Essay Prize

Deadline: March 25, 2024

The Jane's Essay Prize is awarded annually to an undergraduate student who writes the best paper in Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx studies. It carries a $300 cash prize.

Eligibility Guidelines (2023-2024)

The competition is open to undergraduates in all concentrations and classes at Brandeis University. Submissions are limited to one paper per student. Professors may also submit their students' papers for the competition.

Papers must have been written between March 25, 2023, and March 24, 2024, in any area of Latin American, Caribbean or Latinx studies. Any substantial research paper may be submitted, including term papers, two-term senior theses or one-semester senior essays. The paper may be written in English, French, Spanish. If your submission is in another language used in Latin America or the Caribbean, we will make every effort to find a qualified reader.


A committee of faculty members in the Latin American, Caribbean and Latinx Studies Program (LACLS) will select the winner of the competition. The award will be based on:

  • Quality of the research
  • Originality of the analysis
  • Clarity of the writing.

Deadlines and Submission

Deadline for submission is now Monday March 25,  2024 before midnight. 

Submissions should be emailed to Mangok Bol of the LACLS Program.

Essay Winners



Recipient  Title 

Hector Aguirre

Resistencia: Bomba y Reggaetón


Recipient  Title 

Delaine Gneco De La Cruz

Afro-Descendants' Social Justice Movements and the Implementation of Anti-Discriminatory Public Policies in Latin America


Recipient  Title 

Delaine Gneco De La Cruz

Boston’s foreign-born: an asset or a burden?


Winner Topic
Alejandra Tinoco Bonilla

"La Matriz de Nuestras Madres es Nuestro Hogar:Strategiesto Manage Housing Instability amongst Latinas in the U.S."

Aaron Newitt
De Ushuaia a la Quiaca: La relación cinematográfica entre el espectador, la tierra y la banda sonora de Diarios de motocicleta"


Winner Topic
Alejandra Tinoco Bonilla

"Mujeres haitianas migrantes y madres en Chile y la política pública que debenenfrentar para sus proyectos de vida en las comunas de Valparaíso y Quintero"

Ruby Carlon

"Constitutional Referendums: Tools of Direct Democracy or Democratic Destruction?"


Recipient  Title 
Alex Ashley  LA COMERCIALIZACIÓN DEL MURAL PORTEÑO: Navegando el nexo complejo entre el muralismo y la gentrificación en Valparaíso, Chile


Winner Topic
Arianna Keigan “Black Caribbean Domestic Laborers and National Claims to Modernity: A History of Dependence and Myth-Making”
Rachel Portnoy

“El femicidio en Ciudad Juárez: ¿Cómo se representa en el cine?” [English] “Femicide in Ciudad Juárez: How is it represented in the movies?”


Winner Topic
Ledia Erkou

“El disfraz, el engaño y la codificación en las obras de la temprana edad moderna”

Marian Gardner “Los riesgos sobre la salud de los trabajadores inmigrantes bolivianos en los talleres textiles en la Ciudad Autónoma Buenos Aires: las experiencias de los trabajadores de la Cooperativa La Alameda” [English] “The health risks of Bolivian immigrant workers in textile workshops in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires: The experiences of workers at cooperative La Alameda”


Winner Topic
Hannah Marion

“La relación familia-escuela en Cuba y el papel de la familia como socializadora” [English] The Family-School Relationship in Cuba and the Socializing Role of Family”

Arielle Gordon

“Mothers, Midwives, Makers, and Murderers: The Politics of Child Killing in Caribbean Colonial Societies”