Bernard Reisman Professional Excellence Award

Established by the Hornstein Alumni Association and friends and colleagues of Bernard Reisman, the Bernard Reisman Professional Excellence Award is presented each year at the Hornstein commencement ceremony to a professional who "has demonstrated innovative work and significant leadership… as well as a commitment to the standards of excellence, Jewish commitment and sensitivity to others as reflected by Bernard Reisman in his work."


Jeremy J. Fingerman Portrait Photo

Foundation for Jewish Camp

Idit Klein portrait photo with greenery behind her

President & CEO

Jeffrey H. Finkelstein
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Anita Diamant

Author and community leader

Winnie Sandler Grinspoon

President of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and creator of PJ Library

Jonah Pesner

Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Anne Lanski

Executive Director of the iCenter

Zohar Raviv

International Vice President of Education for Taglit-Birthright Israel

Full List of Recipients

The Hornstein Program began awarding the Reisman Award in 1991.

Year Award Recipient
1991 Steven Huberman, MA’76, PhD’79
1992 Elliot Spack
1993 Lucy Steinitz, MA’74
1994 Cindy Chazan, MA’74
1995 Eliot Karp, MA’80
1996 John Ruskay
1997 Joy D. Levitt
1998 Larry Moses
1999 Diana Aviv
2000 Jonathan Jacoby
2001 Carolyn Keller, MA’75
2002 Richard Siegel, MA’69
2003 Mark Sokoll, MA’90
2004 B. Elka Abrahamson
2005 Fiona Epstein, MA’86
2006 Susan Shevitz
2007 Mark Charendoff
2008 Alan Teperow, MA’76
2009 Dr. Ellen Frankel
2010 Rabbi David Rosenn
2011 Nancy K. Kaufmann
2012 Erica Brown
2013 David Cygielman
2014 Nigel Savage
2015 Dr. Zohar Raviv MA’00
2016 Anne Lanski
2017 Rabbi Jonah Pesner
2018 Winnie Sandler Grinspoon
2019 Anita Diamant
2021 Jeffrey Finkelstein, MA’93
2022 Idit Klein
2023 Jeremy J. Fingerman
2024 Alan H. Gill