Workday at Brandeis

Period Activity Pay Costing Allocation Worktags

Administrators and Managers using Period Activity Pay are required to choose a PAP worktag when entering a costing allocation in the PAP work item. Below is a comprehensive list of activity worktags to choose from. Please note that while we have tried to capture as many scenarios as possible, we may not have added a particular named stipend as a worktag. In that instance, please consult with your department's budget administrator on which worktag to use.

Faculty NonUnion Activities | Faculty Union Activities | Graduate Student Stipend Activities | Undergraduate Student Stipend Activities | Postdoctoral Activities | Staff Salary Activities


Faculty NonUnion Activities Worktag(s) to choose from Use Cases for the Activity and Worktags
CHDIRSTIP - Chair/Director Stipend CHDIRSTIP - Chair/Director Stipend Department chairs, degree program directors, division heads, and Rabb Program Chairs receive a small stipend for taking on chair duties; this activity and worktag would be assigned when an additional job is assigned to a faculty/staff member's profile to head up an academic chair or academic director position in addition to their faculty or staff role.
FMP - Faculty Mentoring Program FMP - Faculty Mentoring Program This activity and worktag is specific to the College of Arts & Sciences and should be used when faculty receive funds for mentoring junior faculty members enrolled in the Faculty Mentoring Program.
FSS - Faculty Summer Salary FSS - Faculty Summer Salary Faculty are assigned this activity and worktag when they receive summer salary separate from their nine-month pay cycle for research
INSTNU - Instruction (Non-Union)

INSTNU - Instruction (Non-Union)


Faculty hired on a per course basis who are not in the union or on a one year non-renewable contract with the College of Arts & Sciences.

The International Business School also uses this activity and worktag for field projects.

INSTNU - Instruction (Non-Union) INSTNU - eMBA Heller School uses this activity and worktag for non-union faculty teaching in the eMBA program
SSINU - Summer School Instruction (Non-Union) SSINU - Summer School Instruction (Non-Union) Faculty hired to teach Summer School courses assigned this activity/worktag
OVL - Overload OVL - Overload Non-union faculty who receive payments for teaching courses beyond their regular course load
TOPOFF - Top Off TOPOFF - Top Off Top Off is the worktag to use for faculty on fellowships that Arts & Sciences pays an additional stipend as these faculty are not at full salary
ADDASSNU - Additional Assignment - NonUnion ADDASSNU - Additional Assignment - NonUnion Additional payments for advising activities, voluntary teaching and research assignments such as HHMI and SHTA. Anything over a normal salary or PAP for teaching would be a voluntary, additional assignment with the assignment noted in the comments


Faculty Union Activities Worktag(s) to choose from Use Cases for the Activity and Worktags
INST1 - Instructional (Step 1) INST1 - Instructional Step 1 Step 1 pay level for union faculty
INST1 - Instructional (Step 1) INST1 - eMBA Step 1 pay level for union faculty teaching in the eMBA program
INST2 - Instructional (Step 2) INST2 - Instructional Step 2 Step 2 pay level for union faculty
ADDASSUN - Additional Assignment - Union ADDASSUN - Additional Assignment - Union Additional payments for advising activities, voluntary teaching and research assignments (such as HHMI, SHTA). Anything over normal PAP for teaching would be a voluntary, additional assignment with the assignment noted in comments & worktag
ADDASSUN - Additional Assignment - Union ADDASSUN - MTA Additional payments for union faculty acting as masters' thesis advisors
ADDASSUN - Additional Assignment - Union ADDASSUN - SHTA
RCA - Retroactive Contract Adjustment RCA - Retroactive Contract Adjustment Contract negotiations that go beyond July 1st can require adjustments to salary for per course hires. Use this worktag when submitting one ot those adjustments
SSIU - Summer School Instruction - Union SSIU - Summer School Instruction - Union Union Faculty hired to teach Summer School courses are assigned this activity/worktag.
SSVA - Voluntary Assignment (Non-Union) SSVA - CA_Non_Student Course Assistant (Non Student) This is for 52 week employees acting as a course assistant above their FTE position already hold


Graduate Student Stipend Activities Worktag(s) to choose from Use Cases for the Activity and Worktags
CA - Course Assistant CA - Course Assistant Any graduate student who is not part of the union across all schools who is a course assistant receives this activity/worktag when hired/assigned as a course assistant.
FLSP - Fellowship FLSP - Fellowship

BIBS and A&S use this for PhD stipends

GSAS uses this pay out awards

Heller uses this for grant funded student positions

FLSP - Fellowship FLSP - SID Practicum


FLSP - Fellowship FLSP - Grad FCAS Fellow Compact fellowship payment for graduate students
GRADASST - Grad Student Assistant GRADASST - Grad Student Assistant GSAS uses this to pay orientation leaders and other work unrelated to fellowships
GRD - Grader GRD - Grader Graders are not full course assistants and are not part of the union. GSAS uses this activity/worktag for specific position for which they have a job description.
GFCAS - Grad FCAS Fellow GFCAS - Grad FCAS Fellow Specific to the Compact Grant; students receive this activity/worktag when they are funded by Compact
GRTGA - Training Grant Assistant (GR) GRTGA - Training Grant Assistant (GR) Any student that is on a training mechanism is assigned this activity/worktag in their PAP
GINT - Grad Student NonBrandeis Internships GINT - Grad Student NonBrandeis Internships Activity/worktag assigned for graduate students for work done outside Brandeis
GINT - Grad Student NonBrandeis Internships GINT - IBSSIA Specific to BIBS students' internships
JJWBLS - Joint Japan/World Bank Living Stipend JJWBLS - Joint Japan/World Bank Living Stipend Students who are funded by World Bank, but money comes through Brandeis to distribute to the students.
RA - Research Assistant RA - Research Assistant General category for grad students receiving compensation who are operating as research assistants in a nine or ten month program. (If longer than 10 months, they will be charged FICA).
RA - Research Assistant RA - Required Research assistantship that is part of the requirements for a student's degree; usually laid out in their offer letter. (If longer than 10 months, they will be charged FICA).
RA - Research Assistant RA - Additional Research assistantship that does not count towards a student's degree requirement and is not included in their offer letter. (If longer than 10 months, they will be charged FICA).
RANOFICA - Research Assistant (Non FICA) RANOFICA - Research Assistant (Non FICA) General category for grad students receiving compensation who are operating as research assistants in a 12 month program.
RANOFICA - Research Assistant (Non FICA) RANOFICA - Required Research assistantship that is part of the requirements for a student's degree; usually laid out in their offer letter.
RANOFICA - Research Assistant (Non FICA) RANOFICA - Additional Research assistantship that does not count towards a student's degree requirement and is not included in their offer letter.
TA - Teaching Assistant TA - Teaching Assistant TA in a 9-10 month program. Part of the graduate student union
TA - Teaching Assistant TA - Required Teaching assistantship that is part of the requirements for a student's degree; usually laid out in their offer letter.
TA - Teaching Assistant TA - Additional Teaching assistantship that does not count towards a student's degree requirement and is not included in their offer letter.
TANOFICA - Teaching Assistantship (Non FICA) TANOFICA - Teaching Assistantship (Non FICA) TA in a 12 month program where they are enrolled with no FICA. Part of the grad student union.
TANOFICA - Teaching Assistantship (Non FICA) TANOFICA - Required Teaching assistantship that is part of the requirements for a student's degree; usually laid out in their offer letter. They are enrolled in a 12 month program with no FICA and part of the student union.
TANOFICA - Teaching Assistantship (Non FICA) TANOFICA - Additional Teaching assistantship that does not count towards a student's degree requirement and is not included in their offer letter. They are enrolled in a 12 month program with no FICA and part of the student union.
TF - Teaching Fellowship TF - Teaching Fellowship Instructor of record for the class. Only used for students in a 9-10 month program and part of the grad student union.


Undergraduate Student Stipend Activities Worktag(s) to choose from Use Cases for the Activity and Worktags
ARTVEN - Artistic Ventures ARTVENT - Artistic Ventures Payments for students whose artistic contributions cannot be categorized as hourly paid work.
REU - Research Experience for Undergrads REU - Research Experience for Undergrads This worktag is used exclusively for students funded through NSF grants.
SAMSCH - Samuels Scholars SAMSCH - Samuels Scholars Undergraduate Compact Program compensation
TGA - Training Grant Appointee (TGA) TGA - Training Grant Appointee (TGA) Training appointment for undergraduates that is analogous to GRTA for graduate students
UGINT - Undergrad NonBrandeis Internship UGINT - Undergrad NonBrandeis Internship Technically a fellowship, this is an internship at a company or another university that Brandeis pays for
UGINT - Undergrad NonBrandeis Internship UGINT - WOW World of Work internship worktag
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship Fellowships paid out to undergraduate students via stipend
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Ugrad FCAS Fellow FCAS fellowship assigned to undergraduates
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Humanities Fellow Stipend for students who receive the Humanities Fellowship
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - MKAP Fellow Fellowship stipend for Myra Kraft Achievers Program
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - SURF - Summer Ugrad Research Fellow Fellowship stipend for SURF
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - AURF - AY Ugrad Research Fellow
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Provost Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow Stipend for undergraduate students who receive a Provost Summer Research Fellowship
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Fori & Robert Kay Undergraduate Research & Creative Collaboration Fellow Stipend for undergraduate students who receives the Fori & Robert Kay Research & Creative Collaboration Fellowship
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - URCC UGrad Fellowship Program Stipend for undergraduate students who receive fellowships from Undergraduate Research and Creative Collaborations group
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - David & Lola Swede P'89 Research Fellowship for Jewish Studies Stipend for undergraduate students who receive the David & Lola Swede P'89 Research Fellowship for Jewish Studies
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - URCC Fund Fellow
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Dr John R. Hose P'97, P'00 Research Fellowship Stipend for undergraduate students who receive the Dr. John R. Hose P'97, P'00 Research Fellowship
UGSF - Undergrad Student Fellowship UGSF - Ariel Weissmann Undergraduate Research Fellow Stipend for undergraduate students who receive the Ariel Weissmann Undergraduate Research Fellowship


Postdoctoral Activities Worktag(s) to choose from Use Cases for the Activity and Worktags
PDFEL - Postdoctoral Fellow PDFEL - Postdoctoral Fellow Individuals who have fellowships that they've written for and received. The funding mechanism pays for stipends. Very specific way to fund stipend. There's a FICA implication and how the grant/cc funds FICA and fellowship. Charged 7.7% FICA - no other taxes
PDNRSA - Postdoctoral NRSA PDNRSA - Postdoctoral NRSA Paid specifically to NRSA Funds through NIH and exempt from FICA
PDSAL - Postdoctoral Associate PDSAL - Postdoctoral Associate Compensation. Charged full fringe


Staff Salary Activities Worktag(s) to choose from Use Cases for the Activity and Worktags
PYP - Partial Year Pay PYP - Partial Year Pay HR uses this for non 52 week employees who are on staff
RES - Visiting Researchers RES - Visiting Researchers Appointment with Pay. Someone who comes to Brandeis to learn a technique for a short time. Always part of an appointment.
SSVA - Voluntary Assignment (Non-Union) SSVA - Voluntary Assignment (Non-Union) This is for 52 week employees. It's an additional job but it's above and beyond 1 FTE position they already hold
SSVA - Voluntary Assignment (Non-Union) SSVA - CA_Non_Student Course Assistant (Non Student) This is for 52 week employees acting as a course assistant above their FTE position already hold