Program Details
Alcohol, Cannabis and Other Drugs
Watch Your BAC
How much is too much? This workshop covers the basics regarding college drinking, including physiology, safer drinking strategies, and what to do in an alcohol emergency.
Facilitated by BTW Peer Educators | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 45 minutes
Request the Watch Your BAC workshop
Cannabis in College
Recreational cannabis use is legal in Massachusetts, but what does that mean for Brandeis students? This workshop discusses current cannabis products and their relative risks, harm reduction strategies and scenarios that encourage reflection on individual decision-making.
Facilitated by BTW Peer Educators | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 45 minutes
Request the Cannabis in College workshop
What is a Standard Drink?
This BTW tabling program invites participants to try pouring a standard drink of wine, beer and liquor.
Facilitated by BTW Peer Educators | In Person Table | 1-3 hours
Request What is a Standard Drink? table
Cannabis Triva
This BTW tabling program invites participants to answer trivia questions about cannabis and includes give-aways.
Facilitated by BTW Peer Educators | In Person Table | 1-3 hours
Support Around Substances: Alcohol & Other Drug Training for Student Leaders
Student leaders will learn how to identify and support someone struggling with substance abuse, strategies for interacting with intoxicated peers, what to do in an alcohol/drug-related medical emergency and practice making referrals to campus resources.
Facilitated by HAWP staff member | In Person or Zoom Training | 1-2 hours
Request Support Around Substances training
Planning Safer Parties: Party Hosting Hacks
Facilitated by HAWP staff member | In Person or Zoom Training | 1-2 hours
Request Planning Safer Parties training
Dealing with Drunk People: Alcohol Bystander Training
Facilitated by HAWP staff member | In Person or Zoom Training | 1-2 hours
Body Liberation
Body Positive Fundamentals
The Body Positive Fundamentals course is a powerful resource that teaches you to listen and to follow your innate wisdom to help you cultivate excellent self-care and peace of mind. In the Fundamentals course, The Body Positive's co-founders Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott, LCSW, CEDS-S, share powerful resources you can use to lovingly care for yourself. Through engaging teaching and storytelling, videos, guided meditations and worksheets, you can do your own self-exploration with the course material.
Self-Directed | Online Learning | 4 hours (at your own pace)
Sign up for Body Positive Fundamentals course
Body Positive Health
Body Positive Health is an introduction covering the first two Competencies of the Be Body Positive Model. This course will familiarize you with the principles of Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating and Movement.
Self-Directed | Online Learning | 2 hours (at your own pace)
Sign up for Body Positive Health course
Listen To Your Body: Practicing Intuitive Self-Care
Facilitated by a HAWP Staff Member | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
COVID-19 Student Training
The fall 2022 student COVID-19 training is mandatory and must be completed prior to your arrival on campus.
Self-Directed | Online Learning | 15-20 minutes (at your own pace)
Access COVID-19 Student training
Please note: Some students may be asked to complete additional COVID-19 training modules for specific roles or positions on campus (e.g., lab safety information). This training module is required in addition to any other COVID-19-related training you may be asked to complete.
Group Bonding
Building Healthy Group Bonds
This workshop, designed for club, team, chapter or organization members to do together as a group, explores the nuances of group bonding. Learn the difference between bonding and hazing, evaluate your group's existing traditions and brainstorm ways to strengthen group bonds while making your group more welcoming, inclusive and safe.
Facilitated by a BTW Peer Educator | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Building Healthy Group Bonds workshop
Hazing Prevention Training (coming soon)
This online training for student leaders explores the definition and nuances of hazing, its impact on participants, and strategies to encourage positive and healthy group bonding.
Self-Directed | LATTE Training | 1 hour
Mental Health
BCC Services 101
Curious about what the BCC is and offers? We’ll review the ins and outs of our practices, answer commonly asked questions, and demystify what actually happens in therapy!
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request BCC Services 101 workshop
Mental Health Bingo
An interactive, classic game of bingo with a mental health twist. This training is best offered as an introduction to general mental wellness topics.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Mental Health Bingo workshop
Meet the Community Therapy Team
Did you know many departments across campus have a dedicated BCC clinician that works within the community? Invite our dynamic Community Therapists to talk about the program, their unique approaches, and what sets Community Therapy apart from traditional BCC services.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Meet the Community Therapy Team workshop
Managing Test Anxiety
Facilitated by a BTW Peer Educator | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Managing Test Anxiety workshop
Imposter Syndrome 101
Facilitated by a HAWP Staff Member | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Imposter Syndrome 101 workshop
Imposter Syndrome for Marginalized Groups
While many people experience imposter feelings (chronic self-doubt and a sense of fraudulence), people from marginalized groups and/or who are underrepresented in the work/school place tend to be hit harder. This presentation will focus on identifying and overcoming these feelings, with a specific emphasis on how it plays out within different groups of people.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Imposter Syndrome for Marginalized Groups workshop
Transitioning to college and/or back from a leave of absence, studying abroad, and even COVID can be exciting, but sometimes also scary or stressful. In this workshop, you will learn strategies to prepare, self-monitor, and take care of yourself as you transition to or back to Brandeis life.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Where Do Others End and I Begin?
In this educational workshop we’ll discuss the origins, costs, and :gasp: benefits of chronic caretaking. Touching upon topics like compassion fatigue, burnout, and the impact on marginalized populations, we’ll examine how these patterns contribute to irrational thoughts and beliefs. Participants will walk away feeling empowered to reimagine healthy caregiving.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Where Do Others End and I Begin? workshop
Courageously Vulnerable Conversations
What if we told you vulnerability was the gateway to meaningful connection? What if we told you "courage" was a synonym for "vulnerability?" In this thought provoking workshop we'll rewire our understanding of relationship formation, reframe pre-existing beliefs about vulnerability and rehearse authentic communication.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Courageously Vulnerable Conversations workshop
Suicide Prevention Training (coming soon)
This online training teaches student leaders to identify signs of emotional distress, depression, and suicidality, be prepared to talk to a student in distress about suicide, be prepared to respond in an emergency and make referrals to campus resources.
Self-Directed | LATTE Training | 1 hour
Supporting Others
How to Support Someone in Distress
Don't worry, you got this! In this workshop, you will learn common warning signs, basic skills to talk/listen to a distressed peer, and how and when to contact the BCC and/or other campus supports.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request How to Support Someone in Distress workshop
How to Build Listening, Empathy and Validation Skills
Ever feel stuck with what to say to a friend when they're seeking support? Are you listening to understand or respond? We'll review and practice the cornerstones of active listening as well as common hits and misses of empathy and validation.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request How to Build Listening, Empathy and Validation Skills workshop
Motivational Interviewing
This training provides an introduction to, or refresher on, motivational interviewing skills to build rapport and support behavior change with students. A counseling technique originally developed for substance abuse, it can be applied to any type of behavior change.
Facilitated by a BCC counselor | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Stress and Self-Care
Managing Stress
Participants will discuss the stress response cycle and its effects, explore effective self-care practices, and explore the role of community care in personal and collective well-being. The workshop closes with a progressive muscle relaxation exercise.
Facilitated by a BTW Peer Educator | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 45 minutes
Request Managing Stress workshop
Self-Care For Student Leaders
This workshop identifies self-care strategies to address the additional stressors student leaders may experience, including over-commitment and burnout, pressure to be a good role model, compassion fatigue and vicarious (or secondary) trauma.
Facilitated by a HAWP Staff Member | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Self-Care For Student Leaders training
Mindfulness Table
This BTW tabling program gives participants information about mindfulness and includes give-aways.
Facilitated by a BTW Peer Educator | In Person Table | 1-3 hours
Sleeping Well at Brandeis
Facilitated by a BTW Peer Educator | In Person or Zoom Workshop | 1 hour
Request Sleeping Well at Brandeis workshop
Sleep Consultations
This BTW tabling program invites participants to assess their sleep hygiene and make a sleep plan. This table includes give-aways.
Facilitated by BTW Peer Educators | In Person Table | 1-3 hours
Education and Training
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Contact Us
The Office of Health and Wellness Promotion is located in the Shapiro Campus Center, room 328.