Lesson Plan: Research Proposal Presentations
Comparative Literature and Culture
To set up the research unit as a seminar-style discussion in which students exchange feedback on one another’s topics and learn from their peers’ descriptions of their arguments and writing processes
Estimated Time
25-50 minutes, depending on the size of the class
Work Completed Before Class
Students have completed the following assignment: “Submit a research proposal of two paragraphs (the first stating the problem, the second a plan for researching a solution).”
In Class
- Ask a student to share their research question and plan for pursuing a solution. (1-2 minutes)
- Ask the other students in the class to respond to the proposal with questions the author should consider or suggestions about other approaches to research. (2-3 minutes)
- Repeat steps one and two for each student in the class. For classes larger than ten students, it will be imperative to limit the time devoted to discussion. (4-5 minutes per student)
- Follow-up: Schedule individual conferences to go over each student’s research proposal. This allows the in-class discussion to remain largely among the students, since you, the instructor, can continue it in your office sometime after class has ended. (5-10 minutes per conference)