Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows
As resources allow, postdoctoral fellowships are offered to outstanding emerging scholars who are completing or who have recently completed a dissertation in Jewish education or a related field; whose scholarly interests align with the focus of the Mandel Center on teaching and learning in Jewish educational settings; and who are prepared to spend two years in residence at the Center. While at Brandeis, postdoctoral fellows are supervised by Center faculty; undertake their own research and writing projects while also contributing to, and sometimes leading, projects on behalf of the Center; and become active and valued members of the intellectual community at the Center.
We are not presently offering postdoctoral fellowships, but we are eager to learn about young scholars and explore ways that we might be helpful. Please be in touch with Jon Levisohn.
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Jacob Cytryn, ABD
Program Director, Camp Ramah in Wisconsin
Orit Kent, PhD, 2008
Director of the Beit Midrash Research Project
Dissertation: "Interactive Text Study and the Co-Construction of Meaning: Hevruta in the DeLet Beit Midrash."
Susan Tanchel, PhD, 2006
Head of School, JCDS: Boston's Jewish Community Day School
Dissertation: "Honoring Voices: Listening to the Texts and the Teachers, the Scholars and the Students."
Ziva Reimer Hassenfeld, 2016–19
Dissertation: "Making sense of student sense-making: An investigation into classroom text discussions in Hebrew bible classrooms."
Stanford University, 2016
Tsafrir Goldberg, 2011–12
Dissertation: " 'Everyone knows that's how things were': High school students' history learning processes — Between collective memory narratives and disciplinary skills."
The Hebrew University, 2006
Renee Rubin Ross, 2009–11
Dissertation: "Parental involvement and community cohesion at a Jewish, Catholic and independent day school."
New York University, 2009
Inbar Galili-Schachter, 2008–09
Dissertation: "Teachers and commentators: hermeneutics of teaching Jewish philosophy in secondary schools: Case Studies."
Hebrew University, 2008
Eran Tamir, 2006–08
Dissertation: "The politics of education reform: state power and the field of educational policy in New Jersey."
Michigan State University, 2006
Susan M. Kardos, 2004–06
Dissertation: "Supporting and sustaining new teachers in schools: the importance of professional culture and mentoring."
Harvard University, 2004