Research Faculty
Expertise: Regulation of protein phosphatases and the evolution of cellular signaling.
Expertise: Single-molecule biochemistry and biophysics; transcription and RNA processing; cytoskeletal networks and regulation
Expertise: Structures, mechanisms, and evolution of cell death nanomachines
Lab Website | ScholarWorks
Expertise: Mechanisms for control of mitochondrial protein activity, quality and lifespan
Expertise: Structure-function studies of visual pigments and other cell surface receptors
Expertise: Mapping the functional repertoire of (bio)inorganic systems and protein metallocofactors; paradigms of (bio)catalysts relevant to the human health and environment
Expertise: Mechanisms of protein folding in the cell
Expertise: Evolution, structure, and function of macromolecular complexes
Teaching Faculty
Emeriti Faculty
Expertise: Structure and mechanism of ion channels and transporters
Expertise: X-ray crystallographic analysis of protein structure and enzyme mechanisms
Expertise: Structures of enzymes and enzyme-substrate complexes