
Affiliates are members of local and national organizations that partner with the Center for Spiritual Life to support the religious and spiritual needs of Brandeis students.  All affiliates are approved through the Chaplaincy Circle Membership Review Committee.  If you have any questions about a group not listed below, review this guide related to unaffiliated religious organizations.

Affiliates are responsible reporters, which means they must share any information that has been disclosed to them regarding discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct with the Brandeis Office of Equal Opportunity.  They are also required to report signs that anyone is in imminent danger of harm to the appropriate authority.

picture of a young smiling blonde person with a long New York bridge in the background
Adele Andrews
Campus Ministry Organizer, Sanctuary Boston
Pronouns: they/all

Adele Andrews is the Campus Ministry Organizer for Sanctuary Boston, a community of worship grounded in Unitarian Universalism and open to seekers of all kinds. They run events for Unitarian Universalist students across the Greater Boston Area and mentor student organizers leading ministries at their own colleges, including Sanctuary Brandeis.

Adele is a recent Northeastern graduate. They received both a BA Political Science and Environmental Studies and an MS in Environmental Science and Policy there. During college, they co-founded and served as a hub coordinator for their school's chapter of the youth-led climate justice organization the Sunrise Movement. In the summers they work and live in an intentional community at a UU conference center in New Hampshire. These experiences taught them how young people create community together to define what future they want to move towards and find spiritual meaning. They hope to continue helping build these sacred spaces in this role and others.

headshot of Fr. Shawn Carey
Fr. Shawn Carey
Catholic Priest, St. Jude Parish

Fr. Shawn Carey was ordained in 2009. Prior to his ordination, he studied at Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton, Massachusetts, mainstreamed as one of the two deaf students at Cathedral High School in Springfield, Massachusetts, and received a BA in political science and bBusiness from Providence College.

He attended St. Patrick Seminary & University in Menlo Park, California, and then worked as parochial vicars for communities in Massachusetts and as director for the Deaf Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Boston. He has led many retreats and workshops for the Deaf Catholics nationwide and internationally. He is currently an administrator in Team Ministry with Fr. Jeremy St. Martin at St. Jude Parish in Waltham. He has served on the board of directors for the National Catholic Office for the Deaf since 2013.

In his spare time, Fr. Shawn enjoys CrossFit, skiing, playing soccer, reading, movies and traveling.

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Donald Choi
Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) Affiliate

Donald rejoined the staff of Brandeis Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) in 2024 after serving at MIT ABSK and overseas doing mission work in the Republic of Georgia. He holds a doctorate in Chemistry and has a great love of science and technology, but his real passion is serving and supporting college students with the love of Jesus Christ. He and his wife Jung Yoon Choi, with other staff members, can be found in the Shapiro Campus Center every Friday night, feeding students with good food, fellowship, and the Word of God.

Donald is a college pastor at Antioch Baptist Church in Cambridge, and his "day job" is being the principal of a small homeschool co-op. He loves teaching children to appreciate the joys and wonders of God's Creation and helping them reach their God-given potential.

headshot of Ariel Cohen
Rabbi Ariel Cohen
JLIC Educator, Hillel

Rabbi Ariel grew up in Jerusalem. He studied in the Horev high school in Jerusalem then Mechinat Eli, and served as a commander in an elite unit. He loves to explore the latest unmarked hiking trail, organizes local minyanim (prayer groups) and tutors adolescent immigrants. He also loves to play basketball and soccer. When he isn't learning with a neighbor, he works as an accountant — but he says he secretly hates numbers. Ariel has been a Shalhevet Leadership Fellow with Mizrachi World Movement and OU-JLIC in Israel.

He serves as one of Hillel's Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) Educators. The JLIC is a national partnership between Hillel and the Orthodox Union that places rabbinic couples on select campuses to serve as Torah educators and mentors for students.

headshot of Dorit Cohen
Dorit Cohen
JLIC Educator, Hillel

Dorit grew up in West Orange, New Jersey, and always dreamed of making aliyah to Israel. She attended Stern College and worked as a Beit Midrash Fellow at SAR High School. After making Aliyah, she earned an MA in education psychology at Ben Gurion University and a teaching certificate at David Yellin College of Education in Jerusalem. In Israel, she was an English reading specialist, a school psychologist, and taught at a local elementary school. She is passionate about helping immigrant children and their parents acclimate in the Israeli school system. When not counseling or teaching, you can find her reading a book or trying out a new recipe.

Dorit serves as one of Hillel's Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (JLIC) Educators. The JLIC is a national partnership between Hillel and the Orthodox Union that places rabbinic couples on select campuses to serve as Torah educators and mentors for students.

Headshot of Yaakov Frankel
Yaakov Frankel

Yaakov was born and raised in Manchester, United Kingdom. He spent a few years in a Yeshiva, a talmudic college, both in England and in Israel honing his learning/teaching skills and developing his character. After marrying his wife Chavi in June 2019, Yaakov and Chavi settled in Jerusalem and joined a program named Kollel Eitz Pri. The program focuses on self-growth, learning and teaching skills, coaching and guiding, with opportunities for hands-on experience. Other than his joy for learning and teaching Yaakov is an avid football (called soccer on this side of the pond!) fan and loves playing with friends.

Yaakov joined the MEOR team of Boston in September 2022 and is responsible for MEOR programming and education at Brandeis University. It will be an exciting journey for all of us, for MEOR, for Family Frankel, for the students and their families and for Brandeis University.

What is MEOR?

Launched in 2005, MEOR’s unique brand of Jewish leadership training, sophisticated text-based study and experiential education programming highlights the importance of Jewish values, identity and community. In over 15 years, MEOR has impacted more than 18,000 undergraduate students, encouraging them to connect with Judaism on their own terms and in their own time.

photo of Yoni Ganger
Yoni Ganger

Yoni is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis where he majored in philosophy/neuroscience/psychology and played tennis on the team. After university, a year off to study Judaism in Israel before going to medical school became nine. He became a rabbi, receiving ordination from the Jerusalem Kollel. For the last seven years, he has been running MEOR programming at Harvard University, bringing Jewish text and philosophy to light. He looks forward to working with Brandeis students starting this year.

Launched in 2005, MEOR’s unique brand of Jewish leadership training, sophisticated text-based study and experiential education programming highlights the importance of Jewish values, identity and community. In over 15 years, MEOR has impacted more than 18,000 undergraduate students, encouraging them to connect with Judaism on their own terms and in their own time.

headshot of a man who appears to be Asian and middle-aged, outside
Orton Huang

Orton is delighted to join the staff of Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK) at Brandeis, after serving on staff at MIT and Boston College ABSK for over 15 years. As an undergrad, Orton studied computer science at MIT. And at ABSK during his college years, he discovered a spiritual family dedicated to loving one another with the love of Jesus Christ. He began serving with ABSK after he graduated. Orton is dedicated to ministering to college students at ABSK, helping them deepen their Christian faith through the study of the Bible, and providing a place for them to experience precious fellowship (with lots of fun and great food!) and nurture lifelong friendships.

Orton works as a cyber security researcher at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He also serves as a deacon at Antioch Baptist Church in Cambridge, MA. In his spare time, he enjoys photography, cooking for lots of hungry students, and cheering for the Patriots.

headshot of Miriam Hoffman in what appears to be a brick courtyard
Rabbi Miriam Hoffman
Reform Senior Jewish Educator

Rabbi Miriam was ordained from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in May 2023. At the University of Arizona, where she received her BA in Family Studies and Human Development, Rabbi Miriam was heavily involved in Hillel University of Arizona.
After graduation, she spent a year in New York as an Avodah Jewish Service Corps member, before heading to Jerusalem to kick off her rabbinic studies. Upon returning to Los Angeles, Rabbi Miriam served as the rabbinic intern for Hillel at USC for two years, where her excitement for Hillel work was reignited.
She believes that college students deserve spiritual leadership and mentors who will help guide them along their journeys. She is proud to be a part of this movement and to be a part of the Brandeis team!
When not working, you can find Rabbi Miriam doing various arts and crafts, hitting the gym, or talking Torah with friends and family.

A headshot of a smiling woman with a blue hijab and black glasses, with water in the background
Dalia Mabrouk
Muslim Affiliate

Dalia Mabrouk is originally from Egypt, where she practiced as a medical doctor. She now lives in Boston with her husband and three children. She is pursuing a Masters in Islamic Religious Leadership at the Boston Islamic Seminary. She loves being in nature and at the sea shore, and enjoys cooking and handcrafts, especially sewing, knitting and crochet.

headshot of Samantha Pickette in a field
Samantha Pickette
Assistant Director, Hillel

Dr. Pickette is excited to join Brandeis Hillel as the new Assistant Director this fall!

As the Assistant Director of the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Texas she created UT’s first Jewish Studies undergraduate students association, built a study abroad program in Jewish studies, and led partnerships with the local film festival and Hillel. She coordinated the Gilda Slifka Summer Internship at the Hadassah Brandeis Institute for three years, mentoring students and facilitating their learning about Jewish Boston in a collegial and pluralistic setting. Samantha has a master’s in Journalism and a doctorate in American Studies, both from Boston University. She is also a published author (Peak TV’s Unapologetic Jewish Woman: Exploring Jewish Female Representation in Contemporary Television Comedy).

headshot of a smiling man with black hair and slight beard and moustache with glasses
Anjelo Rocero
Team Director, Boston FOCUS

Anjelo is the Team Director for Campus Boston with FOCUS, which stands for the Fellowship Of Catholic University Students. The organization leads Bible studies and helps students to grow in their faith, walk with others, and live a life of discipleship. He is entering his eighth year with FOCUS and has served in many capacities on a variety of college campuses, including directing mission trips, leading retreats for college students, and mentoring students and missionaries. Please reach out to him about Bible study or learning more about the Catholic faith. Anjelo is a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia, PA with a degree in Neuroscience and Psychology. He loves the city life and is able to find the best places to eat, drink coffee, and hang out in any city.

Picture of Marianne Smith
Marianne Smith
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

Marianne is a graduate of Connecticut College with a liberal arts bachelor's degree in environmental biology and holds a master's degree in missional church movements from Wheaton Graduate School in Wheaton, Illinois. For the last 10 years, she has served Brandeis, specifically \graduate students and faculty. She particularly enjoys encouraging students to think through the integration of their faith and profession in ways that cause flourishing and common good.

She is in her 14th-year serving with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a vibrant campus ministry that establishes and advances communities of students and faculty who witness to Jesus as Savior within the vocational context of the campus. It supports students to engage in discipleship around Scripture.

Headshot of Fr. Quang Tran
Fr. Quang D. Tran, SJ
Catholic Priest, Society of Jesus

Quang D. Tran, S.J., is a Jesuit priest of the Central Southern Province. He is originally from New Orleans, Louisiana, and is a doctoral candidate in counseling psychology at Boston College. He recently began an internship as a clinical fellow of Harvard University.

Man with smile leaning against a large pillar with his arms crossed
Fr. Joe Weiss
Catholic Priest, Society of Jesus

Fr. Joseph E. Weiss, a member of the Society of Jesus, was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. After graduating from Benedictine College in Atchison Kansas he was an elementary and middle school teacher before entering the Jesuits. Following ordination to the priesthood he served as the associate pastor for Sacred Heart Parish on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota before pursuing graduate studies in theology. Fr. Weiss received his Doctorate in Liturgical Studies from the University of Notre Dame where he also taught undergraduate and graduate students in theology. Having been the pastor of Saint Thomas More Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota for 12 years, he joined the faculty of the School of theology and Ministry at Boston college as Professor of Liturgy in 2016 and has served the Catholic Community at Brandeis University since 2022.

head shot of an Asian man in his 20s or 30s in a blue buttoned shirt
Tony Yu
Cru Boston

Tony is a Cru Brandeis alum who fell in love with campus ministry during his time of study at the International Business School. A native of Beijing, Tony brings professional experiences from Higher Education and Consulting, and has called both Tennessee and Illinois home before moving to Massachusetts. He is excited about partnering with Cru to encourage students in practicing the Way of Jesus and living out God's mission on campus and onwards.

Yuegang Zhang headshot
Yuegang Zhang
Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston

Yuegang Zhang is a pastor at the Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston in Lexington, MA. Pastor Yuegang grew up in China. He became a Christian in 2001. He is passionate about both science and Christian faith. He has a Ph.D. in Chemistry from SUNY Buffalo and a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. Yuegang is affiliate chaplain of the Mandarin fellowship at Brandeis, which welcomes all the Mandarin speaking members of the Brandeis community to know about the Holy Bible and the Christian faith.

 View Brandeis Chaplaincy Circle Agreement

Membership Review Committee:

  • Professor Ziva R. Hassenfeld (Mandel Center for Studies in Jewish Education)
  • Professor Kristen Lucken (Religious Studies and Global Studies)
  • Alex Rossett, Assistant Dean of Student Rights and Community Standards
  • Rabbi Seth Winberg, Director of Spiritual Life and Senior Jewish Chaplain