2017 Teacher Forum

March 5, 2017

Joel WestheimerWhat Kind of Citizen: Educating Our Children for the Common Good with Joel Westheimer

  • How schools prepare students to become responsible, ethical and active citizens of a just, democratic society

  • How teachers of all subjects teach young people to engage with the world around them and work to improve it

In this interactive presentation and workshop, Dr. Joel Westheimer detailed how teachers, principals, parents, students and school reformers pursue meaningful ideals of democracy, social justice and civic community.

Joel Westheimer is University Research Chair in Democracy and Education at the University of Ottawa and education columnist for CBC Radio. He began his education career as a summer camp director and was a middle school teacher in the New York City Public School system. His newest book is "What Kind of Citizen: Educating Our Children for the Common Good," (Teachers College Press, 2015). He tweets at @joelwestheimer.

Dr. Joel Westheimer, Teacher Forum 2017

Video: Dr. Joel Westheimer — What Kind of Citizen?