Center for German and European Studies

Bodo v. Borries: Covering of Burdening NS-Crimes - especially the Shoah - in the "German Demo­cratic Re­pub­lic" (1949-1990)

Monday, July 27, 2020
12-1:30 pm Eastern Time (US)
Zoom Webinar

CGES Online Recordings

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About the Event

Soviet memorial at Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial siteThe lecture discusses four points:

a) "Anti-fascism", the successful resistance of the com­munists in the Soviet Union against national socialism, was the officially legitimating basis of the GDR. Visits in memorials of concentration camps, especially in Buchenwald near Weimar, we­re obligatory for all school students.

b) Ne­vertheless, the information about many severe NS-crimes, espe­ci­ally the Shoah, remained mi­serably poor until 1989 (examples). Thus, the population was relieved form all NS-guilt (and anti-Semitism) indirectly. 

stamp printed by GDR (East Germany) shows monument in the concentration camp Ravensbruck, circa 1950c) After the German unification in 1990, opi­nion polls have shown some more pride in workers' NS-resistance among East-German school students than among their West-German colleagues, but much mo­re pride in "German Nation" and fascination by chauvinist ideas as well.

d) Today, the pre­fe­rence of minorities of grown-ups for right-wing populist - even extremely right and neo-fas­cist - ideas is well-known. In the Federal election of 2017 about 20% voted in favour of the "Al­ternative for Ger­many" (AfD) in the Eastern and 10% in the Western member-states. The de­ficient work­ing-through of NS in the GDR is an important cause for the crises of de­mo­cra­tic parties in Eastern Germany, but not the only one.

Photos: (1) Soviet monument at Sachsenhausen concentration camp memorial site, (2) Stamp printed by GDR (East Germany) showing the monument at concentration camp Ravensbrück, circa 1950 (both Shutterstock)

About the Speaker 

Bodo von BorriesBodo von Borries (Prof. Dr. ), born 1943 in Berlin (Germany), study of history, German language and literature, and social sciences. Doctor's degree in "social and economic history" in 1968 at Bonn University (Germany). So­me years of professional work in university reform. High school teacher in the fields of history and German lan­gua­ge.

1976-2008 professor of Education (with special respect to the learning and teaching of history) at Hamburg Uni­ver­sity (Germany). Main areas of investigation: concepts of historical learning and teaching, analysis of history-text­books, production of alternative teaching material (especially non-European history, women's history, history of childhood, environmental history), empirical studies on the development of historical consciousness among children and adolescents using qualitative and quantitative accesses.

Since 1989 representative cross-cultural studies on historical consciousness, questioning of adolescents and their teachers in East and West Germany (1990, 1992) and in Eastern and Western Europe ("YOUTH and HISTORY" 1995) in order to use comparative methods for deeper understanding of national traditions and particularities.

(Mainly Younger) Monographs

Kolonialgeschichte und Weltwirtschaftssystem. Europa und Übersee zwischen Entdeckungs- und Industrie­zeitalter 1492-1830; Düsseldorf 1986. ("Colonial History and World Economy")

Geschichtslernen und Ge­schichts­bewußtsein. Empirische Erkundungen zu Erwerb und Gebrauch von Histo­rie; 1988. ("Historical Learn­ing and Historical Consciousness")

German History. A Pupils' Competition for the Federal President's Prize; 1989. (German, French and Spa­nish versions also)

Geschichtsbewußtsein als Identitätsgewinn? Fachdidaktische Pro­grammatik und Tatsachenforschung; 1990. ("Historical Consciousness as Development of Identity?")

Wende­punkte der Frauengeschichte (I). Ein Lese- und Arbeitsbuch zum An- und Aufregen; 1990, 2nd ed. 2001. ("Turn­ing Points of Women's History (I)")

Kindlich-jugendliche Geschichtsverarbeitung in West- und Ostdeutschland 1990. Ein empirischer Ver­gleich; 1992. ("Processing of History by Children and Youth in West and East Germany 1990")

Das Geschichtsbewußtsein Jugendlicher. Erste repräsentative Untersuchung über Vergangenheits­deutun­gen, Gegenwartswahrnehmungen und Zukunftserwartungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland; 1995. ("The Histori­cal Consciousness of Young Persons")

Imaginierte Geschichte. Die biografische Bedeutung historischer Fiktio­nen und Phantasien; 1996. ("Ima­gi­nated History")

Vom "Gewaltexzeß" zum "Gewissensbiß"? Autobiografische Zeugnisse zu Formen und Wandlungen elter­li­cher Stafpraxis im 18. Jahrhundert; 1996. ("From 'Excesses of Vio­lence' to 'Pangs of Conscience'?"), (with Angvik, Magne [Eds.]) 

YOUTH and HISTORY. A Comparative Eu­ro­pean Survey on Histo­ric­al Con­scious­ness and Political Attitudes among Ado­lescents. Vol­ume A: Description, Vo­lu­me B: Documen­tation (con­tain­ing the Database on CD-ROM); 1997. 

Jugend und Geschichte. Ein europäischer Kulturvergleich aus deutscher Sicht; 1999. ("Youth and Histo­ry")

Wendepunkte der Frauengeschichte II. Über Muttergöttinnen, Männeransprüche und Mäd­chen­kindheiten. Mo­delle und Materialien zum Aus­pro­bie­ren und Bessermachen; 2003. ("Turning Points of Women's History II")

Lebendiges Geschichtslernen. Bausteine zu The­o­rie und Pragmatik, Empirie und Norm­fra­ge; 2004. ("Lively Learning of Hi­sto­ry")

(with Fischer, Claudia, Leut­ner-Ramme, Sibylla and Meyer-Hamme, Johannes:) Schulbuch­ver­ständ­nis, Richt­linienbenutzung und Re­fle­xi­ons­pro­zes­se im Ge­schichts­unterricht. Eine qualitativ-quan­ti­ta­tive Schü­ler- und Leh­rer­­be­fra­gung im Deutsch­spra­chigen Bildungswesen 2002; 2005. ("Understanding of Textbooks, Use of Sylla­buses and Processes of Reflection in History Lessons")

Durchbrüche von Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft - Krisen von Umwelt und Innenwelt? Ver­säumte Lektionen zur Ökologie- und Mentalitätsgeschichte; 2006. ("Break­throughs of Economy and Science - Cris­es of Ecology and Mentality?")

Historisch Denken Lernen - Welt­erschließung statt Epo­chen­über­blick. Ge­schich­­te als Un­ter­richts­fach und Bil­dungs­auf­gabe; 2008. ("Learning to Think historically")

Ge­schichts­lernen und Men­schenrechtsbildung - Auswege aus einem Miss­ver­hältnis? Nor­ma­tive Überle­gun­gen und praktische Beispie­le [Außentitel fälschlich "Menschenrechte im Geschichtsunter­richt"]; 2011, 2. Aufl. [mit kor­rigiertem Außen­titel] 2014. ("Learning History and Hu­man-Rights' Educa­tion. Loopholes of a Dispropor­tion")

(mit Beiträgen von Meyer-Hamme, Johannes): Zwi­schen "Genuss" und "Ekel" - Äs­the­tik und Emotiona­li­tät als kon­stitutive Mo­mente histo­ri­schen Lernens; 2014. ("Between Enjoyment and Disgust. Aesthetics and Emo­tion as Constitutive Mo­ments of Historical Learning")