Public Safety Transparency
We are committed to action — to listening, learning, and sharing more. We’ve worked to compile information that addresses the most common themes we’ve heard from you, our community, as well as those we identified as relevant to the national conversation regarding policing. The first section highlights some core practices, policies, etc. that have already been adopted and operationalized by the department, aligning with national best practices in policing. This list is not exhaustive, and it also does not suggest our work is done. Rather, it should help orient our community to current practices within the department.
Chief Matthew Rushton
AVP Public Safety
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Below are reports produced by or that impact Public Safety:
Public Safety Departmental Policies: (Law Enforcement Specific, typically guided by Massachusetts for Federal law)
Public Safety Patrol Guide: (Brandeis specific, usually not guided by law)
Over the last 12 months, the Brandeis University Police Officers have participated in over 1,500+ hours of training. Each officer completed at least 40 hours of training and another 860+ additional hours of training. A short list is provided below:
- Advanced Sexual Assault Training
- Suicide Intervention and Prevention
- Field Training Officers Course (FTO)
- Leadership Panel Participation, National Association of Women in Law Enforcement (NAWLEE)
- Hate Crimes and Group Training
- Crisis Intervention Training (CIT)
- Stress, Relationships, (NAWLEE)
- Police Mountain Bike Certification Course
- Current 1st Amendment and Civil Rights Issues
- Building a Winning Culture
- Sexual Assault Investigator Course
- FBI, LEEDA Supervisor Training
- Reid School, Interview and Interrogation
- Tactical Instructor Development Course
- The Servant Warrior Training
- Front-line Leadership
- New England Regional Command College
- Intentional Leadership
Updated: 3/25/24
Previous training:
- Martin Luther King Jr., Kingian Non-Violence, 3-day workshop.
- Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Antisemitism training
- Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP), fair and equitable inclusive training.
- Restorative Justice training.
- History of Racial Profiling, Strategically & Unlocking Authentic Communication in a Culturally-Diverse Workplace.
- 3rd Annual Faith-Based Organizations Safety Seminar, Department of Homeland Security and the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties - response strategies, threats, training.
- “BeAware” training hosted by Secure Communities Network
- Civilian Response to Active Shooter Event (CRASE) train the trainer.
- Building Safe Jewish Communities on Campus
- “White Lives Matter:” A Network of Hate”
- National Preparedness Leadership Initiative at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Behavioral Threat Assessment Training
- De-Escalation training
- Threat Assessment Management Team training
- Responding to and Investigating Bomb Threats and Swatting Hoaxes training by the FBI.
- Leading Strategically & Unlocking Authentic Communication in a
- Culturally-Diverse Workplace.
- Kingian non-violence, 3-day workshop.
Below are safety alerts issued by the AVP of Public Safety: