Lesson Plan: Obama as a Writer



To help students think more about writing style and grammar

Total estimated time

30 min

Work Completed Before Class

Students will read two selections of President Obama’s writing and two articles before class. (This can also be shortened or students can read selections in class),


  1. first two Chicago chapters in Dreams from My Father (8 & 9, pp. 133-163) 
  2. Obama's speech on race, March 18, 2008.
  3. The two articles on Obama and books and the Lincoln connection.
  4. Have a conversation about Obama’s style of writing, stressing clarity.  Get students to provide to express their reactions to both content and structure.  (10 min)
  5. Choose one paragraph from the readings to edit with the class.  Can it be improved? (10 min)
  6. Incorporate Strunk & White’s Elements of Style into grammar discussion.  Have students volunteer to go to the board and attempt examples from the book.  Each student can take a rule.  This is effective at generating a conversation about grammar. (10 min)

Developed at Brandeis University through a grant from the Davis Educational Foundation