Summer Course Information
When should I register for summer courses?
Due to the popularity of summer classes, we strongly recommend students register in Workday as soon as they are able. Registration opens in early April, and students on our email list will be notified first, followed by an all-student email.
Before registration opens, Brandeis students may want to review their Workday account and make sure they do not have a hold that could prevent registration. Many summer courses fill to capacity quickly! Please see the "How do I register?" section below to learn more about registration.
What courses are being offered this summer?
You can view our list of summer courses here.
Additionally, to help you balance your summer work and play, we post summer course syllabi so you have an accurate idea of the work involved in each course.
For Visiting Summer Students you can provide copies of course syllabi to the Registrar's Office at your home college or university. This will let your Registrar's Office determine if they will accept the Brandeis course and credits toward your degree.
How do I register?
All registration will take place in the Brandeis records system called Workday. Your path to enrollment differs if you are an existing Brandeis student, or if you are a visiting student from another college or university.
Brandeis Students
When summer registration opens, all Brandeis undergraduates and students who have signed up for our email list will receive an email announcement. Additionally there will be announcements on social media.
Registration opens early April. Because of the popularity of summer online classes, many online classes will fill up, so early registration is advised. Students may wish to make sure they don’t have any holds on their Workday account that might prevent registration.
You can complete your course registration in Workday using the steps found in this helpful PDF guide for Searching and Registering for Courses in Workday.
Additional step-by-step Job Aids and Video Tutorials for using Workday are available online here.
Visiting Students
As a visiting student, you'll also want to first review this important information about being a visiting student at Brandeis. Starting early April 2024, this page will also feature a link to an online form to create a new Brandeis student record.
Once you have a Brandeis Student ID number you will create your Brandeis Identity (including your "" email address).
After creating your Brandeis Identity, you will be able to use the Username and Password that you created to complete your course registration in Workday using the steps found in this helpful PDF guide for Searching and Registering for Courses in Workday.
Additional Help for Common Tasks in Workday
Additional step-by-step Job Aids and Video Tutorials for using Workday are available online here.
These resources help students to navigate Workday and performs many common tasks, such as:
- Completing new student onboarding
- Managing your Student Profile
- Searching for Summer classes and enrolling
- Paying account balances
- Viewing and clearing holds
- ... And many other important functions.
What courses are being offered in the 10-week session online and which are offered in the 5-week sessions?
Visit our course listings page. There you can easily see which courses will be offered in each session and which courses are offered asynchronously, on Zoom-based remote learning, and on campus.
Generally speaking, most on-campus and Zoom-based remote learning classes are offered in the 5-week sessions and most asynchronous courses and internships are offered in the 10-week extended session. However, there are some exceptions to this guideline. So be sure to consult the course listings page or the course listing in Workday.