Creative Arts
Elements of Writing
- Counter-arguments
- Eight ways of using a source
- Hooking your reader
- Integrating quotations
- Matrix method for literature reviews
- Motivating the argument
- Motive in the disciplines
- Paragraphs; see also Introduction, Body, Conclusion Research
- Playwriting
- Stitching words
- Verb tenses (literature)
- Verbs for introducing sources
- Writing a literature review
- Writing and research
Style and Grammar
- Active and passive voice
- Citations (Chicago Manual of Style)
- Citations (Modern Language Association style)
- Citations (Turabian Manual of Style)
- Comma rules
- Grammar and punctuation
- Qualifiers
- Semicolon rules
- Semicolons, colons and dashes
- Sentence patterns
- Tenses
- Word choice