The Tauber Institute for the Study of European Jewry

Undergraduate Research Awards

The Tauber Institute is offering research grants to undergraduates completing honors/senior theses or engaged in a research project in any field related to Jewish Studies in the 2024-2025 academic year. Grants are awarded in amounts up to $2,000 to cover travel expenses (e.g., visits to archives), purchase of materials (e.g., microfilm), and costs of data collection and processing. Applications are due November 15, 2024. 


Proposals should include:

  • Title and objectives of the project and an explanation of how this research constitutes a culmination of the applicant's undergraduate learning

  • Description of research plans, including data to be used, methodology and description of sources

  • Breakdown of specific expenditures to be covered by the grant

  • Letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor

  • Names of other Brandeis grants for which the applicant has applied

  • Curriculum Vitae

Submit proposals in a single pdf to:

Selection Criteria

  • Originality and creativity of the project

  • Appropriateness of primary-source collections and institutions in which the applicant proposes to conduct research

  • Strong academic record

Current Recipients (2024-2025)

Neima Fax 25', "Between Messianism and Manuscripts: Women’s Voices Emerging in Print in Early Modern Eastern Europe"

Allan Feldman 26',"Egyptian Jewish Entrepreneurship in the Pre-Nasser Period"

Zachary Gold 25', "The ‘Jew’ Within Nazi Society: A Story of Antisemitism and Survival"

Matvey Agranovskiy 26', "Alexander Kojève’s Dialectics of Hegel and Marx"

Ofri Levinson 25', "This is NOT Tel Aviv: Metamorphosis of the Kibbutz: Identity and Ideology Throughout Time"

Dahlia Matanky 25', "Sacred Sensuality: An Exploration of Young Orthodox Jewish Women’s Understandings and Experiences with Sexual Desire and Pleasure"

Lev Sewald 26' & Thomas Musser 26', "The Land of Milk and Vodka: An Investigation into Russian and Yiddish News Publications from Siberia’s Jewish Homeland"