Alumni Publications and Placement
Yasser Kureshi's (PhD’18), Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Oxford, book "Seeking Supremacy: The Pursuit of Judicial Power in Pakistan," was published by Cambridge University Press in the Cambridge Studies in Law and Society.
Magdalena Krajewska's (PhD’11), Associate Professor of Political Science, Wingate University, article, “Implementing the REAL ID Act: Intergovernmental Conflict and Cooperation in Homeland Security Policy,” was published by Publius: The Journal of Federalism (Oxford University Press, Summer 2020).
Also, the paperback version of her book "Documenting Americans: A Political History of National ID Card Proposals in the United States" (Cambridge University Press, 2017) was released this year.
Ehud Eiran (PhD’10), appointed visiting scholar (2019-2020), Department of Political Science, Stanford University, and published "Post-Colonial Settlement Strategy" (Edinburgh University Press, 2019).
Jeffrey G. Karam (PhD’16), assistant professor of Political Science and International Affairs at the Lebanese American University (LAU). He is also a non-resident associate at the Middle East Initiative at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. Jeffrey is currently working on a book examining the nexus between American intelligence and foreign policy in the Middle East.
Yasser Kureshi (PhD’18), visiting scholar with the Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme at Oxford University, and a Senior Teaching Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies. His dissertation, "Judging the Generals: Judicial-Military Interactions in Authoritarian and Post- Authoritarian States," was awarded the 2019 Edward S. Corwin Award for the best dissertation in public law by the American Political Science Association.
Ryan LaRochelle (PhD’16), Lecturer, Cohen Institute for Leadership and Public Service, University of Maine. His recent publication, "Reassessing the History of the Community Action Program, 1963-1967" [Journal of Policy History 31, no. 1 (2019)] examines an original dataset of 98 community action agencies and argues that the program was a bold experiment in administrative reform that launched a range of diverse anti-poverty initiatives that were tailored to local circumstance and community needs.
Victoria McGroary (PhD’17) serves as Deputy Political Director at NewDem Action fund. She also served briefly as the press advance consultant for Elizabeth Warren for President and was Sen. Warren’s early vote director during her 2018 campaign for Senate.
Catherine Worsnop (PhD’16), assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Public Policy and a research associate at the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM). Current projects examine international cooperation during global health emergencies and state compliance with WHO’s International Health Regulations. Work on these topics has been published or is forthcoming in "The Review of International Organizations," "Global Health Governance" and "International Studies Perspectives."
Ehud Eiran (PhD’10) appointed Associate Professor, School of Political Science, University of Haifa, Israel.
Karim Elkady (PhD’15), postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Strategic Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, was awarded the Smith Richardson Strategy and Policy Fellowship.
Sarah J. Feuer (PhD’14), Senior Fellow in The Washington Institute's Geduld Program on Arab Politics, published "Regulating Islam: Religion and the State in Morocco and Tunisia" (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
Banu Eligür (PhD’06), Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Baskent University in Ankara-Turkey, won the inaugural Bernard Lewis Memorial Prize at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of ASMEA (Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa).
Adam Smith (PhD’17) accepted a tenure-track position at the University of Dubuque in Dubuque, Iowa. Adam also has an article forthcoming in the journal Constellations.
Ned Littlefield (MA’17) will begin doctoral work at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the fall.
Benjamin Beutel (MA’17) will begin doctoral work at Texas A&M in the fall.
Mika Hackner (MA’17) will enter the politics department's PhD program as a Schusterman Center fellow in the fall.
Catherine Worsnop (PhD’16) has accepted an Assistant Research Professorship at the School of Public Policy, University of Maryland-College Park.
Ryan LaRochelle (PhD’16 ) accepted a position at the Cohen Institute for Leadership and Public Service at the University of Maine.
Jeffrey G Karam (PhD’16) accepted a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University and was appointed visiting assistant professor at the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University. Jeffrey also published "Missing Revolution: The American Intelligence Failure in Iraq, 1958" in the journal Intelligence and National Security.
Karim Elkady (PhD’15) has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Strategic Studies at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.
Leanna Barlow (PhD’14) was appointed Dean of Silliman College at Yale University.
Sarah Feuer's (PhD’14) book "Regulating Islam: Religion and the State in Postcolonial Morocco and Tunisia" is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press.
Paul Herron's (PhD’14) book "Framing the Solid South: The State Constitutional Conventions of Secession, Reconstruction, and Redemption, 1860-1902" was published by the University Press of Kansas.
Magdalena Krajewska's (PhD’11) book "Documenting Americans: A Political History of National ID Card Proposals in the United States" was published by Cambridge University Press.
Matt Isaacs (PhD’17) has published "Faith in Contention: Explaining the Salience of Religion in Ethnic Conflict" in the journal Comparative Political Studies and "Sacred Violence or Strategic Faith? Disentangling the Relationship between Religion and Violence in Armed Conflict" in Journal of Peace Research.
Catherine Worsnop (PhD’16) has accepted a tenure-track position at Worcester State University. Cat also published "Domestic Politics and the WHO's International Health Regulations" in the journal Review of International Organizations.
Jack Huguley (MA’16) is assistant program manager at the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.
Sean McKinley (MA’16) has accepted a position at the Survey Center at the University of New Hampshire.
Paul Herron (PhD’14) has accepted a tenure-track position as assistant professor at Providence College.
Jonathan Snow (PhD’13) was appointed to a tenure-track assistant professorship in the Department of Public Affairs at Roanoke College.
Timothy McCarty (PhD’11) accepted position as sssistant professor at University of San Diego.
Matthew Tattar (PhD’10), named military professor, US Naval War College.
Paul Herron (PhD’14) bisiting sssistant professor, Brandeis University.
Eugene Kogan (PhD’13) Director, American Secretaries of State Project, Future of Diplomacy Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School.
Sarah Staszak (PhD’10) published "No Day in Court: Access to Justice and the Politics of Judicial Retrenchment" (Oxford University Press, 2015).
Micah Zenko (PhD’09), Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, publishes book, "Red Team: How to Succeed by Thinking Like the Enemy."
Ofir Abu (PhD’13) was awarded the Kreitman post-doctoral fellowship at Ben Guion for the 2014-15 academic year.
Jacqueline L. Hazelton (PhD’11) has recently accepted a two year position as assistant professor, Department of Strategy and Policy, U.S. Naval War College in Newport, RI.
Jonathan Snow (PhD’13) will be starting a two year visiting assistant professorship in International Relations at Roanoke College in Salem, VA.
Leanna Barlow (PhD’14) has accepted a position as Senior SomerStat Analyst in the office of Mayor Joseph Curtatone, City of Somerville, MA.
Paul Herron (PhD’14) will be a Visiting Professor and Pre-Law Advisor at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Paul's article on slavery and state constitutional development is forthcoming in the Journal of Policy History.
Sarah Feuer (PhD’14) has been named the Soref Fellow for 2014-15 by the Washington Institute for Near East Policy in Washington, DC.
Eugene Kogan (PhD’13) has accepted a position as Stanton Nuclear Security Postdoctoral Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University.
Timothy McCarty (PhD’11), Assistant Professor, University of San Diego, has coedited "Right-Wing Radicalism Today: Perspectives from Europe and the US" with Sabine von Mering, Associate Professor of German and Women's Studies and Director of the Center for German and European Studies at Brandeis University.
Sarah Staszak (PhD’10) was named Robert Wood Johnson scholar at Harvard (2013-15).
Ehud Eiran (PhD’10) has been appointed Assistant Professor at University of Haifa, Israel. His recent publications include: "What Happens After Israel Bombs Iran?" "Palestinians Cross the Border into Israel: When Two Storms Converge," "What Makes Alliances Last" and "Lost Tribe: Are Israel's battles costing the country its soul?"
Billy Geibel (MA’12) has received a Fulbright Fellowship to teach English in Turkey for the 2012-13 academic year.
Anja Karnein (PhD’05), Assistant Professor at Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, has published "A Theory of Unborn Life: From Abortion to Genetic Manipulation" with Oxford University Press.
Scott Lasensky (PhD’01) Joined the State Department as advisor to US Mission to the UN and co-authored, "The Peace Puzzle" (Cornell University Press).
Timothy McCarty (PhD’11) has accepted an assistant professorship at Franklin & Marshall College
Ehud Eiran (PhD’10) spent the 2010-2011 academic year as an Associate at the International Security Program at Harvard's Belfer Center and will spend this upcoming year as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Haifa University.
Jacqueline L. Hazelton (PhD'11) has accepted a visiting assistant professorship in the Department of Political Science at the University of Rochester.
Magdalena Krajewska (PhD’11) has been appointed assistant professor at Wingate University.
Banu Eligür's (PhD’06) book, "The Mobilization of Political Islam in Turkey," has been published by Cambridge University Press.
Dan Kenney (PhD’10) has been appointed a Jack Miller Post-Doctoral Fellow at James Madison College of Michigan State University for the academic year 2010-2011.
Claudia Schaler (PhD’10) has been appointed Assistant Professor, St. Francis Xavier University in Antagonish, Nova Scotia.
Micah Zenko's (PhD’09) book, "Between Threats and War: U.S. Discrete Military Operations in the Post-Cold War World," has been published by Stanford University Press.
Shefali Misra (PhD’09) has been appointed tenure-track assistant professor, St. Michael's College.
Lili Peaslee (PhD’09) has been appointed tenure-track assistant professor, James Madison University.