaction control
- semantic/pragmatic interpretation in dialogue
- dialogue and discourse structure
- categorisation of dialogue phenomena in corpora
- child-adult interaction
- language learning through dialogue
- gesture, gaze, and intonational meaning in communication
- multimodal dialogue
- interpretation and reasoning in spoken dialogue systems
- dialogue management
- designing and evaluating dialogue systems
Long papers: Authors should submit an anonymous paper of at most 8 pages of content (up to 2 additional pages are allowed for references).
Style sheets (Latex, Word) are available.
The Overleaf template is also available.
Concurrent submission policy: Papers that have been or will be submitted to other meetings or publications must provide this information, using a footnote on the title page of the submissions. SEMDIAL 2020 cannot accept work for publication or presentation that will be (or has been) published elsewhere.
Submission is electronic, using the EasyChair conference management system.
- FINAL EXTENDED submissions due date: May 8 2020
- Notification: June 9 2020
- Final camera-ready version due: July 5 2020
- WeSSLLI: 11-17 July 2020
- WatchDial: 18-19 July 2020
There will be a later call for 2-page abstracts describing system demonstrations and/or ongoing projects relevant to the topics of the workshop, with submission deadline 19 June 2020.
Sophia Malamud (Brandeis University)
James Pustejovsky (Brandeis University)
Jonathan Ginzburg (Université Paris Diderot)
Sophia Malamud & James Pustejovsky
Brandeis University
Ellen Breitholtz (Göteborg University)
Julian Hough (Queen Mary University of London)