Teaching During a Time of Crisis

What happens in a classroom when a country has suffered a series of attacks that shake its sense of security?

What pedagogies take priority when teachers and students are forced to educate and learn during a time of war?

Teaching During a Time of Crisis addresses the current moment in Israel during Fall 2023, as teachers have been forced to move their classrooms online and work with their students in a time of extreme duress. Led by Professor Ziva Hassenfeld, the research team has spoken with over 40 teachers to find out how they think about their classrooms and teaching, even as disasters continue to unfold. Teaching During a Time of Crisis will tell the stories of the war as it is reflected in the education systems in Israel and as it is reflected and experienced by teachers and learners.

One year into the research, Professor Hassenfeld shares an update.

This project is funded in part by the Office of the President at Brandeis University.


Research Assistant

Hadar Fisher headshot
Hadar Fisher

Dr. Hadar Fisher is an instructor at Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital. Her goal is to improve treatment for depression by better recognizing the precise mechanisms that contribute to depression and exploring which interventions can target and address these underlying mechanisms. Specifically, she is interested in the role of maladaptive and adaptive emotion dynamics in the development and treatment of depression.