Community Partnerships

COMPACT provides a front door to the University for community partners. We are glad to offer a variety of resources to our community partners.
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Are you interested in working with the Brandeis community, such as hiring a student intern, supporting student volunteers, or receiving support for a research project?
Fill out the Community Partnerships Interest Form to start! This will give us an idea of the type of partnership you are looking for, including additional resources and opportunities. Once we receive your form, staff from COMPACT will reach out to you.You can submit materials about your project or organization to be posted on the Campus Groups Community Partner News & Events page! Please submit a request using our Community Partner News and Events Campus Groups Form!
You can also share flyers for events that are open to the public and include a community partner for us to include in our monthly newsletter by emailing Tony Thein (
The opportunities posted to the Campus Groups Community Partner News and Events page are not sponsored by Brandeis University as they come directly from community partners or external entities. Responsibility for participation in any of the below opportunities, including further exploring additional information to be fully informed about each experience, rests with each potential participant.
As a community partner, you have the opportunity to collaborate with the Hiatt Career Center to recruit, educate, and connect with the Brandeis community. Whether you are interested in establishing internships or filling part-time or full-time paid positions, here's how:
On behalf of Brandeis University, COMPACT is glad to share an exciting partnership opportunity with you. The federal work study program at Brandeis allows students to use their work-study hours to support approved community service agencies. For eligible students, this means that 75% of their hourly wages will be paid by work study; the community service agency is responsible for the remaining 25%. This offers community partners the ability to employ a student for 25% of what it would otherwise cost!
Brandeis University would love to work with you to figure out how to support your organization and the Greater Waltham community through creating meaningful opportunities for work study students to engage in direct work with the community. Please contact Kristyn Burke, Manager of Student Employment at Brandeis, at if you have any interest or questions about this opportunity.
Any community member is welcome to visit the Brandeis Library during building hours and can access the Library’s catalog and many online resources during your visit on any public computer in the library using the guest account option.
While visitors who are not current Brandeis staff, faculty, or students cannot check out books, visitors are welcome to search for materials in our catalog and use materials from our collections while at the library. Free scanners are available in the InfoCommons on level 1 of Goldfarb. If you need assistance with printing and copying, please check in at the Information and Borrowing desk.
The Library's guide to Researching Waltham might be of particular interest to members of the community. This guide includes both freely available resources, as well as library databases, which can be accessed by community members while on campus and using the guest account option on the library's public computers.
The Robert D. Farber University Archives & Special Collections Department offers a range of services to the Brandeis and broader research communities. Read more, explore the collections, and consider planning a visit.
The Brandeis MakerLab is organized around a social justice vision that emphasizes broad access to innovation expertise and technologies as well as the positive impact that innovation can make in the world. Please contact with project ideas and for questions about upcoming trainings and office hours.
COMPACT offers a variety of resources and support to our community partners including: