Jewish Thought and Philosophy
Click here for titles in the Brandeis Library of Modern Jewish Thought

Amit Levy
A history of knowledge transfer from Germany to Palestine.

Jeremy Fogel
Jewish philosophers in the Enlightenment era.

Gilad Sharvit
A new understanding of modern Jewish theories of messianism across the disciplines of history, theology, and philosophy.

Noam Zadoff
A new intellectual portrait of a prominent twentieth-century philosopher.

Adi Gordon
The life and intellectual evolution of Hans Kohn, a pioneer of nationalism studies.

Sven-Erik Rose
A provocative look at how Jewish intellectuals thought about Jewish religion and existence within a German philosophical tradition.

David N. Myers, ed.; Alexander Kaye, editor
Brings together key writings by one of the most distinguished and renowned Jewish historians of our time.

Berel Lang
Fascinating philosophical inquiry into post-Holocaust representations of the Holocaust in political theory, ethics, and aesthetics, and an assessment of the limitations and promise of philosophical ‘witnessing’ in relation to those issues.

David N. Myers
An exploration of the fascinating Jewish thinker Simon Rawidowicz and his provocative views on Arab refugees and the fate of Israel.

Christian Wiese, editor; Krishna Winston, translator
Because Jonas’ life spanned the entire 20th century, this memoir provides nuanced pictures of German Jewry during the Weimar Republic, of German Zionism, of the Jewish emigrants in Palestine during the 1930s and 1940s, and of German Jewish émigré intellectuals in New York. In addition, Jonas outlines the development of his work, beginning with his studies under Husserl and Heidegger and extending through his later metaphysical speculations about “God after Auschwitz.”

Christian Wiese
An analysis of the Jewish background of an eminent philosopher.

Eugene Sheppard
“With a graceful weave of biography, historical context, and philosophical analysis, Eugene Sheppard presents an intellectual portrait of Leo Strauss that boldly challenges the clichés that becloud his legacy.” —Paul Mendes-Flohr, University of Chicago

Elisheva Carlebach, John M. Efron and David M. Myers, editors
“This refreshing panorama of the diverse vistas of Jewish history and thought offers students and scholars of Jewish studies valuable new material and fresh insights across a time span from medieval to modern times.” —Shmuel Feiner, Bar Ilan University

Simon Rawidowicz
“Rich in content, a pleasure to read, an encounter with the first-rate mind of a major historian of Jewish intellectual history reflecting on issues that engaged him passionately.” —Arnold Eisen, Stanford University

Ismar Schorsch
Essays examining the emergence of Jewish scholarship during the period 1818-1919, concentrating on the Wissenschaft des Judentums movement.

George L. Mosse
“This collection showcases Mosse’s extraordinary talents as a European intellectual and cultural historian.” —Richard Breitman, American University

Alexander Altmann
“This collection of deeply passionate and poignant, learned, and eloquent essays by a young Orthodox rabbi facing the growing Nazi horror is important for historians, philosophers, and theologians.” —Isadore Twersky

Paul Mendes-Flohr
Eleven essays on the life and thought of Jewish philosopher and theologian Franz Rosenzweig.

Jehuda Reinharz and Walter Schatzberg, editors
“A valuable contribution to the continuing flow of studies of German Jews and their relations with the rest of German society in the last two centuries.” —American Historical Review