About Us
The Office of Health and Wellness Promotion (HAWP) supports students' well-being so they can make the most of their Brandeis experience. We coordinate campus-wide health and wellness efforts through evidence-based promotion and prevention strategies, offering educational programs and events, health information and resources, and peer education.
Our Vision
We envision a Brandeis campus community that values and prioritizes wellness as a critical foundation for academic, personal, and professional success. The Office of Health and Wellness Promotion (HAWP) engages the larger Brandeis community in breaking down systems of oppression in order to support the physical, social, and emotional well-being of all its members.
Our Foundational Beliefs
- We see wellness as multi-dimensional: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, occupational, and environmental.
- We believe that all people should have equal access to health and wellness, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, age, immigration status, religion, ability, and size.
- We practice evidence-based, theory-informed health promotion and prevention.
- We teach harm reduction strategies and respect the autonomy of all individuals to make their own choices for their bodies and their health.
- We believe your health and wellness choices are not associated with a moral judgement. Your choices do not make you a better or worse person.
- We are aligned with the Health at Every Size approach and do not promote weight loss as a wellness or health goal.
- We acknowledge that every individual is unique and that some wellness strategies may work for some but not others. We trust that each individual is the expert on their own experience.
- We believe all bodies are good bodies. We believe all bodies are worthy bodies.