Stage Two: Determine Acceptable Evidence
The second stage of backward design has instructors consider the assessments and performance tasks students will complete in order to demonstrate evidence of understanding and learning.
In the previous stage, the instructor pinpointed the learning goals of the course. Therefore, they will have a clearer vision of what evidence students can provide to show they have achieved or have started to attain the goals of the course. Consider the following two questions at this stage:
- How will I know if students have achieved the desired results?
- What will I accept as evidence of student understanding and proficiency?
At this stage, it is important to consider a wide range of assessment methods in order to ensure that students are being assess over the goals the instructor wants students to attain. Sometimes, the assessments do not match the learning goals, and it becomes a frustrating experience for students and instructors. Use the list below to help brainstorm assessment methods for the learning goals of the course.
- Term papers
- Short-answer quizzes
- Free-response questions
- Homework assignments
- Lab projects
- Practice problems
- Group projects
- Among many others ...