Department of Romance Studies

ROMS Course Videos

For short introductions to some of our course offerings, please watch the videos below from the instructors!

French and Francophone Studies Course Videos

FREN 10 Intro video

FREN 10A Beginning French

FREN 20 Intro video

FREN 20B Continuing French

FREN 32 Intro video

FREN 32A Intermediate French: Conversation

FREN 104/105 Intro video

FREN 104/105 Advanced Language Skills through Culture / France Today: French Conversation

FREN106 Intro video

FREN 106B Writing Workshop

FREN 111 Intro video

FREN 111 The Republic

FREN 139A Intro video

FREN 139A Bad Girls and Boys: Du mauvais genre

FREN 162B Intro video

FREN 162B From Les Confessions to Instagram: Self-Writing in Contemporary French and Francophone Literature

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Hispanic Studies Course Videos:

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 10 (first semester) courses at Brandeis University

HISP 10A Beginning Spanish

this is an introductory video explaining the 20-level (second semester) courses at Brandeis University

HISP 20B Continuing Spanish

this is an introductory video explaining HISP 32 (third semester) course at Brandeis University

HISP 32A Intermediate Spanish

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 104 course at Brandeis University

HISP 104B Peoples, Ideas, and Language of the Hispanic World. Audio en español. Closed captions disponibles en español e inglés (traducción). Audio in Spanish. Closed captions available in Spanish and English (translation).

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 105-1 course at Brandeis University

HISP 105A-1 Oral Communication through Cultural Topics: Sustainability. Audio en español. Closed captions disponibles en español. Audio in Spanish. Closed captions available in Spanish.

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 105-3 course at Brandeis University

HISP 105A-3 Oral Communication through Cultural Topics: Health. Audio en español. Closed captions disponibles en español y ingles. Audio in Spanish. Closed captions available in Spanish and English.

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 106 course at Brandeis University

HISP 106B Spanish for Written Communication through Contemporary Culture. Audio en español. Closed captions disponibles en español e inglés (traducción). Audio in Spanish. Closed captions available in Spanish and English (translation).

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 108 course at Brandeis University

HISP 108A Spanish for Heritage Speakers. Audio en español. Closed captions disponibles en español e inglés (traducción). Audio in Spanish. Closed captions available in Spanish and English (translation).

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 111 course at Brandeis University

HISP 111B Introduction to Latin American Literature & Culture

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 158 course at Brandeis University

HISP 158A Latina Feminisms

HISP 160 Intro video

HISP 160A Culture/Media and Social Change in Latin America

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 164 course at Brandeis University

HISP 164b The Extraction: The Environment and the Toxic Age in Latin America

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 193 course at Brandeis University

HISP 193B Representation and Film-Style: Latin American Cinema

this is an introductory video explaining the HISP 198 course at Brandeis University

HISP 198A Experiential Research Seminar in Literary and Cultural Studies


Video Introduction to the Italian Program:


Also Taught by ROMS Faculty

ESC 100B Intro video

ECS 100B European Cultural Studies Proseminar: Making of European Modernity, 1250 to 1650

IGS 120A Intro video

IGS 120A Inventing Oneself