Professional Development Travel for University Writing Program and Language Instructors
The dean of arts and sciences has a budget to support a limited amount of travel for professional conferences and meetings, if grant or other funding is not available.
Because the travel budget is limited, authorization of requests are made subject to budget constraints on a first-come, first-served basis. Please refer to the faculty travel policy for overall eligibility requirements. In submitting your request, please observe the following guidelines.
- Language and University Writing Program instructors may receive up to $2,500 in travel funds once per academic year to attend a conference, workshop, training session or other professional activity at which they do not present a paper.
- Travel funds for this purpose include money for transportation (air, train, car, etc.), ground transportation (if applicable), registration fees and one night of hotel stay.
- The conference, workshop, training session or activity must be related to professional development, which may include language teaching, literary studies and technology in the classroom. The professional activity attended must be offered under the auspices of a recognized professional organization, and it must contribute to the language instructor’s work at Brandeis.
- A language or University Writing Program instructor interested in attending a conference, workshop, training session or other professional activity should submit a travel request form, accompanied by a written request for funding to the director or coordinator of the program he or she teaches. In this request, the language instructor should provide:
- The name of the sponsor of the conference, workshop, etc., and a brief explanation of the professional standing of this group.
- An explanation of how the knowledge gained at this professional activity will benefit other language instructors and the language program(s) in his or her department.
- A proposed date on which to present to the language instructors, in his or her field or department, the knowledge learned at this professional activity.
- If the director or coordinator supports the activity, he or she will sign the Faculty Travel Request form and forward it, accompanied by the written justification, to budget administrator Brian Schutter in the Office of the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Directors and coordinators who wish to ask for funding will follow the same procedures, but their travel requests should be signed by the department chair.
- After the conference, workshop, etc., attendees will report on their experiences to others in the department (or field) at Brandeis. In this report, they will explain how they plan to use what they have learned in their teaching and how they plan to evaluate its results.