Department of Romance Studies

Interdepartmental Program in Italian Studies

Minor in Italian Studies

The Italian Studies minor at Brandeis offers you the opportunity to focus on the cultural heritage of Italy from the inception of the Italian language to the present day. The study of Italy's language and creative achievements enables you to explore another culture in depth in preparation for study abroad and eventual graduate work or related opportunities in the workplace.

Why Brandeis?

Italian studies provides a minor and an independent major (through an Independent Interdisciplinary Major or IIM) for those who wish to extend their study of Italian beyond language and culture to areas of Italian literature, history, film, art history, and music. The study of Italian within a variety of cultural contexts enables you to deepen your understanding of Italian culture beyond the boundaries of a single time frame, region, gender, genre, or academic discipline. You will work closely with an advisor to develop an individualized plan of study that balances the exploration of a broad range of topics and sectors with a focus on a single discipline or cultural period.

Independent Interdisciplinary Major (IIM)

Students interested in the IIM option in Italian Studies should visit the Office of Academic Services website for application information and discuss various options with the Italian Studies faculty members.

The Hub of Language Learning at Brandeis

 illustration of hot-air balloons, each featuring a different language.
World Languages and Cultures

Make the most out of your language-learning experience at Brandeis.

The World Languages and Cultures website serves as a hub of information, whether you seek to fulfill a Brandeis Core requirement, study a language for your personal interest, find opportunities to engage in language advocacy work or simply meet Brandeisians who study and speak two or more languages.

Visit the World Languages and Cultures website