
Faculty Advisor

Aparna Baskaran
Aparna Baskaran
Associate Professor of Physics
Undergraduate Advising Head
781-736-2866 Abelson 306

Expertise: Condensed matter theory; nonequilibrium statistical mechanics; emergent phenomena such as phase transitions and pattern formation in far-from-equilibrium complex fluids including granular materials, self-propelled particles and other active materials


Our membership includes all departments within the Division of Science at Brandeis:

Executive Board

Juliet Bottorff

About my SCIENCE: I am a second year in the Turrigiano lab studying how the brain is able to learn and also stay stable over time. I'm especially interested in the role of sleep and wake states, and the neurons and neuromodulators that regulate them, in these processes. To study this, I chronically record firing rates while tracking behavioral activity in freely moving rats.

Why I joined WiSI: I joined WiSI to empower and encourage the next generation of female scientists. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of passion, support, strength and mentorship of and for women.

Fun Fact: I ran NCAA D1 track and cross country and also ran professionally for a while for Adidas.

Andrea Guerrero

About my SCIENCE: I am investigating how specific Shank3 mutations affect synaptic scaling. Shank3 dysfunction is associated with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and intellectual disability, but the role of Shank3 in these disorders remains unclear. Therefore, I will determine which molecular pathways are modulated by Shank3 phosphorylation state and produce synaptic scaling changes.

Why I joined WiSI: I joined WiSI to advocate for women in science at Brandeis and to coordinate events that educate the student body about resources for women's advancement in STEM. I am passionate about mentoring and teaching and I hope to continue encouraging aspiring scientists in these ways throughout my graduate career.

Fun Fact: I'm a very outdoorsy person — tennis, hiking, archery, biking and skiing are some of my favorite activities.

Kathleen Maigler

About my SCIENCE: I am investigating the gustatory system in terms of temporal coding and network dynamics, specifically looking at communication between two hubs of the system: the primary taste cortex and the lateral hypothalamus. Through a combination of in vivo electrophysiology and computational analyses I hope to understand how palatability is conveyed between regions.

Why I joined WiSI: The WiSI members were always running support in the background as I was beginning and Brandeis, so I immediately wanted to join the force that made me feel like I was not alone and could not only succeed, but flourish here. I want to continue to grow this community and help other women scientists flourish too.

Fun Fact: Cows are my favorite animal, and I may one day own a cow sanctuary.

Jasmine Quynh Le

About my SCIENCE: I am interested in how biological clocks regulate sleep and how sleep is accounted for. Using fruit flies as a model system, my hope is to use neuroscience and molecular biology to help answer the age-old question: Why do we sleep?

Why I joined WiSI: I joined WiSI to gain a support system of strong, smart women and to be a support system for others. I love mentoring and hope to inspire all people to consider science as a career.

Fun Fact: I love cold weather, especially with snow.

Andrea Stacy

About my SCIENCE: I am investigating the development of neural circuits in the visual system using in vivo electrophysiology in an animal model. I am particularly interested in the influence of experience on the formation of neural circuits.

Why I joined WiSI: I joined WiSI to advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM and to mentor undergraduate and graduate women as they pursue careers in science.

Fun Fact: I've lived in six states in the U.S.