General Workday Questions
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I created one schedule of all the courses I'd like to take this semester. I am receiving an error message in Workday about registering for too many courses at once. Why is this and how do I resolve it so I can register?
I am seeing an error in Workday that I have not yet met the pre-requisite for a course but I should have transfer or AP credit that covers that requirement. Why is this happening?
I've submitted a pre-requisite or co-requisite override request in Workday but it has not yet been approved. What do I do next?
If I have submitted a pre-requisite or co-requisite override request in Workday, am I able to enroll in the course while waiting on the request?
I am trying to request a prerequisite override but the course section doesn't populate and I get an error message when I try to continue. What do I do?
I want to register for a course with a co-requisite, do I need to have both course sections on my schedule to register for them?
I am registering for a class with a co-requisite. I tried registering for them both at the same time, but I got an error message that the registration for the second course failed. Do I need a prerequisite override?
If I'm waitlisted for a course, am I able to continue enrolling in other courses that are still open?
I am trying to enroll in a course but I get the error message that there is a time conflict, what do I do?
I want to register for a University Writing Seminar (UWS), but all the classes are full. What should I do?
There appear to be available seats in a course but I am unable to register for them. Why might that be the case?
Academic Advising
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Will there be enrollment appointments for students to register for a certain amount of credits in Workday?
On the Student Summary page in Workday, what does the status of active mean if a student is on leave of absence?
How will Workday Student handle grading, in regards to Academic progress, for an undergraduate student?
Can the primary program of study be updated for a student's profile? For example, a student may want one program verses another to be their primary.
Are the majors that a staff member can pick, for adjusting a students program of study, bound by their security access?
How would a student drop one major in Workday and then add another program of study? Is there an order in which this has to happen?
If a student is undeclared, or in another major outside of your admins access to their program of study (i.e., English major declaring a Biology major), is there a way for academic or department administrators to see that student's full course record, prior to the formal declaration finalization?
For school specific requirements such as IBS, GSAS BM/MA, can students request their program of study change within Workday or do they first need to meet the requirements such as applying for the program?
Is it possible to show the number of units completed and the totally required on the My Advisee dashboard?
When a student is enrolling in a course, and it does not meet program requirements, will Workday alert the student that it does not meet a program requirement?
Since Brandeis will not be using consent codes in Workday, how will campus manage student overrides for these courses?
Can specific requirements be listed next to foundational literacies within Workday on a student profile page?
For GPS students does the Academic History page on the student profile show the percentage of required courses and elective courses completed?
Will administrator’s only have access to students with a major/minor in their related academic department?
How will AP courses be shown on the students history? Will it be completed with requirement overrides?
Is there a place in Workday that we can provide feedback based on a students academic plan, directly to the student?
Will the courses shown on the academic plan requirement be all courses or only courses offered during the associated term?
Can students plan on the Academic Plan to take courses that have existing pre-requisites without having completed those pre-requisites?
If a student is currently enrolled in a course that is a pre-requisite for another course that the student wants to enroll in during registration for the next semester, will they be able to enroll in the sequential course without a final grade being posted?
Will faculty be able to see a list of their various advisees with tags for different programs (e.g. Gen One mentees, Faculty Ambassador mentees, departmental advisees, etc…)?
In Sage currently if a student declares their Faculty Ambassador is replaced with their major advisor. Can both of these roles be retained in the version of Workday? Ambassadors can serve as a source of support beyond the declaration of a major.
Curriculum Management
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Will Workday automatically check pre-requisites within majors, each semester, before students are eligible to register for course sections?
Student Financials
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Student Records
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