Icon Glossary
The Icon Glossary provides an overview of some icons, graphics, or buttons you will see in Workday along with a description.
Worklets or applications appear as icons on your Workday homepage. These are used to perform different tasks. To launch a Workday worklet, click on the icon. Below are a few of Workday’s most common worklets.
Inbox - Similar to Gmail, view items in Workday that need your attention or action (e.g., approval), and sort/filter based on your personal needs!
Personal Information - View and update your personal information such as home or mailing address, emergency contact, and other details in the click of a button!
Instructors - View your course roster and teaching schedule using the instructor tools worklet.
Academics - Students will be able to view academic information such as registration and planning tasks, academic records, and advising functions from this worklet. Students will also be able to view their holds and current schedule.
Curriculum & Enrollment- From course creation and scheduling to analysis and tracking, Workday lets you do it all in a single system.
My Advisees- Feed Academic Advisees information such as program of study, academic standing, and contact information so you can help students chart their path to graduation.
Records & Advising- Students, faculty, and administrative staff can easily access student academic grading, find programs of study, and act if necessary.
Student Financial Aid- External quick links to the Financial Aid Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), and Financial Aid portal.
Student Financials- Easily access charges, apply payments, and disburse a variety of financial aid programs for Staff.
Student Account- Easily request a refund, pay your student bill, view tax documents, set up your payment elections and important external links for Students.
Student Recruiting- Find and attract ideal student prospects, then guide them through the application process.
Teaching- View your course roster and teaching schedule using the instructor tools worklet.
General Navigation
Workday Home - The Workday Home button will be on every screen in the upper left-hand corner. This can be clicked on any page within Workday to return home.
Search Bar - Using the search bar on the top of the page, easily find tasks, reports, or other data by searching for employees, students, reports, or keywords. Note: spelling does count!
Notifications - Notifications are all items you should be aware of in Workday.
My Shortcuts - This button located in the upper right hand of your screen, allows each person to customize their profile to their unique needs. A few examples would be frequently visited reports or tasks.
Error - Page error must be fixed before moving forward. Typically, this means your data is missing values or required fields.
Alert - An Alert is a soft warning in Workday meant to bring attention to items not required to be fixed but potentially helpful to prevent future errors.
Icons and Buttons
Favorites - Favorite an item in your inbox for quick access later. Select the star icon to save the inbox item as a favorite.
Sort Criteria - Using the sort button in your inbox, quickly sort for emails based on time sent, items favorited, or other predefined metrics.
Custom Filters - Custom filters allows everyone to quickly find information based on their unique needs. Custom filters can be created by business processes, or even conditions.
Process History - Allows a user to view details regarding each step that was completed, not required, or currently awaiting action. Also, you can view the status of historical requests.
Actions to take in the inbox
These are the action you can take on an item in your inbox, or to move to the next step of the business process. Options may vary by the type of action requested.
Approve - Approving a request advances it to the next step in the process or completes a business process. A business process is completed when indicated by the green checkmark.
Deny - Denying a request terminates a business process. The request must be submitted again by the initiator.
Cancel - Erases any changes you may have made to the request. The task remains in your Workday Inbox.
Save for Later - Saves changes that have made to the request so that you can come back to it later. The task remains in your Workday Inbox.
Add Approvers - Allows you the ability to add someone who normally isn’t part of the business process to see and approve the request.
Other Useful Icons
Workday includes several intuitive action icons you have probably seen on other websites. Below are a few common icons you will see in Workday.
Required Field - A value must be input in a required field before you can Submit.
Related Actions - Both icons reveal a menu of possible actions for a given task or function.
Dropdown List - Select this icon to reveal a dropdown list of items.
Full Screen View - Select this icon to view a report in full screen viewing mode.
Configure Options - Click to set preferences related to your current page.
Export to Excel - This icon allows you to download and save a report as an Excel spreadsheet.
Print - Select this icon to print a properly formatted version of the page you’re viewing.