Writing Resources

Handout: A SMART Thesis Development Worksheet

Classical Studies

A SMART thesis statement has the following six attributes:

  • Alludes to structure: Prepares the reader for the type and order of evidence you will discuss.
  • Specific: Expresses one main idea with specific language.
  • Manageable: Deals with a subject that can be adequately treated given the nature and length of the assignment.
  • Arguable: Focuses on a subject about which reasonable people could disagree.
  • Relevant: Gets to the heart of the text or topic and is non-obvious.
  • Takes a stand: Asserts your conclusions about a subject.

Original concept:




Specific topic:












Take a stand:








Specific language:




Alludes to structure:




So what?




Developed at Brandeis University through a grant from the Davis Educational Foundation