Publications and Additional Resources
Kent, Orit and Allison Cook (2014). "Leveraging Resources for Learning Texts Through the Power of Partnership." Mandel Center working paper.
Kent, Orit and Allison Cook (2014). "Teachers as Learners and Practitioners: Shifting Teaching Practice Through Havruta Pedagogy." Journal of Religious Education, Volume 109, Issue 5, 2014.
Kent, Orit and Allison Cook (2013). "Intentional Chevruta Learning: Cultivating Ethical and Spiritual Growth in Learners." Think, The Lola Stein Institute Journal (Fall 2013). 22-23.
Holzer, Elie, with Orit Kent (2013). A Philosophy of Havruta: Understanding and Teaching the Art of Text Study in Pairs. Academic Studies Press.
Kent, Orit and Allison Cook (2012). "Havruta Inspired Pedagogy: Fostering An Ecology of Learning for Closely Studying Texts with Others." Journal of Jewish Education 78:3.
Kent, Orit and Allison Cook. "Doing the Work: Interpretative Experience as the Fulcrum of Tanakh Education." Ha'Yidion (Summer 2012). 58-60.
Kent, Orit and Allison Cook (2012). "Three Partners in Study: Two People and a Text." Sh'ma, A Journal of Jewish Ideas. 42:690.
Holzer, Elie and Orit Kent (2011). "Havruta: What Do We Know and What Can We Hope to Learn from Studying in Havruta?" International Handbook of Jewish Education 5. New York: Springer.
Kent, Orit (2010). "A Theory of Havruta Learning." Journal of Jewish Education, 76:3, 215 - 245.
Holzer, Elie (2009). "'Either a Hevruta Partner or Death': A Critical View on the Interpersonal Dimensions of Hevruta Learning." Journal of Jewish Education, 75:2, 130-149.
Kent, Orit (2008). Interactive Text Study and the Co-Construction of Meaning: Havruta in the DeLeT Beit Midrash. Brandeis University. Doctoral dissertation.
Feiman-Nemser, Sharon (2006). "Beit Midrash for Teachers: An Experiment in Teacher Preparation." Journal of Jewish Education. 72:3, 161-181.
Holzer, Elie (2006). "What Connects 'Good' Teaching, Text Study and Hevruta Learning? A Conceptual Argument." Journal of Jewish Education. 72:3,183-204.
Kent, Orit (2006). "Interactive Text Study: A Case of Hevruta Learning." Journal of Jewish Education. 72:3, 205-232
Related Publications
Bergom, Inger, Mary C. Wright, Marie Kendall Brown, and Michael Brooks (2011). "Promoting College Student Development Through Collaborative Learning A Case Study of Hevruta." About Campus, 15:6, 9-25.
Raider-Roth, Miriam and Holzer, Elie (2009). "Learning to be Present: How Hevruta Learning Can Activate Teachers' Relationships to Self, Other and Text." Journal of Jewish Education, 75:3, 216-239.
Brown, Steven M. and Mitchel Malkus (2008). "Hevruta as a Form of Cooperative Learning." Journal of Jewish Education. 73:3, 209-226.
Holzer, Elie (2007). "Ethical Dispositions in Text Study: A Conceptual Argument." Journal of Moral Education. 36:1.
Holzer, Elie (2007). "Allowing the Biblical Text to do its Pedagogical Work: Connecting Interpretative Activity and Moral Education." Journal of Moral Education. 36:4.
Ratzersdorfer Rosen, G. (2003). Empathy and Agression in Torah Study: Analysis of a Talmudic description of Hevruta Learning. In Wisdom from All My Teachers, J. Sacks and S. Handelman (Eds.). Jerusalem and New York: Urim, 249-263.
Siegel, A. (2003). Hevruta Study: History Benefits and Enhancements. Jerusalem: ATID.
Halbertal, M. Hartman Halbertal, T. (1994). The Yeshivah. In A.O. Rorty (Ed.), Philosophers on Education: New Historical Perspectives. New York: Routledge Stone.
Jaffe, A. (1992). Two thousand years of Interactive Readers: The Jewish Tradition of Text Study and Commentary. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference. Kansas City: University of Missouri.