Course Offerings

The Master of Science in Computational Linguistics involves coursework from computer science and linguistics. The following is a list of courses offered in the current academic year.

Fall 2019

Computational Linguistics Courses

Course Number Course Title Instructor
LING 131 Introduction to Natural Language Processing with Python Marcus Verhagen
LING 160 Mathematical Methods in Linguistics Sophia Malamud 
COSI 134  Statistical Approaches to Natural Language Processing Nianwen Bert Xue
COSI 135 Computational Semantics James Pustejovsky

COSI 217b


Natural Language Processing Systems

Topic for fall 2019: Extracting Entities from Real-World Data

Constantine Lignos

Computer Science Background and Elective Courses

Course Number Course Title Instructor
COSI 10 Introduction to Problem Solving in Python Antonella DiLillo, Thomas Hickey
COSI 12 Advanced Programming Techniques Antonella DiLillo
COSI 21 Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing  Hongfu Liu
COSI 29 Discrete Structures  Mitch Cherniack
COSI 101 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence Pengyu Hong
COSI 102 Software Entrepreneurship Pito Salas
COSI 119 Autonomous Robotics Pito Salas
COSI 125 Human-Computer Interaction Rick Alterman
COSI 131 Operating Systems Olga Papaemmanouil
COSI 180 Algorithms  Jim Storer
COSI 190 Introduction to Programming Language Theory Harry Mairson

Linguistics Background and Elective Courses

Course Number Course Title Instructor
LING 100 Introduction to Linguistics Keith Plaster 
LING 120 Syntactic Theory Lotus Goldberg
LING 140 Architecture of Conversation: Discourse and Pragmatics Sophia Malamud
LING 190B 1 Topics in Linguistics: Introduction to Research in Linguistics Lotus Goldberg
LING 190B 2 Topics in Linguistics: Phonology II Keith Plaster

Spring 2020

Computational Linguistics Courses

Course Number Course Title  Instructor
COSI 114 Fundamentals of Computational Linguistics Staff
COSI 132 Information Retrieval Peter Anick
COSI 136 Automated Speech Recognition Marie Meteer
COSI 137 Information Extraction Benjamin Wellner
COSI 138 Computational Linguistics Second Year Seminar  Keith Plaster
COSI 140 Natural Language Annotation for Machine Learning  Nianwen Bert Xue
COSI 216A Topics in Natural Language Processing James Pustejovsky

Natural Language Processing Systems 

Nianwen Bert Xue

Computer Science Background and Elective Courses 

Course Number Course Title  Instructor 
COSI 12 Advanced Programming Techniques in Java Antonella DiLillo, Pito Salas
COSI 21 Data Structures and the Fundamentals of Computing  Antonella DiLillo
COSI 121 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs  Harry Mairson
COSI 126 Introduction to Data Mining Hongfu Liu
COSI 127 Database Management Systems Mitch Cherniack
COSI 130 Introduction to the Theory of Computation Antonella DiLillo
COSI 166B Capstone Project for Software Engineering Pito Salas

Linguistics Background and Elective Courses 

Course Number Course Title Instructor
LING 110 Phonological Theory  Keith Plaster
LING 121 Syntax II Lotus Goldberg
LING 125 Linguistic Typology Lotus Goldberg
LING 130 Formal Semantics: Truth, Meaning and Language  Sophia Malamud
LING 171 Language and the Law Keith Plaster