Mandel-Brandeis Series in Jewish Education

We are now accepting proposals for the Mandel-Brandeis Series in Jewish Education, a new book series with Brandeis University Press.
This series, which aims to produce two volumes per year, will provide an outlet for the publication of rigorous scholarship in the field of Jewish education research. It will produce and disseminate scholarly monographs and edited volumes about Jewish educational settings and processes.
To Submit a Proposal
Please send the following to Jenny Small:
Book title and subtitle
Project description
Introduction to the book
Table of contents
Sample chapter
Biographies of authors or editors, in the case of an edited volume
Format, page extent (including number of illustrations, if any)
Comparable books
Intended audience
Proposed publicity and marketing plan
Series Editors
- Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Professor Emerita of Jewish Education
- Jonathan Krasner, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Chair in Jewish Education Research
- Jon A. Levisohn, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Chair in Jewish Educational Thought
Books in the Series
Sivan Zakai and Matt Reingold, editors. (2024). Teaching Israel: Studies of Pedagogy from the Field. Brandeis University Press.
Ziva R. Hassenfeld. (2024). The Second Conversation: Interpretive Authority in the Bible Classroom. Brandeis University Press.
Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer. (2022). Inside Jewish Day Schools: Leadership, Learning, and Community. Brandeis University Press.
Joseph Reimer. (2022). Making Shabbat: Celebrating and Learning at American Jewish Summer Camps. Brandeis University Press.
Events in the Series
Book Launch - Teaching Israel: Studies of Pedagogy from the Field May 30, 2024
Book Launch - The Second Conversation: A Conversation with Ziva Hassenfeld March 13, 2024
Book Launch - Making Shabbat: A Conversation with Joe Reimer September 15, 2022
Book Launch - Inside Jewish Day Schools: A Conversation with Alex Pomson and Jack Wertheimer March 24, 2022