Workday at Brandeis

Navigating Workday for Graduate Students



If I am…

I should consider the following resources

 …a new student at Brandeis University.

 Quick Guides:  Job Aids:

 …completing onboarding.

  Job Aids:

…managing my student profile such as my name or contact information. 

 Job Aids:

 …planning my academics or registering for courses.

 Self-paced, computer-based training


 Job Aids

 …viewing my academic record or progress.

 Job Aids:

 …viewing financial information.

 Job Aids:

... enter my time worked for my on campus job

Job Aid:

Enter Time Worked for Student Employees

... set up my direct deposit

Job Aid:

Manage Direct Deposit (payment elections) and Tax Withholdings

... print my W2 statement for tax purposes

Job Aid:

Access & Print Year End Documents (W2s)

If I want to …

I should look here in Workday...

 ... view my pay stub

In my Pay application in the navigation menu.

... search for student jobs

The career application in the navigation menu.

 ... view holds

The action items and history tab on my student profile


We're here to help! Contact us at or 781-736-4357.