Commenting Standards
Brandeis University welcomes comments on our social media channels and encourages interaction among students, prospective students, alumni, faculty, parents and friends around the world. We encourage our community to engage with each other and with the university respectfully.
We review all comments made on university channels. Brandeis University reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove comments if they are defamatory or a personal attack, hate speech, wildly off-topic, or if they contain illegal suggestions or use foul language. We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial, political or other ventures unless we deem them related to the university, its members or its operation. We reserve the right to block and terminate access to the page by those who do not comply with the standards.
Comments made to Brandeis University social channels are the opinions of the authors, not of the university.
All content and posts are bound by the Terms and Community Guidelines for that service:
- Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
- Twitter Terms of Service
- YouTube Terms of Service and Community Guidelines
- Instagram Terms of Use and Community Guidelines
- LinkedIn User Agreement
Please email us with any concerns about the content on our social channels. We welcome all of your feedback and thank you for your help in creating a respectful and vibrant online community.