Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Brandeisians: Help Improve DEI on Campus!

Nov. 2, 2022

Dear Members of the Brandeis Community,

Brandeis University seeks to create an environment characterized by openness, fairness and equal access for all students, staff and faculty. You are invited to participate in a survey regarding the institutional climate at Brandeis. Climate refers to the current standards and behaviors (or attitudes) towards the experiences of both individuals and groups on campus. The Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey is administered by the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS). Your participation in this research will inform Brandeis leadership about the current climate at Brandeis, both points of pride and areas for improvement.

The survey is a powerful tool to assess:

  • perceptions of Brandeis' climate,
  • perceptions of how Brandeis supports diversity, equity and inclusion, and
  • experiences with discrimination and harassment at Brandeis.

The data collected will help to inform the development of strategic plans across the university aimed to achieve a more equitable and inclusive campus environment.

This is a single-use link; please do not forward it to anyone else.

We recommend that you take this survey in one sitting; however, if you must exit the survey, your responses on previous pages should be saved when you return. Your responses to questions on the page you were on when you left the survey may or may not be saved.

If there is an incident of discrimination or harassment that you would like to report, please visit the Office of Equal Opportunity website. This link will be available after you submit your survey as well.

Please be assured your answers will be collected confidentially by HEDS. HEDS will only share anonymized results with the office of Institutional Research (IR). IR will report results in group form only. While your participation in this project is voluntary, it is critical.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this vital project.


LeManuel "Lee" Bitsóí, EdD
Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Brandeis University

Brandeis University is collaborating with the Higher Education Data Sharing Consortium (HEDS) to administer the HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey.