Training Catalog for Faculty and Staff
Below, you will find a list of all job aids and training materials available to faculty and staff relating to Workday functionality. For specific instances related to student, HR, or financial functionality, please use the Navigating Workday guides.
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Job Aids for Recruiting, Hiring, Job Changes, and Compensation
Job Aids:
- All Students BRANU - includes general student data that departments can use to view information about students associated with particular academic units, programs of study, or academic levels
- All Students (Matrix) BRANU - counts of students across the Brandeis schools with limited bio/demographical data
- Course Section Data by Term BRANU - course section data, including instructors, meeting patterns, enrollments, capacity, etc
- Enrollments by Major BRANU - lists students, programs of study, and courses enrolled
- Enrollments (Matrix) BRANU - list counts of students within specific graduate schools and their course registrations
- Graduation Requirements for Administrators BRANU - identifies active and enrolled students, as well as students on a leave of absence, with academic requirements that have not yet been satisfied
- Grade Distribution by Course (Matrix) BRANU - view how many students received a particular grade in a course. You can create filters to narrow down results and view the grades by student and course section
- Conferred Degrees Dashboard - allows users to see the degree count data for degrees awarded from 1987 through the most recently completed degree years. The dashboard data's is updated once a year following the May graduation period.
- Consolidated Statistics (Student Constats) Reports - official University census snapshots pulled twice a year (March and October). There is a dashboard for each school at the University.
- Using Find Course Sections Brandeis Report - how to search for course sections by academic periods